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Pay Phone in the woods…


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While hunting a cache recently we saw in several of the logs that folks had found a pay phone in the woods on their way to the cache. So as we went along we looked for it as well and indeed found a “pay phone in the woods” lying on the ground just off the trail. It had obviously been kidnapped, beaten up, relived of its money, and left for dead. So we stood it up and had some fun taking pics.


Me and the phone



It’s for you…



Robo Jr and the phone.



This Isn't rocket science...



Now what would be fun would be for some techie type to hook it up to a battery and circuit, and make it ring once every hour or so... sooner or later, someone will be hiking through the woods when it rings... icon_biggrin.gif



An it harm none, do what ye will


Here in San Diego up near Black Mountain, theres a random cardboard structure that looks very much like a pay phone. But it's not. I have no idea what it is, but I've seen a few references to it, such as "took a left at the pay phone."

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