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Geocaching.com site update April 2nd 2013

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Read the last update's Release Notes


Release Notes


  • Geocaching.com is now accessible to 100 million more people in their native language.

It sounds
impressive, because it is! The Japanese language is now available on Geocaching.com. More than 100
million people list Japanese as their primary language. Thanks to the dedicated translators who helped
make this ambitious project a reality.

  • The Geocaching.com/video page is back up and delighting people on the daily.
  • Geocaching superstars are wrangling the email notification system.

New, clearer, email notifications with
updated templates are being tested. Expect more from this project in coming releases. The Weekly Mailer
template is also being updated to be cleaner and easier to understand.

  • The Smithsonian Natural History GeoTour is now live.

Explore natural history and the natural world (and
earn a few smileys along the way).

  • On March 26th, while most of the world was asleep, Geocaching.com and Geocaching apps went offline for approximately 3.5 hours.

Our IT folks worked, with hands of fury, to install and update our
infrastructure. The site and our apps are more stable and the site performance is tuned up for spring
geocaching in the Northern Hemisphere.




Yahoo! Yippie! やったねー!


This day has 'Officially' come!


Great work, Japanese Translation Team!


And Thanks Groundspeak for opening the door to Geocaching a little bit (100million more) wider!

Awesome! 最高!






Groundspeak Volunteer Japanese Translator & iPhone App Beta-Tester


Hi, I noticed somewhere in the past few releases, the keyword search was changed to Cache Starts With. I have a few series that have a link in the cache listing that allowed the user to click on to see the other caches in the series using the keyword search (for example, <a href="/seek/nearest.aspx?key=Forgotten+Rock+Wall"> Since most of the caches are named xxx - Forgotten Rock Wall (so that they can be distinguished on a GPS), this no longer works. Is there any way to still access the true keyword search? I hope not to have to rename dozens of caches!

Hi, I noticed somewhere in the past few releases, the keyword search was changed to Cache Starts With. I have a few series that have a link in the cache listing that allowed the user to click on to see the other caches in the series using the keyword search (for example, <a href="/seek/nearest.aspx?key=Forgotten+Rock+Wall"> Since most of the caches are named xxx - Forgotten Rock Wall (so that they can be distinguished on a GPS), this no longer works. Is there any way to still access the true keyword search? I hope not to have to rename dozens of caches!
Instead of providing a link to a keyword search, could you provide a link to a bookmark list?


Yeah, I know, it still involves editing dozens of caches. But at least you'll no longer be dependent on the specific implementation of the keyword search.


Yeah, I know, it still involves editing dozens of caches. But at least you'll no longer be dependent on the specific implementation of the keyword search.

While you make a good suggestion, I have to admit this sounds like more than a mere implementation detail. The function now does something different. I assume they had to get rid of keyword search for some internal reason, since otherwise I would have expected them to add a "starts with" function and left the existing keyword search functioning the way everyone's come to expect. This guy's problem is just one example of why that would have been a good idea if it could have been done.


Personally, I wish they'd do a regular expression search, but I'm sure that's not practical...


Hi, I noticed somewhere in the past few releases, the keyword search was changed to Cache Starts With. I have a few series that have a link in the cache listing that allowed the user to click on to see the other caches in the series using the keyword search (for example, <a href="/seek/nearest.aspx?key=Forgotten+Rock+Wall"> Since most of the caches are named xxx - Forgotten Rock Wall (so that they can be distinguished on a GPS), this no longer works. Is there any way to still access the true keyword search? I hope not to have to rename dozens of caches!




I have a 'search' link added to my cache page's "Related Web Page", and it still works fine.


Searching for "Return to Tradition" named caches:



Could this be of something with the URL syntax missing or not specified?

Missing the http : // www . geocaching . com part?

Try this instead:



Yeah, I know, it still involves editing dozens of caches. But at least you'll no longer be dependent on the specific implementation of the keyword search.

While you make a good suggestion, I have to admit this sounds like more than a mere implementation detail. The function now does something different. I assume they had to get rid of keyword search for some internal reason, since otherwise I would have expected them to add a "starts with" function and left the existing keyword search functioning the way everyone's come to expect. This guy's problem is just one example of why that would have been a good idea if it could have been done.


Personally, I wish they'd do a regular expression search, but I'm sure that's not practical...


Yeah the change in function messes up a lot of Challenge caches--at least, trying to find caches that may qualify in an area you've never been to before. I know, some people say you can solve that by banning Challenge caches, but some of us like challenges.


Hi, I noticed somewhere in the past few releases, the keyword search was changed to Cache Starts With. I have a few series that have a link in the cache listing that allowed the user to click on to see the other caches in the series using the keyword search (for example, <a href="/seek/nearest.aspx?key=Forgotten+Rock+Wall"> Since most of the caches are named xxx - Forgotten Rock Wall (so that they can be distinguished on a GPS), this no longer works. Is there any way to still access the true keyword search? I hope not to have to rename dozens of caches!




I have a 'search' link added to my cache page's "Related Web Page", and it still works fine.


Searching for "Return to Tradition" named caches:



Could this be of something with the URL syntax missing or not specified?

Missing the http : // www . geocaching . com part?

Try this instead:


Moro, that would work if the caches were named "Forgotten Rock Wall - xxx". In fact, that is how I had it originally. A few cachers mentioned that on the GPS the end of the name is cut off so you can't tell one from the other without a few clicks. So I did my first rename effort to make them "xxx - Forgotten Rock Wall" to solve that problem. I started a second series and thought I was being smarter by naming them "xxx - Lost Sections..." from the beginning. Worked like a champ before a few weeks ago. Looks like I'll be renaming a whole bunch of caches this weekend.


niraD, I thought about the bookmark list but I don't like the way bookmarks are implemented (can't sort the list for one thing) Also, the way that I had it, there was zero maintenance when I added a new cache to the series. At the beginning, each cache page had liked to every other one in the series but after 6 or 7 it got too unwieldly to manage. After changing to the link, I was able to template the listing to make it easy to add new ones. Oh well, back to the old way I guess!


FWIW, you can control the sort order of a bookmark list by editing the Name field for each bookmark entry. Leading spaces affect the sort order, but aren't visible, which is handy if you don't want to insert leading zeros. (That is, you can use space-space-1 instead of 001.)

Posted (edited)

This keyword removal is terrible. I can't often remember the exact start of a cache name so remembering part of it always helped me to find them. I am not happy about this new starts with feature at all. Plus I just tried to find the Smithsonian tour mentioned in the release notes and can find no record of it since I don't know how it starts.

Edited by nessker

This keyword removal is terrible. I can't often remember the exact start of a cache name so remembering part of it always helped me to find them. I am not happy about this new starts with feature at all. Plus I just tried to find the Smithsonian tour mentioned in the release notes and can find no record of it since I don't know how it starts.


It's hard to believe that they took an almost useless search feature and made it worse.

Learn to use the Google site feature. Put this in and you will get just what you need:

Smithsonian site:geocaching.com

Posted (edited)

Can you bring back the keyword search??? The starts with search doesn't do much good if you don't know what it starts with. I used that quite often. This is very frustrating.


Edit: Not sure I posted this in the correct forum as I now see that it is also being discussed in another. Please feel free to move this as necessary.

Edited by tomturtle
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