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Danish geocacher has my TB far too long. Who can help?

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I'm a Dutch geocacher and owner of TB "Dream around the world"-( see here) . That was my very first TB I released in 2007. I'm very happy this TB is still around but...


...It's in hands of a (I think) Danish geocacher named Pingwau since july 2012. Ever since she logs my TB with "took it to". At this moment that's 10 pages filled with "took it to" logs, which makes a total of ... about 100 logs!...

The logs go from Danmark to Germany. Back to Danmark and now Germany again. Not only micro caches but also small caches-which gives an opportunaty to drop the TB in it. But she never does that.

I sent several e-mails to ask if she can drop this TB in a cache again. But so far, no respond at all. Just new "took it to" logs.


I'll be very happy if my TB will be dropped in a cache again so other cachers can enjoy it as well.


Does anyone here knows Pingwau?

Anyone here who can help me out? Maybe you know her and can ask to drop my TB in a cache?


Thank you.


This is my TB I'm talking about:



Edited by walking spirit
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...It's in hands of a (I think) Danish geocacher named Pingwau since july 2012. E


This cacher appears to come from Germany (Thuringia) and not from Denmark and even logs the caches in Denmark in German.

Did you write your mails in English? Maybe a German mail might help. If you need help, contact me via private mail.



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