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Getting Shot At.

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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Who knows if this is normal. I'll be watching this one. I'll even tell my nephews about it. We will probably go just to check it out.


Am I missing something here? Bulletproof vests suggested? Chased off the mountain side?


I'm not the least bit familiar with the area or that cache, but that doesn't sound like a cache I'd like to go visit just to check it out!


Unless this is some sort of cover-up for the elusive but harmless 'stone spitting lizard that tends to chase people off mountainsides', I'd thing it should be archived, not visited.






The log entry almost made the shooting a sidebar to their log. Interesting. I know that a cache that I helped place had it's share of troubles. People were embellishing the truth a bit at ours. They went into a STATE TROOPERS yard looking for our cache when he came home in full uniform. Their log said "Watch out for the neighbor! He has an automatic!"


We were asked by Jeremy to archive it, but had to explain to him that it was innocent. It's still up and one challenging urban cache.


This does seem to be much more frightful, but the tone of the log leads me to wonder....


Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!


Originally posted by VentureForth:

The log entry almost made the shooting a sidebar to their log.


That is a strange log entry, as if that sort of thing happens with regularity for that person.


If I got shot at whilst hunting a cache, I'd be posting about it on here as well as typing a complete report online (if not at the police department).




Idaho is goofy in a lot of ways, Mostly the right ways. But I agree that someone probably has an illegal claim on that parcel of ground. Canyone Crawler has found enough caches to know how to place one and what makes a good one. I've emailed the owner to see if he is aware of anything. When I visit this one I'll let everyone know how it goes.


When I visit this one I'll let everyone know how it goes.


Well, good luck! Pack some iron and let us know how it turns out! icon_smile.gif




When I visit this one I'll let everyone know how it goes.


Well, good luck! Pack some iron and let us know how it turns out! icon_smile.gif




So, I guess Canyon Crawler should up the difficulty level if people are going to shoot at you while you search for the cache. Seems like that should qualify for a FIVE!


The best line is "...Other than that this is an excellant spot."




Having lived in the area of this cache I understand the "goofy Idahoans". For one thing there's being shot at and there's being shot. If truely trying to do harm to somebody that somebody would not have been shot at, they would have been shot. Most Idahoans only miss when they want to.




The part that is being left out is that there his an area near by that is used for target shooting. Canyon Crawler and I four wheel drive in this area all the time and target shoot as well. Never had a problem. We are going to discuss this situation tonight and MIGHT PUT a hold on this cache.


There have been a few more logs on this cache since I've started tracking it. No problems since. I tend to agree there is a difference between being 'shot at' and shot. Not to mention as the cache owner says, this is a target shooting area. I have a 300 Magnum that I shoot every now and then. It's loud enough to make people wonder whats going on. Based on what I've seen I'd stop by with no problems on my way to the Silver City area caches. Alas Sun Valley is next on my list. The cache owner seems to like the same kind of caches that I do, so maybe he will place some more.


O.K. Guys sorry for the delay in posting. Well were to start? First of all I've lived in Nampa, ID (8 miles from the cache) all my life. Secondly, I can assure everyone of the harmlessness of the Pickles Butte area. It seems people have a lot to say about somewhere they've never been. Geocaching is now one of my favorite sports and I couldn't see placing someone in harms way. Thanks for all your concerns, but please, check it out for yourselves. icon_rolleyes.gif


O.K. Guys sorry for the delay in posting. Well were to start? First of all I've lived in Nampa, ID (8 miles from the cache) all my life. Secondly, I can assure everyone of the harmlessness of the Pickles Butte area. It seems people have a lot to say about somewhere they've never been. Geocaching is now one of my favorite sports and I couldn't see placing someone in harms way. Thanks for all your concerns, but please, check it out for yourselves. icon_rolleyes.gif


Nope. Only Geocaching.com folks can do that. Maybe the forum moderator too, but I'm not sure.


In the old forums, the original poster could delete the entire thread by deleting the original post. ClayJar used this once. icon_wink.gif (I can do that since he's not around.) Also, some other folks used it.. but I'm happy it's not available any more, because some good threads got lost when the original poster decided to change his mind about what he said.




Nope. Only Geocaching.com folks can do that. Maybe the forum moderator too, but I'm not sure.


In the old forums, the original poster could delete the entire thread by deleting the original post. ClayJar used this once. icon_wink.gif (I can do that since he's not around.) Also, some other folks used it.. but I'm happy it's not available any more, because some good threads got lost when the original poster decided to change his mind about what he said.




Ok I finally visited this one. Nothing. Nada. Yeah in the distance a guy started practicing with some kind of pistol but he was pointing at a different hill. I visited a cache that did bother me near Mountain Home. This on was in the middle of nothing. It was dead flat, and one home about a quarter mile away. That guy was blasting at somthing and my Friend and family were the only things moving. Having a guy shoot where he's supposed to (at a target against a hillside) is much more comfortable than having a guy shooting for no known reason.


This happened to me once atComputer Graveyard read my first log I later talked to the owner of the cache. He said he knew the owner of the property and had permision. I guess the hunter was tresspassing because i saw him run away when we drove out.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous


MacDuff- is that Dick Cheney in some sort of altered state of consciousness wielding a breadknife?


"Hmmm, the Pretzel Protocol failed, let's see how Dubya handles THIS! Patience...wait until that camera's all the way in...mwhahahahaha!" [:0]


[This message was edited by Team Screamapillar on July 23, 2002 at 09:13 PM.]


i'll be honest but i'm a new yorker and guns scare the hell out of me! i dont want to around when folks shoot them and i sure dont want to be geocaching where someone might mistake my brown-skinned skinny *** for a trespasser.


My 4WD handled the road well. Found the cache without too much difficulty. Nice view. Took a bullet in the thigh. Left some blood on the rocks. Thanks for placing this cache.


Lil Devil lildevil.gif

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