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took four months to find


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Last September a new cache was placed about a mile from where I work. It is a small area, but the dominant features are boulders.. thousands of them totally covering an area of perhaps 30 acres. Some are the size of small cars, others are much smaller, but the ground is nearly covered by rock. I don't use a GPS and of course the USGS really smooths out the contour lines in places like this so it became a real search for me. The discription said "under a large boulder" so over the next few days, I got to know each of them by their shape and position. After about 3 unsuccessful trips I paced in to the spot that I thought was indicated on the map from three different landmarks on the USGS.. each of which was perhaps 200 meters away... and came to the same spot each time. Here I built a small cairn to save time later and came back several more times to search an area centered on the cairn. In November, with daylight savings time gone I was forced to put the search on hold, but a couple days ago someone put up a photo of them at the site. In the photo... a foot from the open cache was my cairn. Went there early the next morning and found the cache was beneath the same rock that I had chosen as the base of my cairn. So my map reading was perfect icon_biggrin.gif and my vision greatly flawed icon_frown.gif edscott

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That's a great story and good for a laugh on a Friday afternoon. We had a similar situation with a cache, a hint was given to us to look in a downed tree after we tried for an hour one day. Went back the next day and nothing, of course the area was surrounded by downed trees. Went back a month later and if it had been a snake it would have bit me.

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...but a couple days ago someone put up a photo of them at the site. In the photo... a foot from the open cache was my cairn. Went there early the next morning and found the cache was beneath the same rock that I had chosen as the base of my cairn. So my map reading was perfect icon_biggrin.gif and my vision greatly flawed icon_frown.gif edscott


Great story.


What's the name of the cache?


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There was a cache that was about six miles away from work on the way home. I was going to do it after work at 11p. I was asked to stay 'til 3a and agreed. I left work and went strait to the park where the cache was located. I first found a pond in the way. On the way back out of the park I found a trail. I started up the trail when I saw a sign that read Patroled regularly by IPD. I went in anyway. I hunted for a half an hour and was within 10 feet of the cache, but couldn't find it in the rain and the dark. I went back several times and everytime my GPSr said that I was right there. I finally went back with Team Bullivant to make sure that I was looking in the right spot. I did finally find it on my own, but according to the Bullivants the cache was moved from the location that they found it four months earlier. The coordinates were definately off as well.

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