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I am the Geocache


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Everyone knows about tradition caches, multi-caches, virtual-caches and even event-caches. I'm wondering why it has to stop there.

Why not create a new cache type, a living-cache. Imagine if you bought a cool toy (http://www.digitalangel.net/), wore it all the time, and reported yourself as a cache on www.geocaching.com.

How cool would it be to have a perfect stranger approach you, say hello and claim a find? You could even offer them a ham sandwich (one of the many you would keep in your pockets at all times) as a reward. It'd be a great way to share the joy of geocaching everywhere you went!


Any volunteers? icon_smile.gif


You would need a wireless PC to do that, everytime you take a step your coordinates would change, unless you were planning to stand in one place for a few hours or so, if thats the case, go for it.






Originally posted by The KGB:

You would need a wireless PC to do that, everytime you take a step your coordinates would change, unless you were planning to stand in one place for a few hours or so, if thats the case, go for it.


I could do this one, easy, KGB (being the Geocache, I mean). Whenever I get online, I frequently tend to sit in one place for a few hours or so. Sometimes it's difficult to even tear myself away to do some Geocaching. icon_wink.gif


Actually, this is quite possible.. Hams use what is called APRS which uses a Ham tranceiver, a GPS, and a Small TNC (Terminal Node Controler). Technology has advanced enough where the tranceiver and the TNC combined are about the size of a cigarette pack. Your cord's are repeatedly transmitted on a time interval. When you move around others using the APRS system with thier PC's can track your movements. There are also Maps with APRS so they can see what street you are on. Some even use this system Mobile with a laptop.


Randall J. Berry




Originally posted by The Ex-Pierceys Adventure League:

...and reported yourself as a cache...


I think you misunderstood "Zen and the Art of GeoCaching" when it said "Be the cache".

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