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Geocaching on a tombstone

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Sorry if this has been posted before, but while reading a thread regarding cremated remains, it occured to me...


I know its possible to "reserve" a plot at a cemetary, and to even get a headstone placed on the plot before you're dead.


Has anyone considered buying a plot, and putting a custom-engraved headstone on it for the purposes of geocaching? E.g. having co-ords on it for a multi-waypoint cache, maybe even an engraged geocaching logo? icon_biggrin.gif




You could use the plot later, when you actually needed it. Archive the cache and replace the headstone with your real headstone. Or, if you're zaney and have no relatives to offend, leave the cache info on it icon_biggrin.gif




But not such a bad idea, nonetheless.


I'd feel a little creepy walking around a cemetary with a GPS in my hand, peering at all the gravestones, though.



O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.


Hamlet, II.2 252-253


I created this virtual grave cache in Tulsa. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=18622&logs=y&decrypt=


I really hate to say who it is. I try to make my virtuals a surprise and something you don't expect. There are not a lot of famous hollywood types buried in this area so it comes as quite a surprise to most people. I even made one guy mad when he found it. The person is rather controversial and it tends to bother some of the bible belt types when you refer to the guy as a prophet.


I'm sure you could do a little research and find the person but I'll leave that up to you.




Originally posted by beatnik:

I created this virtual grave cache in Tulsa. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=18622&logs=y&decrypt=


I really hate to say who it is. I try to make my virtuals a surprise and something you don't expect. There are not a lot of famous hollywood types buried in this area so it comes as quite a surprise to most people. I even made one guy mad when he found it. The person is rather controversial and it tends to bother some of the bible belt types when you refer to the guy as a prophet.


I'm sure you could do a little research and find the person but I'll leave that up to you.






Would the act of unscrambling the hint on this cache be considered. . .-wait for it-. . .De Crypting?




Hey Mr. Snazz. If you ever find yourself in Salem, Or, you might want to check out the

Dead Governers


It has what your looking for. And it creepy to boot.


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


I think it soudns like an interesting idea, but could be pricy. It might be offending to other people that you are using a headstone to play a game.



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