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Ultimate Geocaching Chariot?

Guest Choberiba

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Guest Choberiba

This should be over in general I s'ppose.

But it's nice and quiet in this place, I can almost hear myself think. Those voices in my head are *SO* much easier to understand now.


Anyway....Our favorite Person-of-pottery wrote: "Are you meaning to imply that I need to spread out my caching a little more?"


That represents a whole heaping helping of miles ClayJar, what sort of vehicle do you drive?


The reason I ask is this brought back memories of a thread in apdd (alt.pizza.delivery.drivers) that I'd read a few years back about what would make the ultimate delivery vehicle.


To keep this on topic with our respective hobby, and possibly even this forum if you squint real hard and wiggle your face back and forth, what kind of vehicle makes the ultimate geocaching chariot?


Four wheel drive?

Long distances between fuel/pit stops?

Extra carrying capacity for those days when you just couldn't squeeze another McToy into the Sentra?


I'd love a hummer myself.

Guest X Snoopy

I have a Nissan Xterra 4x4!




It has gotten us to many challenging trails, geocaches, and adventures.


Some of my most favorite spots where the truck helped:

Tombstone Ruins, used to carry all our climbing gear.

Robie Creek, got us through some pretty crazy trails.

Starimaster, just a fun one where we drove on a Sunday evening.

Pee Wee Desert Lawn Jocky, we just had fun driving on desert trails to get there.

4WD Nedd Only Apply, the name says it all.

Big Bear Area 4x4, very technical 4x4 trail.


See more of our journeys at X SNOOPY!


[This message has been edited by X Snoopy (edited 16 January 2002).]

Guest X Snoopy

REF="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=303" TARGET=_blank>Pee Wee Desert Lawn Jocky, we just had fun driving on desert trails to get there.

4WD Nedd Only Apply, the name says it all.

Big Bear Area 4x4, very technical 4x4 trail.


See more of our journeys at X SNOOPY!


[This message has been edited by X Snoopy (edited 16 January 2002).]

Guest Hamster

There seem to be many Xterra fans on this site. Is it a good car in your estimation? I currently drive a 97' Plymouth breeze, just a regular passenger car... but I think when it comes time to get a new one in a few years I'll go with a 4wd model. I like the look for the durango (mind you I know nothing about cars) but everyone on this site seems to be in love with the Xterra.


My main reason for looking in 4wd direction in It could support my other hobby Scanning. I have an antenna farm thats run out of space ehe. Also, being in Cleveland, sometimes its better to drive 4wd.

Guest SwampBuggy

Check out the navigation and communication abilities on the MaxiMog. This might be hard to top.


I was gonna post of pic of my own... gotta question. My system is permanently connected to a LAN... I have my IP address. Is there a way to link my message to the file on my computer?



Guest jdbyrnes

8 liters of pure cache hunting glory..




Unfortunately rather tough to park inconspicuously...

Guest SwampBuggy

jdbyrnes: "Unfortunately rather tough to park inconspicuously"


A few dozen yards of camo cloth should do the trick. Does anyone know where to buy a camo car/truck cover?


The search engines offer too many hits that are close, but not quite what we're talking about.


Originally posted by SwampBuggy:

A few dozen yards of camo cloth should do the trick. Does anyone know where to buy a camo car/truck cover?

Think I remember seeing one in of the Sportsman's Guide catalogs.



[This message has been edited by Mopar (edited 16 January 2002).]

Guest ClayJar

Originally posted by Choberiba:

That represents a whole heaping helping of miles, ClayJar, what sort of vehicle do you drive?

I'll post a write-up of my caching vehicle tomorrow evening or so. Right now it's awaiting new plug wires (which apparently have to be hand-sewn in Greece by peasant labor rolleyes.gif .). Anyway, didn't want you to think I was ignoring the thread, but I can't do a thorough post without a few pictures, and I don't want to mess with the car too much with one plug wire bodged together with electrical tape (it should get me to the parts store, but I'm not one to push my luck... except when caching, of course).


[This message has been edited by ClayJar (edited 16 January 2002).]

Guest ClayJar


Originally posted by Choberiba:

That represents a whole heaping helping of miles, ClayJar, what sort of vehicle do you drive?

I'll post a write-up of my caching vehicle tomorrow evening or so. Right now it's awaiting new plug wires (which apparently have to be hand-sewn in Greece by peasant labor rolleyes.gif .). Anyway, didn't want you to think I was ignoring the thread, but I can't do a thorough post without a few pictures, and I don't want to mess with the car too much with one plug wire bodged together with electrical tape (it should get me to the parts store, but I'm not one to push my luck... except when caching, of course).


[This message has been edited by ClayJar (edited 16 January 2002).]

Guest c-troop

heres one we use in Kansas..Its specially designed for geocaching, note the large GPS patch antenna on the front for better reception, the ghille netting, the tall rumble seat for extra vision once you get close to the cache.



Or if thats not your style...try this one



And even one for the kiddie cachers...




While I am drooling over the Unimog pic above, it's a bit over the top for the average geocacher, so I'll stick with my current geocaching rig: 79 Jeep CJ5, D44/D60(4.56:1)/T18a(6.5:1)/80:1 crawl ratio/6" SOA, etc... (far too much to list)




[This message has been edited by makaio (edited 16 January 2002).]

Guest bunkerdave



Bought my cachemobile one month before I discovered caching. Hasn't let me down yet, though I will admit I have been on some great hikes.


There are a few Subarus out there caching, apparently.


[This message has been edited by bunkerdave (edited 16 January 2002).]


[This message has been edited by bunkerdave (edited 29 January 2002).]


Oh! I think I found it. It's even better than that Segway thingie!




The SoloTrek Exo-Skeletor Flying Vehicle. Read about it here.


Soon all caches will be a direct-line GoTo. No more spending hours looking for the best route and no more worries about creating

"social trails". What's more, you can fly ABOVE those pesky sat-blocking trees and hills. Level 5 on a mountain-side? No problem. Another cacher about to get there first? Sidewinder missles....oops, ah, I got carried away!

Guest LoCache

Until someone perfects teleportation, I use my Isuzu Trooper...It has all the ruggedness required and it's classy too! ;-)


Speaking of teleportation, this is a smart group...somebody get busy and make it happen! Here is a good starting point...I will have to see someone else do it first though...I am scared of becoming a Brundle-Fly.





Guest OblongFred

I've got a 94 Ranger. Not to many places around Cleveland that it can't handle. Except for a ditch on RT. 6 when I took a corner a little to fast.


I also have a 93 Pont. Sunbird. Drove this one while I went a this cache: Devil's Pincushin. I wish I had the Ranger. Some of the pot hole in the dirt road almost swallowed the car.


[This message has been edited by OblongFred (edited 17 January 2002).]


You mean my '96 Camaro with body kit is not an off road vehicle? Gee, wish I knew that before I cut across a field, dropped the front end into a ditch and ripped off the entire nose clip (that's when it was only 6 months old!). Chevy mumbled something about 'not covered under warranty' - don't know why.


2 months ago I ripped out the driveshaft. Hard to believe the car has made it to 120,000 miles!

Guest web-ling

I prefer to nail 'em from orbit:




Why just use satellites when you can be one?





[This message has been edited by web-ling (edited 30 January 2002).]

Guest JoeyBob

My ride- until we can convince Mommy that the X-Terra is more practical than the minivan- 1996 Mercury Villager. No four wheeling, but urban caches are no problem. Did get a rock stuck in the brake caliper once on a gravel road. Always take your Leatherman while caching, you never know what will happen! This one is great for caches located in parks, the kids fit great, and lots of room for Geo-trinkets! Had a picture, but look at any mall or soccer field, you can see one without having to download.

Guest Cape Cod Cache

ultimate ? hmmm... I use an old F250 w/ snowplow or a 1970 Olds 98 convertable. And a 18 speed 'mountain' bike that cost $6 at a local cop auction. Point A, point B.

Guest mrgigabyte

Originally posted by Choberiba:

I'd love a hummer myself.


Ahh .. so you are married. I hear hummers are few and far between once you tie the knot..... But I digress.

Guest sbukosky

I've been really burning gasoline since I began this. Come spring, I hope to do most of my hunting on one of my motorcycles. Otherwise, I'd like to replace my 88 Taurus wagon with a Honda CRV or some other fuel efficient 4WD thats reasonably priced.



Steve Bukosky N9BGH

Waukesha Wisconsin

Guest sbukosky

g gasoline since I began this. Come spring, I hope to do most of my hunting on one of my motorcycles. Otherwise, I'd like to replace my 88 Taurus wagon with a Honda CRV or some other fuel efficient 4WD thats reasonably priced.



Steve Bukosky N9BGH

Waukesha Wisconsin


I prefer the MD-520 NOTAR's myself, but finding suitable landing zone's near all caches could be a b*tch. I suppose you could hunt as a team and one could rappel down while the pilot hovers, but there's still the problem of rotor wash blowing all the ground cover away from the cache (helpful for locating but would suck for the finder trying to cover it back up) icon_smile.gif




[This message has been edited by makaio (edited 28 January 2002).]


I prefer the MD-520 NOTAR's myself, but finding suitable landing zone's near all caches could be a b*tch. I suppose you could hunt as a team and one could rappel down while the pilot hovers, but there's still the problem of rotor wash blowing all the ground cover away from the cache (helpful for locating but would suck for the finder trying to cover it back up) icon_smile.gif




[This message has been edited by makaio (edited 28 January 2002).]

Guest Ramness570

Originally posted by Hamster:

There seem to be many Xterra fans on this site. Is it a good car in your estimation?


I like the look for the durango (mind you I know nothing about cars) but everyone on this site seems to be in love with the Xterra.



Snoopy and I can both tell you Xterras are great!! That?s how I found out about Geocaching was through the Xterra Owners club, we have a geocaching forum there too.


Don?t know about those Durangos. From what I heard the owner?s manual actually says they are not meant for off road use...


Pics moved down bellow!



Team Ramness570 Brian, Christine & TabascoX

Senior Member Southeast Xterra Club

Geocaching since October 2000.


[This message has been edited by Ramness570 (edited 05 February 2002).]


Here's one for those that always have the pubs mapped out in thier geocaching treks.



[This message has been edited by Ttepee (edited 01 February 2002).]


Anyone else having problems seeing the images Ramness570 submitted.


I saw them in the early AM once.


I guess his bandwidth allotment is renewed each night or something.


width allotment is renewed each night or something.

Guest logscaler

I have not seen them yet either. I guess we will have to wait for reloading.


Well, after some discussion in the chat room tonite, I decided to drag out a photo of my old beast.




I do miss the 0-60 in 6.5 seconds I got with the worked 440cid V8 and 4.56:1 gears, but I don't miss the 3mpg I got around town, and only slightly better highway. Especially when I was driving about 500 miles a week at the time.

Guest Ramness570

yeah its 8mb a day so it goes quick! thats the best I have till I can find another free online photo service that lets you link



Team Ramness570 Brian, Christine & TabascoX

Senior Member Southeast Xterra Club

Geocaching since October 2000.

Guest Ramness570

Hope these work better!


Here is my Cache Hunter, TabascoX 2001 Xterra XE 4x4



On the road up the mountain to Band of Brothers cache.




Team Ramness570 Brian, Christine & TabascoX

Senior Member Southeast Xterra Club

Geocaching since October 2000.

Guest madphatboy2


I love that truck. The older models are the best cause you can beat 'em up and not worry that it cost 20-40 grand.




Guest Steak N Eggs

Originally posted by Choberiba:



Hey Chobe, where can I get me one of these? Thats a V8! 8)



"MY gps said it's RIGHT HERE!"



[This message has been edited by Steak N Eggs (edited 07 February 2002).]


what can be better than this icon_smile.gif

1966 Microbus with Westfalia camper interior... if i cant find it, ill just sleep there and look in the morning.




[This message has been edited by vwBob (edited 15 February 2002).]


what can be better than this icon_smile.gif

1966 Microbus with Westfalia camper interior... if i cant find it, ill just sleep there and look in the morning.




[This message has been edited by vwBob (edited 15 February 2002).]

Guest Rich in NEPA

Litespeed Ocoee Titanium, Shimano XTR, Manitou and RockShox suspension systems, Mavic SUP-Ceramic rims shod with WTB VelociRaptors.


Doesn't get much sweeter than this!




Over hill, over dale, as I hit the dusty trail, my mountain bike goes rolling along. Yee-haw!!!


Cheers ...



~Rich in NEPA~



? A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ?



[This message has been edited by Rich in NEPA (edited 21 February 2002).]

Guest idahoflyer

We go everywhere in this old Bronco II, it came stock with a 4.11 Traclock, and You can turn around in its length which is not much. Fun Rig!!!




This is at Initial Point Cache Our 1st Cache!

Guest ClayJar

No pics yet, but I just finished adding a modular auxiliary power system to my Hyundai Tiburon. Now, at the flip of a toggle switch, I can have the interior and door lights on, off, or on auxiliary power (provided by a 34Ah deep-cycle marine battery).


The advantage? When I'm out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, I can sit there and read a book or something. If I fall asleep with the light on, so what? When I wake up in the morning, I can just start the car and go. (The auxiliary power system battery charges from main power when the toggle is set to standard running mode, too.)

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