Guest TJWilson Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 I'm starting this thread to find out how many female Geocachers there are on this forum. Please be specific. If your spouse/sig. other got you involved, tell us. If it's the other way around, and you got your spouse/sig. other involved, or got involved on your own, tell us that as well. Have fun with this expirement fellow Geocachers. I will be tabulating the responses after 2 months. At that time I will start a male geocachers thread which will last for 2 months. Total time ofor expirement will be 4 months. TJWilson ------------------ I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. Quote
Guest casey4791 Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 Aha! I'll be the first to reply! I am woman, hear me ask for the coordinates! I got into caching by myself after I found the site one day cruising around on the web. I usually go alone on my hunts, but there have been times I've persuaded a few friends to join me. Quote
Guest Katetrex Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 Another female here... I heard about the web site from a friend. My original purpose in acquiring a GPS was for kayaking trips. Maps are ok, but I wanted more precision. I used to participate in orienteering but have found geocaching to be pleasantly similar but eminently more accessible. Geocaching is a better activity for the entertainment of my visiting relatives and friends than my kayaking trips. If I can't find someone to go on a hunt, I'll go alone. Quote
Guest GarminGirl Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 Cheers to all the single GPS owning girls out there! I just got mine and I've been going geocaching by myself. Quote
Guest makaio Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 My daughter, Delaney (22 mo) has been geocaching with me since she was just 7 months. She's female, so I suppose she counts [This message has been edited by makaio (edited 01 March 2002).] Quote
Guest DonnaG Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 Hi, My husband mentioned the web site to me after a co-worker told him about an article in the Toronto Star. After checking out the web site I asked for a GPSr for Xmas! Having a surveying background, I have known about GPS since the 80's (back when the receivers were the size of a large briefcase). Since hubby and I both have jobs working with mapping data, it seemed like a good way to "ground truth" our hard work, get some exercise, and spend some quality family time. The best part of geocaching is that our two boys, who complained about walking around the block, can't wait to go "treasure hunting" and usually run the whole way to a cache. I am the "cache crazy" member of the family though. Hub is just along for the walk.(brown hair BTW) - Now where are all those girls I went to school with...? [This message has been edited by DonnaG (edited 17 February 2002).] Quote
Guest Tomebug Posted February 14, 2002 Posted February 14, 2002 I stumbled across Geocaching on the degree confluence web site. I hunt alone about half the time (well, with my attack dalmation along too), my kids come with me when they're not in school, and I have been able to persuade a few friends to try it out with me. Funny thing about that, I usually don't hear from them again for a while! My husband is really not interested. If I can find a cache with a good historical aspect, he'll think about it. He's just happy I found a hobby that's not very expensive. Oh, I'm also a redhead!! Well, only my stylist knows the truth. [This message has been edited by Tomebug (edited 19 February 2002).] Quote
Guest MissJenn Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 We attended a Holiday Party this past Dec, and they had a prize giveaway. When your number was called, you could choose from among the goodies at the big gift table. I picked a Garmin eTrex .... and that's how I started! Two finds so far (almost 3 ... ). My husband has accompanied me on both finds so far, but not on this 3rd ... Where's In A Name, and requires help from a 2nd geocacher far away. ------------------ All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power. - Ashleigh Brilliant © Quote
Guest MissJenn Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by TJWilson: I will be tabulating the responses after 2 months. At that time I will start a male geocachers thread which will last for 2 months. Total time ofor expirement will be 4 months. Sounds like a REALLY fun idea. Just be aware that what you are tabulating may be how many male/female geocachers post in these forums, as opposed to how many male/female geocachers participate in the activity. (but you may have already thought of that anyway!) I'm still interested in what you find, though! Good luck. [This message has been edited by MissJenn (edited 15 February 2002).] Quote
Guest Ttepee Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 Ok now what about this topic deserves it a spot in the unusual category? Nothin unusual about it! I heard about geocaching on a mail list support group for parents of children with ADHD(attention defecit hyperactivity disorder). Soon as I looked at the site I knew it was for me. My boyfriend owed me a birthday present from a month previous so the next day I had myself a gps, and the next weekend we were out there hunting. My son loved it at first, boyfriend hated it from the beginning... now my son says it's my hobby not his and he comes with me on hunts just because he feels sorry for me and doesn't want me to have to go alone. He's my favorite caching partner, I love when he comes with me, especially to hide caches. I've always described him as a modern day Daniel Boone. He doesn't miss a thing out in the woods... gives me a whole new perspective. It's been a great activity to get us together for fun positive experiences. I've gone some hunts solo when my son's got something else going on. I am always trying to scrounge up friends looking for a hike but they see me coming these days and hide... my sister comes with us frequently and she gets a kick out of it too. Quote
Guest Mopar Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by TJWilson:I'm starting this thread to find out how many female Geocachers there are on this forum. As a little side study, how many of you have red hair? Seems to to me to be a higher percentage of redheads caching. Quote
Guest Ttepee Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 Sorry to upset your theory Mopar... blonde... and sis is blonde too. Quote
Guest casey4791 Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 quote: As a little side study, how many of you have red hair? Seems to to me to be a higher percentage of redheads caching. Hmm...that all depends if you mean red from birth or red from box. Quote
Guest Red Rover Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 This is the Red Rover part of the Trickster and Red Rover duo. My husband (then my fiancee) told me about geocaching last spring, but when a newspaper article came out in the Sacramento Bee in June, I was the one that suggested we actually go for it. Haven't stopped since! I am blonde. Sorry! Quote
Guest essay Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 I first learned about geocaching from my editor ... once I did the story, I was sure that it was just about the perfect sport for my copy editor buddy at the newspaper. I borrowed a GPS and we hunted and found a cache just north of town (a 1/1 that still took two trips ) Next payday he was at the sporting goods store shopping for an Etrex. As my reward for finding him a new hobby, I get unlimited use of the GPS for a whole year! (Hey, can I log that as a find?) He hunts more than I do -- because he travels more and take the GPS with him -- I hide more and spend more time on the forums and such. My hubby is OK with caching, but isn't bitten by the bug. My two boys are OK with it, too, but aren't nearly as interested as Mom, who mass produces sig items and frets about planning a event cache this spring. So caching makes an outdoorsy thing to do when I want some time for me. I usually do hunt with my caching buddy; it's often a longish drive and it's good to have someone to talk to. I've also done a few with a friend or two along to introduce them to the sport. Light brown/dark blonde, occasionally lightened from the box ... Quote
Guest Zhanna Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 Another female cacher reporting... I don't know how I got started in this, really; I came across the website one day and then remembered seeing an article about geocaching in the newspaper not too long before. I'd been interested when I saw the article, but for one reason or another I just didn't pursue it at that time. When I came across the site and started exploring it, though, I really became obsessed. I bring my SO along on most hunts; the amount of dragging required depends on the day and on the particular route of travel . He enjoys it, but he's not as adventurous (insane) as I am. Which is probably a good thing; it keeps us safe and usually gets us home for dinner at a decent hour . Quote
Guest Zhanna Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 Sorry, forgot the hair-thing: light brown, if anyone cares ~Zh. Quote
Guest Cacher Jane8276 Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 Found out about geocaching through walking and exercise topic. Looked at the web site and thought it would add interest to my walks. Dh got me a emap for my birthday but dare I say it was too much for me so I gave it to dh for Christmas and he got me a etrex. We use both now, his to navigate to the cache area and mine to find the cache!! The kids come sometimes but we go a bit slow for them as we like to do birding at the same time. So this is the perfect 3 in 1 hobby. Light brown. Blue eyes. Quote
Guest RedwoodRed Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 As posted in other threads, I am the female/mother/domestic goddess aspect of the GeoGadgets Team that includes Steak N Eggs and our sons Muffin Man and Copperhead. Geocaching was something I learned of in June of 2000 on a show done by the Discovery Channel (similar to what is now TechTV). I brought it up to the other half, but until he asked me what I wanted for my birthday in Sept. '01, we didn't get started. We have more than 25 finds so far and I have found that my disability (physical) has interfered very little in my ability to enjoy this sport. My SigOther and kids are hard pressed to catch me when I'm heading out the door to find a new cache placed within 100 miles of us! Oh, and I'm 41 years young, a redhead from birth - complete with pale, easily sunburned skin (and the skin cancer removal scars to prove it), and green/hazel eyes. My eyelashes are reddish blonde as are my eyebrows. My youngest son gets his handle Copperhead honestly. That boy's hair is as bright as a new copper penny. Gorgeous! Mine is more auburn red, like my Dad's was when he was young. Oh, and WOMEN RULE - men drool! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite Quote
Guest Ranboze Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 Another GPS Gal. Yeehaw! Can't remember who told me about it, but I was intrigued from the moment I heard about it. Got an etrex several months later which sat in the box for awhile. Im great at following trails on topo maps, but am miserable at using a compass. So one day, I just dove right in. Taught myself, through books and inet, about gps technology, map datums, etc. I love hunting for caches. Haven't hid one yet. I usually go alone or with a friend. I got my sister and her friend hooked (Bufallo Gals). So cheers to all the gals!!! Quote
Guest DLiming Posted February 15, 2002 Posted February 15, 2002 I'm lliming of the dliming and crew, a brunette who loves the out of doors and hiking. Our hunts are usually done as a family which includes our daughter (who logs separately) and our 4 year old grandson. My husband intoduced me to the sport. He stumbled upon the site through a link from the GPS manufacturer's's web site. He is already on his third GPS. Prior to Geocaching, we used the GPS primarilly as a mapping tool as we traveled the back roads. It helps a lot when we hunt historic covered bridges that are usually off the beaten path. My husband and I hiked and camped when we dated and still enjoy it after 25+ years of marriage. After 279 finds in 8 months, we're still enthused! It is great to spend the time together as a family. The 4 year old brings so much raw excitement to the hikes and finds. He reminds us to "stop and smell the roses" or to look at the tracks in the mud, to study a bug, or the color of something, or.... you get the idea. I plan to lead several Girl Scout programs in the spring or summer to introduce girl and adult scouts to the sport. I have really enjoyed visiting so many new parks. Happy caching! Quote
Guest coralgeo Posted February 17, 2002 Posted February 17, 2002 I heard about Geocaching in Feb 2001 in an article on CNN's website. Sounded really fun, and a good way for me and my boyfriend to spend quality time together -- give us a purpose for our day hikes. I use a larger GPS to groundtruth data at work (coral reef geologist for USGS), but bought a small eTrex for geocaching. Now, boyfriend is gone, but my little GPS is hanging in there! I've hunted a few by myself, but usually have family or geo-friends accompany me. -coralgeo PS: light-medium brown :-) ------------------ Into a melody of deep blue; shells drifting downward to sink and settle on the seafloor. An earth song of creation kneads them into stone, draws aside the waves and lifts them into mountains. -Nancy Penrose Quote
Guest T-storm Posted February 17, 2002 Posted February 17, 2002 I was introduced to geocching by the hubby, who had found his way to this site accidentally when randomly surfing the web. We found our first cache about 10-14 days after we found the site and have been regularly caching since. Usually one or the other of us can't stand to not go caching at least one day each weekend, and sometimes in the evening during the part of the year that the light lasts longer. On those occasions when we DON'T plan to go caching, little Geoferret will likely ask, so we go anyway! When hubby was going out of town on business recently he planned to meet up with cachers out there and I planned a trip out-of-town to visit a friend and introduce her family to caching. Unfortunately we all wound up sick and no one got to go! And auburn hair... T-storm ------------------ Quote
Guest spiker_biker Posted February 17, 2002 Posted February 17, 2002 Another female geocacher here. I found out through some guys at work, and had a gps within 2 weeks. I love it. Started out taking a friend along who is as obsessive as I am and we have a blast. She bought her GPS on the way home from the first cache. Now we want to go all the time. We both mountain bike so this adds to the pleasure, walk it or ride it or climb it..we'll give it a shot. spiker_biker and jbongo. Quote
Guest moore9ksu Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Ok, here's to redhead female geocachers! Five of us usually go geocaching (family affair). I am the mom, and have red hair. My 17 yr old daughter also goes with us, and has red hair, also. The 15 yr old daughter goes, too.... but her red hair (sort of a burgandy) is from a box! So... does that count for 3 female redhead geocachers? Quote
Guest moore9ksu Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 An addendum to the above post... We got started together, when friends from church kept telling us about it. He finally sold us his old Garmin 12, and now we geocache as a family whenever possible. (Sometimes it is just 1, 2 or 3 caching, rather than five or six.) It is a disappointing weekend when something else keeps us from geocaching! Quote
Guest Hoosiermom Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Well, I am very new to this sport and haven't actually been on my first hunt I so don't know if I count or not. But I am female (blonde) and just bought my first GPS mainly for geocaching. I found out about geocaching through a highpointers discussion forum. I told my husband about it who didn't seem terribly interested at first but lately has been warming to the idea. My kids are excited about our first outing. We are spending the weekend at a nearby state park that just happens to have a geocache. It's a bit of a family get-together and I was telling my sister (also blonde) about my new eTrex and she started telling me about this neat sport she read about where you can look for things people have hidden using a GPS... This was supposed to be a skiing and tobaggoning trip but since there's no snow, I'm hoping a successful geocache hunt will make the weekend a success despite the un-wintry weather. Wish us luck! Hoosiermom Quote
Guest madphatboy2 Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Good luck and welcome. And I would love to know the name of the cache that is in the state park. If it was approved by the park, alot of us would like to know the secret as to how that was done. Again welcome! ------------------ MPB2 I wander from here to there looking for. . .my mind? And then I find it in the cache. Quote
Guest Ramness570 Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 I was researching buying a new SUV and was frequenting the XOC (Xterra owners club) website. Found a link there, plugged in our zipcode and saw there was one in a local park. There were only 7 in our state at the time so we did not have much to choose from. I told Christine about what I had found which at the time was on the verge of looking stupid since we had only been dating for a few weeks at that point. She seemed interested in it so on Halloween 2000 we bagged our first, cache #30 "Stone Mountain" by Chris Reynolds which was 7 miles away. We both went back to work the next day telling everyone about our adventure! She has gone on all but 10 or so hunts out of 72 and helped me place 8. ------------------ Team Ramness570 Brian, Christine & TabascoX Senior Member Southeast Xterra Club Geocaching since October 2000. Quote
Guest Gossamyrrh Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 Here's another redhaired cacher-gal! (naturally red, but augmented with henna to cover the natural grey) Brown eyes, semi-pale skin (I can tan, I just hate laying out), and the obligatory freckles. I'm looking forward to the day that I can show up Mopar on the caching trail. Quote
Guest Lone Ranger Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 I'll put in agood word for daughter Cowgirl--of the YYYYEEEEHHHHAAAWWW fame. Natural blonde. LR&T Quote
Guest Mopar Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Gossamyrrh:I'm looking forward to the day that I can show up Mopar on the caching trail. Keep it up there, GEOBABE! Of course you'll show me up, how can I compare to a hot,firey redhead such as yourself? [This message has been edited by Mopar (edited 19 February 2002).] Quote
Guest cliffy Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 Got to hang out in chat tonight with Mopar and some "Geo-Babes"...WAY - Quote
Guest cliffy Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 suddenly I keep picturing a scene from the movie "Barb Wire" where a high heeled shoe(or more likely a hiking boot) is hurtlin' towards my forehead........."don't call me BABE".....doooh [This message has been edited by cliffy (edited 19 February 2002).] Quote
Guest k Posted February 20, 2002 Posted February 20, 2002 "m" of m&k here ("k" being my 11-yr.old son). I read a newspaper article about geocaching, and knew just what to do with all that $$$ I would make from the garage sale. It covered the cost of my Legend. I love having 'k' with me, but hubby can't go due to physical limitations. No, not a redhead. Quote
Guest web-ling Posted February 20, 2002 Posted February 20, 2002 My wife is Nutri-Mom (34 finds, brunette), and my daughter is Miss Pumpkin (75 finds, light brown, age 5). I introduced both of them to geocaching. Neither one frequents the forums (Miss P isn't allowed on the Internet yet, and Nutri-Mom is somewhat cyberphobic). Nutri-Mom and Miss Pumpkin, along with Curly Tiger. [This message has been edited by web-ling (edited 20 February 2002).] Quote
Guest Gossamyrrh Posted February 20, 2002 Posted February 20, 2002 quote:Keep it up there, GEOBABE! Of course you'll show me up, how can I compare to a hot,firey redhead such as yourself? I can already see the bootmarks across your back! Quote
Guest Hoosiermom Posted February 21, 2002 Posted February 21, 2002 MPB2, thanks for the welcome! There are actually several geocaches located in state parks here in Indiana. I have no idea if they are approved by the parks. I think the name of the one we'll be looking for this weekend is "Beginners cache" or something like that. Sounded like a good one to start with! We've been to the park many times and pretty much know the trails by heart so I'm hoping it won't be too difficult. Hoosiermom Quote
Guest Mopar Posted February 22, 2002 Posted February 22, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Gossamyrrh: I can already see the bootmarks across your back! OK, my brain just left my skull and went rolling down the gutter............ Quote
Guest Lance303 Posted February 22, 2002 Posted February 22, 2002 My fiance and I first heard about Geocaching with the Planet Ape projects. He had been wanting a GPS for ages and finally bought one and then a few weeks later went on our first find. We've found 45 together and I did my first solo find when i had the day off work but Lance didn't. We used to go hiking and exploring together away. We've been to more county parks in the past 9 months than the previous 6 years living in florida. It's been great. We drag our friends with us but non of them are as hooked as we are. BTW...I am blonde. Mo from the Mo&Lance team Quote
Guest japple Posted February 22, 2002 Posted February 22, 2002 I am another female statistic from Singapore. I learnt of Geocaching from Robin Lovelock who wrote GPSS software. Since then I had to hunts in Singapore one successful , one NOT. Right now I am in Florida. Yesterday I had a successful hunt but today I venture into another hunt with a friend. Found the location but not the cache. I think someone had taken the box away. This is so much fun. Quote
Guest katiem Posted February 23, 2002 Posted February 23, 2002 My husband found the site by accident when he was searching for other GPS stuff. He told me about it, and I didn't really understand what he meant because he described it as "a game on the computer". Once he had shown me the actual site, I was all for trying it out. We heven't been active lately because he's been havng back trouble, but we'll rejoin the hunting soon. Oh, and I am a brunette (medium- brown). Quote
Guest found Posted February 23, 2002 Posted February 23, 2002 just turned 50...argh.. brunette.. (some hidden greys in there) My hubby gets dragged along sometimes. He enjoys it. but hasn't got the time. We've only found 2 so far, but have had a great time looking. Once we took our grandkids ages 5 and 8. But don't think after pulling them out of a 15 foot tree, they are going to go again too soon. ( they were helping us look for the cache.. they said.. )When I go by myself, I usually have at least one of my black labs with me. I found the site accidently when looking for info on gps's. We had gotten lost Last year while hunting and decided then we needed a gps. ( hence the nick, "lost and found" ). But of course, needed some learnin' on it. Can't wait to get some more finds under our belts, and get the courage up to hide a few. any other women out there in my area? would love to chat with ya sometime. ------------------ "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Quote
Guest StarStorm Posted February 23, 2002 Posted February 23, 2002 I'm just another woman who was introduced to GPS/caching by husband. I bought the GPS for him to use with his work and leave it to a man to make a toy out of it!! Of course I am thrilled & love to cache every chance I get! I have managed to find a few caches without the GPS... just tune into the zen of caching... Oh yeah, Sorry no redheads here, just a brunette with auburn highlights. Quote
Guest StarStorm Posted February 23, 2002 Posted February 23, 2002 DearTJ, You will have to post your findings. Do redheads really outnumber the rest of us cachers? StarStorm quote:Originally posted by TJWilson:I'm starting this thread to find out how many female Geocachers there are on this forum. Please be specific. If your spouse/sig. other got you involved, tell us. If it's the other way around, and you got your spouse/sig. other involved, or got involved on your own, tell us that as well. Have fun with this expirement fellow Geocachers. I will be tabulating the responses after 2 months. At that time I will start a male geocachers thread which will last for 2 months. Total time ofor expirement will be 4 months. TJWilson Quote
Guest Zuckerruebensirup Posted February 24, 2002 Posted February 24, 2002 I'm female (and brunette), and I'm definitely the primary geocacher in my household. (I was able to sweet-talk my hubby into going caching with me ONCE, but never since. He likes being out in the woods, but prefers hunting to geocaching.) Although, it's his GPS that I've been using. The only time we have to fight over it is the week of his annual hunting trip to Illinois. I found out about Geocaching through a (female) net friend who hasn't actually tried it out yet, but thought it sounded interesting. I'm not sure how/where she found out about it though. long as we're doing polls, I'm curious how many people here are also orienteers? If you like an excuse to get out in the woods, you'll defintely enjoy orienteering. They have several courses set up for various levels of length and difficulty. It's something the whole family can do. Quote
Guest SpinWebby Posted February 24, 2002 Posted February 24, 2002 Sound Off!!! I saw a segment on TechTV one day about geocaching (my friend Chris Pirillo is the host of "Call for Help"). I suggested geocaching to my hubby who looked at me as if I was on drugs. He's a couch potato (as am I most of the year), so I thought it was over. We already had a GPS for our PalmPilots, techheads that we are, so I didn't think it would be a big stretch for us to at least TRY it. That weekend, my hub saw the exact same segment on the "week in review" and he said that it sounded like fun - as if it was HIS idea. Okay fine, we'll go. We packed up a picnic lunch and headed out, about 40 miles. We had a blast!!! On the way home, we stopped at Walgreens and got everything we needed to hide our own cache. Since then, Chris has had Ed Hall (Buxley) on his show (just last month) and I've recruited two people at work to join in on the fun. One is a guy (who when I told him about it, he snickered and groaned, but when he found the cache on our work outing, he immediately went and bought his own GPS and took his nephews out the next day) and the other is a woman (actually she's my husband's cousin and she got her GPS at Christmas time, but I don't think she's been out by herself). I think she's looking for a partner. She eagerly goes with our work geocaching group though. On good weather days, we take off at lunch and try to hit a couple of caches. Although I don't have a whole lot of cache accomplishments (22 if I remember correctly), I'm leading a group who are planning a big geocaching event (, lots of different types of games over a full day, and a big party that evening in Des Moines, Iowa. And please don't say that there is nothing to do here. We've got lots of things to do here as well as geocaching. Bring your bikes, we have the world's best bike trails. The real color of my hair is auburn, but don't tell anyone. [This message has been edited by SpinWebby (edited 24 February 2002).] Quote
Guest Tark Posted February 24, 2002 Posted February 24, 2002 Two female geocachers here. We go out as a team. Found out about geocaching from a relative who mentioned it in passing one day. Quote
Guest Julzee Posted March 1, 2002 Posted March 1, 2002 Julzee here, My sister-in-law took my kids out on their first trip. She got me involved and I have been able to drag my husband out on only one, so far. He bought the GPS for me. Quote
Guest LindaLu Posted March 1, 2002 Posted March 1, 2002 Hey gals! Glad to see so many of you...I generally go by myself, but sometimes I drag my mom or dad with me, and sometimes with friends. I'm not a redhead, but I do have some freckles.... ----> How about we gals taking over the GC chat room some night? It would be nice to have a chat that doesn't veer off onto "guy" topics! LindaLu Quote
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