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Simple GPS Race game idea..


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Inspired by the variants that have been proposed here, I came up with the following competition.


Although I searched the forums for anything similar (w/"game" in the subject) and didn't find anything, if Markwell or somebody knows better, let me know!


GPS Race:

""" """"

Two Goals:

- find the hardest coords. to get to within time limit

- race against opposition to get to their coords. before they get to yours


Setup: None!




Two teams or individuals in cars or on bikes or foot, meet at central point, then both leave in opposite cardinal directions for a specified period of time (15 mins.?)... Flip coin for who goes in which direction to inhibit foreknowledge.


Each finds a locale and records the coordinates...


At end of time limit, contact each other via cells or radios and relay coordinates. Go! (Alternatively return to central and swap coords.)


The first to reach the other point and describe an accurate landmark/feature/street number wins!


(Max. Speed indication on the GPS would disqualify for speeding if in cars...)


The successful strategy would be to take advantage of terrain features to lead the other person astray. One-way roads, round-about routes, etc. The time limit makes the setup challenging as well...


For more advanced play, another layer of complexity may be added by increasing the destinations.


Thoughts? Criticisms? Feedback? Suggestions? Anticipated problems? Confusion?



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Simple, yet challenging. In order to confirm a find and have a clear winner, perhaps each team would have to retrieve an object left by the opposing team and get back to the starting point with it. Then it'd be clear who won, rather than having to worry about timers and cell phones and such.


But that's just my opinion. It sounds like fun! A great game for a caching picnic.

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I'd thought of that, but not requiring a physical object be retrieved allows it to be done outside of a setting where that's permissable.


Via cars, you could use a nearby street number or landmark (ala' virtual caches), etc.


At a picnic, objects would definately be good--and many more teams! I'd envision a whole bunch of teams going off in different directions to plant their items and then return to center for everyone to share coordinates and then scurry to find all the others as fast as they could.



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