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Panties in the woods


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Recently I came across a log and pictures from a local cache that mentioned cast-off women's panties were found nearby,


Through the Looking Glass


And I remembered this one from another thread,


Three Ponds Causeway


And a few more with no details on which cache they were nearby or from. I'm wondering if there is a co-relation between geocaching and cast-off women's panties, and if so, what would that be?






"Software isn't released, it's allowed to escape."


Although I wasn't caching at the time, I came across a pair hanging in a tree on a park trail. They were red, and I thought it was a trail marker or something tied to a branch... I absentmindedly grabbed the "trail marker" only to have it follow my hand. I saw what they were, and put 'em back.


Also, just yesterday I came home with a pair of purple panties from the laundromat. I guess they were in the washer or dryer that I used. Maybe I ought to go put them out by a geocache. icon_wink.gif




Originally posted by Jamie Z:

Also, just yesterday I came home with a pair of purple panties from the laundromat. I guess they were in the washer or dryer that I used. Maybe I ought to go put them out by a geocache. icon_wink.gif




Go for it!


At first I though that maybe someone gave up looking for the cache and just decided to get nakid and run around in the woods(something else I've heard about on the forums but have never seen).


That stuff can be expensive, I've bought the occasional set myself(for my wife though - no really!).


"Software isn't released, it's allowed to escape."


Originally posted by Zartimus:

I'm wondering if there is a co-relation between geocaching and cast-off women's panties


Man, I sure hope so! And if there is, this is about to become the most popular game in the history of Mankind, ages 14 and up.




About a year ago in Utah they had a cache called 'Bra-strap Park Cache' from the comments, and the pictures, it apears that when the guy went to hide the cache, some one had tied numerous bras together and strung them between the trees like clothes lines. I bet there must have been around 30 or 40 bras. It makes you wonder about the purpose of the bras. icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by armed to the teeth:

About a year ago in Utah they had a cache called 'Bra-strap Park Cache' from the comments, and the pictures, it apears that when the guy went to hide the cache, some one had tied numerous bras together and strung them between the trees like clothes lines. I bet there must have been around 30 or 40 bras. It makes you wonder about the purpose of the bras. icon_eek.gif


...or Utah-in-general *duck* icon_wink.gif hee hee ho ho




At Stratton Mountain in VT, there is a tree that is full of women's panties and bras (and one pair of mens jockeys). It is right next to a chairlift, so I assume the skiers toss them there from the lift.


I'm told that the panties and bras are stolen from a from the previous night's "conquest" of a skier, patroller, or instructor and placed in the tree as a trophy of sorts.


From the looks of it, there is a lot of conquesting going on at the mountain!


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs, but by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" -Max Beerbohm


I had the misfortune of encountering the Purple Surprise at this cache -- a purple pair of *men's* underwear sitting right at the mouth of the hollow log the cache was hidden in.


I was at Three Ponds Causeway early this week. I don't recall seeing the panties. Maybe that's why it took me a while to find the cache.



"It doesn't take a nucular scientist to pronounce 'foilage'." --Marge Simpson


I took the unmentionables out of the Three Ponds Causeway when I was there a couple months ago. Some people take their kids out on these finds and I thought those articles would be inappropriate.



David J. Brown


I also found bra's and undies only they were left beside the trail. I can understand why they would like to take them off but why go home without them?

Bob icon_confused.gif


Originally posted by rut:

I also found bra's and undies only they were left beside the trail. I can understand why they would like to take them off but why go home without them?

Bob icon_confused.gif


Because some geocachers were heard coming up the trail and they pulled on their 'outerwear' and took off leaving the rest behindicon_biggrin.gif


BTW - I will 'trash out' stuff like that so no one else's kids will see it, but the used condoms are going to be there awhile icon_frown.gif


At the very first cache we ever found, someone had "lost" their pants nearby. For many months, people noted in their logs that "the pants" helped them locate the area of the cache.


I have never encountered women's panties on any of my hikes, but I have seen many a discarded pair of men's briefs ... usually hanging in bushes/trees, and a couple of times within 5 feet of caches. icon_eek.gif


If this counts anyway. We found an undershirt on the trail up to the Old Cornish Farm cache, draped across a rock. Have photo. It's locked in my program and I can't get it out!


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


When we were relatively new geocachers we were searching for a cache and through the woods there was a bright red marker hanging in the tree close to what we assumed was the cache as we got closer my 8 year old grandson said Papa that a pair of panties. sure enough when we got there the ladies panties were tied in a small tree. we looked for 10 to 15 minutes for the cache before finding the cache 200 yds away. we left the marker to throw off others. ther still there fooling other cachers.

the federation


I remember seeing this thread a while ago. This past weekend low and behold what do I find by an old railroad trestle? A pair of blue britches. What is the deal with this???




[This message was edited by beggymike14 on December 17, 2002 at 07:47 AM.]


Originally posted by beggymike14:

A pair of blue britches.

I dunno about Eastern Wisconsin, but around here, britches (or breeches) are trousers.




We'll go with skivvies then. Or bloomers.


You're right, britches=slacks. I guess unconciously I wanted to say panties, but was thinking, "Where in Holy Hill are the 'britches' the go with them skivvies".


[This message was edited by beggymike14 on December 18, 2002 at 08:18 AM.]


The only clothing i can think of finding at the moment was a pair of shorts (outer wear type) back in October. They were less than 30ft from a cache that was pretty trashed up. "took log book, left shorts" icon_wink.gif




As a mom with young kids always around, if my husband & I find some privacy at the spur of the moment, we're gonna take it! icon_biggrin.gif Really, though, what's with the prudery about removing the underwear just so kids won't see it, like they don't know that women wear panties, but leaving the dirty used condoms to pollute the environment? We try to always carry a bag to remove all trash. Happy hunting!


I ran into some panties on the second cache I ever found. It was in an area that locals like to party in quite a bit. It was still warm outside and I had all four of my children with me (three girls and a boy). Never been there before, so I had the kids stay back a little while I scouted the area out to make sure it was clear! I'll have to bring my wife, minus the kids, when it gets warm!! My two favorite things at the same time..... icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by lujack:

I have yet to see a pair of MENS' panties.


Yes, I sadly found a pair that was, well, um, recently fouled..... icon_eek.gif Hot day too.


My message Icon is usually the smilie with sunglasses, I didn't want to spend time looking for a puking smilie though.


this as been on sale in the store for awhile dont know if one has been bought but it would be an interesting item to find.Look.


Happy Hunting icon_smile.gif



"Welcome to Macon,Ga the town where stupidity rules and sanity takes a vacation."

Originally posted by amazingracer:

this has been on sale in the store for awhile dont know if one has been bought but it would be an interesting item to find.


Especially if someone was wearing them!! icon_biggrin.gif



[This message was edited by Jomarac5 on January 03, 2003 at 02:45 AM.]


A few years ago a local radio station sponsored a fund raiser for breast cancer by donating money for every bra donated, I think the idea was for a closeline that would stretch across the Hudson River at Albany. They did manage to do it.


Originally posted by armed to the teeth:

About a year ago in Utah they had a cache called 'Bra-strap Park Cache' from the comments, and the pictures, it apears that when the guy went to hide the cache, some one had tied numerous bras together and strung them between the trees like clothes lines. I bet there must have been around 30 or 40 bras. It makes you wonder about the purpose of the bras. icon_eek.gif


If they were tied together, perhaps someone was using them as a giant slingshot. icon_biggrin.gif


Stranger things have been known to occur.


I was emailed this joke and immediatly thought of this thread. icon_biggrin.gif


A young man wanted to purchase a Christmas gift for his new girlfriend and as they had not been dating very long, after careful consideration, he decided a pair of gloves would strike the right note: Romantic, but not too personal.

Accompanied by his sweetheart's younger sister, he went to J.C. Penny and bought a pair of white gloves. The sister purchased a pair of panties for herself.

During the wrapping, the clerk mixed up the items and the sister got the gloves and the sweetheart got the panties. Without checking the contents, the young man sealed the package and UPS it to his sweetheart with the following note:

Dear Susie,

"I chose these because I have noticed that you are not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evening. If it had not been for your sister, I would have chosen the long ones with the buttons, but she wears the short ones that are easier to remove. These are a delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from showed

me the pair she had been wearing for the past three weeks and they were

hardly soiled. I had her try yours on for me and she looked really smart. I

wish I was there to put them on for you the first time, as no doubt other

hands will come in contact with them before I have a chance to see you again.

When you take them off, remember to blow in them before putting them away as they will naturally be a little damp from wearing. Just think how many times I will kiss them during the coming year.

I hope you will wear them for me on this Friday night."

All my love, Martin

PS The latest style is to wear them folded down with a little fur showing.


Be careful what you wish for!


Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I found several sets in the woods on the Secret Garden cache. Like this nice black lace number.



Must have been left over from the summer, unless it's some weird initiation to the polar bear club that I don't know about.


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

At Stratton Mountain in VT, there is a tree that is full of women's panties and bras (and one pair of mens jockeys). It is right next to a chairlift, so I assume the skiers toss them there from the lift.


I'm told that the panties and bras are stolen from a from the previous night's "conquest" of a skier, patroller, or instructor and placed in the tree as a trophy of sorts.


From the looks of it, there is a lot of conquesting going on at the mountain!


_"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs, but by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" -Max Beerbohm_

I've seen similar trees at other ski areas. Perhaps this sort of tree reproduces by dropping it's seeds onto skiiers who then unknowing transport them to other mountains, once on the lift the wind comes along and the seeds hit the ground and take root.


King Pellinore


I found panties in the woods on cache hunts in Tennessee and Alabama last week.


The first sighting was a pair hanging in a shrub near The Wolf River Bottoms cache in Tennessee. The trails there are popular for joggers. Why would a female jogger decide to 'go commando' 2 miles deep in the woods, though? Hmmm...


The other sighting was on the Wade Mountain trail in Huntsville, AL. I was on my way up the mountain to hit all the caches along the way & noticed panties lying just off the trail.


I had a good time huntnig the caches, but it looks as though somebody else may have had a better story to tell. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Indiana Jeff:

Looks like there are a lot of "Tom Jones" caches out there.....


Tom Jones? Don't want to sound stupid, but what does that mean? We have a Tom Jones Drugstore around here. That's why I was asking.



row, row, row your boat


Tom Jones? Don't want to sound stupid, but what does that mean? We have a Tom Jones Drugstore around here. That's why I was asking.


Replying to this will show my age, but the reference is to Tom Jones the singer. During his performances, women would sometimes throw their panties on stage. icon_eek.gif


"Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us" - Thomas Paine



You know, it just occurred to me that I know many women who don't wear underwear regularly. I know only one male who goes commando. Now why are panties the prevalent underwear find since a smaller percentage of the underwear being brought into the woods are panties?


Then the other question is, assuming the panties represent a certain activity took place, are men more conscientious dressers?



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