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Geocaching as an online dating service??

Geo Ho

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Originally posted by Geo Ho (aka - Cache Wench):

The next thing you know . . . WHAM!

What do you know . . .


umm.... What exactly does WHAM! mean???



Free your mind and the rest will follow 30296_400.gif


umm.... What exactly does WHAM! mean???

Kind of ambiguous, huh?


Hmmmm . . . could mean one of many things . . . and does! icon_razz.gif


Free your mind and the rest will follow

Need I say more??




Happy caching and stuff !



Keep on stashin' and I'll keep on cachin'!


Originally posted by Doc-Dean:


umm.... What _exactly_ does _WHAM!_ mean???

It means she met George Michael while searching for a cache in an urban park, of course. What did you think it meant?

Originally posted by Geo Ho (aka - Cache Wench):

umm.... What exactly does _WHAM! _ mean???

Kind of ambiguous, huh?


Hmmmm . . . could mean one of _ many _ things . . . and does! icon_razz.gif


Free your mind and the rest will follow

Need I say more??


Umm yes I think you do need to. Either you've got some sort of inside joke or we're all really dumb. Quite frankly I'm not sure which one it is which must mean we're really dumb. icon_wink.gif



Becky Davis

Geocaching blog

San Jose, CA


Originally posted by beckerbuns:

Either you've got some sort of inside joke or we're all really dumb. Quite frankly I'm not sure which one it is which must mean we're really dumb. icon_wink.gif

Speak for yourself, I got it, lol!


"This is gc.com, love it or leave it "


Hmmm . . . what's up with Mopar?


. . . are he and the Ho getting married?


. . . did they just get nekkid together?


. . . George Michael? Nah!


. . . Mopar naked . . . uhm . . .


. . .let's see.





Happy caching and stuff icon_wink.gif


Keep on stashin' and I'll keep on cachin'!


Originally posted by geo ho:

Full body shot with cash (not cache) in hand and GPS required!


Is that garmin V in your pocket or are you happy to see me?


... scuse me while I whip this out....




....a Street pilot... even better!


Originally posted by mrmnjewel:

well...there's always spzzmoose and aunt gigi...lol icon_biggrin.gif


_The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field._---Matthew 13:44


Matt & Julia


To view our online geocaching diary/blog, click http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=mrmnjewel

_I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.

- Jack Handey (aka Jack Handy)_



dadgum Weiner Dog...Still busting my chops I see! icon_biggrin.gif


I AM the original Geo-Stud! Check and see...not a happy ending though... icon_frown.gif




Originally posted by Spzzmoose:

I AM the original Geo-Stud! Check and see...not a happy ending though... icon_frown.gif

Sorry your's didn't work out as well as mine, but I think the original Geo-Stud title has GOT to go to either Kablooey or Oregone. Even I have some prior experience in this field. icon_smile.gif


"This is gc.com, love it or leave it "


Man, with all the happy talk going on around here, it's starting to make me think I should chime in with a personal ad or something. icon_smile.gif I have the added benefit of being able to fly for free... no geographic limits for me, baby!



"No, that's just a couple of shoes tied in a grocery bag."


Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

Wait, you mean "life" and "geocaching" are two separate things?


I think she meant "life" as in "the things you endure in order to support your geocaching." Things like eating. Or putting gas in your car.



"No, that's just a couple of shoes tied in a grocery bag."


Personally, as a single gal, I think it would be fun to meet someone who is a cacher as well... I mean, it is better than going to a bar, or being set up on blind dates by friends, etc... but I am here for the cache hunt, not the other, but who says you can't do two things at once... 'splaining caching to muggles gets old, and I want someone who enjoys it as much as I do, so as to avoid that situation where they say "You want to go find a cache now? Well, I am not going..."


Not all who wander are lost


I meant life as in what we do to support caching. Bennu has a good point, but I also meant single in the life term. I can cache alone but heck if it isn't way better with someone who enjoys it as much as I do. Although the chances of finding someone decent in the world today are slim to none, and that's not even counting the cache factor.




"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines"

"Dale Lobo" y "Vamos Gimnasia"


I hear that on the "slim to none!" I too have been hoping to meet someone on the trail, or whatever, but, um, no. There are many caches waiting for me, but some are in less than safe areas if you are a solo woman cacher. I have asked a few people if they would like to join me, but no dice. Oh, well.


Even though I am jealous, I do congratulate the love match made here!


Are you on the trail that leads to my cache?

icon_biggrin.gif: NO NO NO you got it all wrong Geo HO, I read your profile closely too. He just needed a good PC tech. All you people need to get your ... uhm minds out of the gutter, and back in the woods where they belong.... ( by the way what type of vehicle is that your driving????)

Originally posted by epeefencer:

.... ( by the way what type of vehicle is that your driving????)

Uhm . . . that would be a GEO HOnda.


Thank you very muchly! icon_razz.gif


Happy caching and STUFF!!


Keep on stashin' and I'll keep on cachin'!


Geocaching as a way to meet "Someone" would be much better than the dreaded bar scene, but in the impersonal world of the internet I'd certainly be VERY cautious. The idea of meeting someone, that you only know from a computer screen, in a remote area looking for a cache is scary...... who'd hear you scream? Perhaps an organized Geocache get-together would be a safer alternative. There are many family oriented ones.... maybe someone should set up one for Singles, the first anual New England Regional Dating Social?????


Actually, the Internet has become a primary method of meeting people. The usual safety suggestions: first meet in a public place, drive yourself rather than share, let others know where you're going and expect to be back (a standard geocaching safety tip), etc...


Fortunately with geocaching, after a couple events most people have met others and can act as references.


No need to be overly concerned, most bad situations occur from those you know rather than strangers.






Originally posted by richfng:

Geocaching as a way to meet "Someone" would be much better than the dreaded bar scene

MUCH better!

After chatting for awhile online, we met in person at a geocaching event. We hit it off right from the start, and things just get better and better every day.


It's great to finally be with someone who shares the same interest in outdoor activities (not just geocaching).

It's great to be with someone who says "It's only a mile to the next cache, let's just hike it." instead of ".15 miles? Can't we we find someplace a little closer to park?"



Mopar and Geo Ho


"This is gc.com, love it or leave it "


Mopar and Geo Ho,

What a great picture! I hope your future togather is as bright as your smiles.


Take Care,


''The bear missed the train...

The bear missed the train...

The bear missed the train and now he's walk'in!'' Jean Shepherd


Originally posted by enfanta:



So are the moderators sanitizing this thread, or is it the participants themselves?



Act casual, say nothing.




Lackey to the QOFE

tongue.gif The Frog is my friend big_smile.gif

Je voudrais un poney


Originally posted by RJFerret:

Actually, the Internet has become a primary method of meeting people.


FWIW, keknj and I met through the SCUBA forum on CompuServe....now we have a new little cacher, baby AJK....



Posted (edited)



:)It worked for me . . .


Groundspeak should charge for this . . . or perhaps this service should only be utilized by Premium members? Hmmmm . . .


Keep on cachin' and stuff

Edited by Geo Ho
"Actually, that pic was taken mere minutes before her tumble. I have "after" pics, but know better then to post them."


You are indeed a good guy.


Wait a minute, he was snapping pics of her misfortune rather than being a gentleman and aiding her?


Might just want to reevaluate that 'good guy' comment..






Finding a good woman these days is like buying a winning lottery ticket. They are far and few between. But, when you find the right one.......jackpot! ;)




Congrats you two!


As for internet dating, I married a man I met in a yahoo chat room..that was over four years ago! AND he lived 2700 miles away! Fast forward to now....yahoo sweeties, 4+ years married AND we both found the love of caching at the same time.


Sometimes, things just work out....or you just work at making them work out. Either way, it's worth the effort :mad:

Posted (edited)
and 69 (for me) caches later we're here:


You two look so great together! You seem to radiate happiness! I read some psychology article once about how you could tell things about couples by looking at photos of them together. For example, are they turned toward or away from each other, are they touching, etc? I'm not sure I buy into all of it, but if it is true, I think it says good things about you two! :o


edited because I am a poor speller!

Edited by carleenp
Posted (edited)

Okay . . . here it is by request . . . an update to the successful use of Geocaching as an online dating service . . .


Mopar has semi-officially moved to Connecticut. He's been here with me since before Christmas and has only been back to NJ a couple times. Once to see his family for Christmas and we managed to squeeze in a bit of caching. Then once more to get his birth certificate so he can register his vehicle with the DMV in Connecticut, when again we managed to squeeze in some more caching.


So, here we are in my cozy little condo, happy as two monkeys in a tree.


How cool is that! :rolleyes:


Here are some pix from a recent caching adventure . . .




So . . . the love story continues and it's looking like it will come to a logical conclusion . . .


. . . and they lived happily ever after . . .



Happy caching and stuff!

Edited by Geo Ho

Congratulations to Geo-Ho and Mopar.


Internet dating does work. My husband and I met on the internet August of 98. We got married October of 98. We are still going strong after 5 years and 2 kids. (Okay - one was already here).


I did have to sort through a lot of personalities before him - but it was a wonderful experience.

Posted (edited)

So, here we are in my cozy little condo, happy as two monkeys in a tree. 

How cool is that:D

When Geo Ho made that statement, I knew I had to use the "copy" tag to my MIA/AWOL PT CRUISER TB (Mopar Brand) for MoHo the Ape Valentine Bug....I foward HIM up to be a part of Mopar's Birthday "Event".


When Geo Ho and Mopar meet on the Forums, who would have known the ELEMENTs that would go into their relationship. The PRELUDE was the Geo Ho's PASSPORT to the Selden Neck Event Cache in Mopar's canoe.


Mopar would RAM pass the other online hopefuls and join the CARAVAN of paddlers that fall weekend. We should not take the LIBERTY of getting into their personal matters. While we have no INSIGHT as to their daily ODYSSEY, we could read the logs as they CONQUEST caches together in both TOWN & COUNTRY (if Mopar ever gets up to date)…


CRUISERs on the Geocaching Highway of life, they are in one ACCORD. VOYAGERs together - they PILOT each other in the quest of Happy caching and stuff! <_<



Edited by RainbowCache
Posted (edited)

Update . . .


Mopar and I have been together five whole months as a couple . . . can you believe it? How cool is that??


After all the warnings I got I thought for sure he'd turn out to be controlling or abusive or something . . . be he's been nothing but wonderful and sweet to me.


Then there's that whole tent thing with Leprechaun that I don't want to know anything about and hopefully will not recur.


To keep this as a Geocaching topic . . . we actually went caching on the day!


So that is that!


Happy caching and stuff! :)

Edited by Geo Ho

Update time!


Mopar and I have reached our 6 month milestone! Can you believe it?




Not only that . . . but he is now officially a resident of Connecticut. Planet accompanied him to the DMV today and held his hand while he got his driver's license. He's all mine now . . . I've got him but good! Heh!




Oh! But there's more. . . the New Haven Register (a local newspaper) has a free publication called Play Magazine . . . basically fun stuff to do in the area . . . contacted us and interviewed us about Geocaching and had a photographer tag along for an caching trip . . . here is the end result. . .



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Page 2


Anyhoo . . . he makes me completely happy. Wow! Did I get lucky or what?? He is THE BOMB!


Happy caching and stuff!!!

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