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Site wide location based times


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I was just wondering If gs could change things around so that when you write a log, hide a cache, etc. it would put your local time as a default. Before I became serious a bout geocaching, I used to just log the cache without paying attention... Now I wish that the logs would have been with the correct date on them for the dates cached stat. Also, it would mean I wouldn't have to change it every time I post the first log for any given day...


Any interest or feedback?


Those of us who live most of our day in the USA's "tomorrow" have been asking for this for years in many ways and places.

I'm not holding my breath expecting anything to be done about it soon . . . or ever.

There have been some minor improvements, most notably the partial recognition that the rest of the world doesn't use the mm/dd/yyyy date format.

I say partial, because as far as I know, I can't stop my notification emails arriving with the confusing US date format as the log date!

But at least I can get a proper date format on my cache pages.


I just thought its not such a hard thing to do... After all, isn't the whole sport of geocaching inseparable from your current location... Many websitees have stuff like this built in to them... for example when i go to 4cast.me (foudn on google) and click get location it gives me current time and weather...


When you go to the geocaching.com home page, you can click find nearest geocaches, and it will locate you. It's just a matter of creating a relationship between current location and time and date displayed...


Given that I mostly enter my logs a day or 2 or 3 (or more) after my caching experience, this would have no effect on me at all. I am used to always changing the date to match when I was there.


I remember that being an annoyance when I went caching in the morning in Germany.


I can't remember if it was an issue for us when we cached in Japan. Probably not, I don't think we logged many of our finds before we got home.


Those of us who live most of our day in the USA's "tomorrow" have been asking for this for years in many ways and places.

I'm not holding my breath expecting anything to be done about it soon . . . or ever.

There have been some minor improvements, most notably the partial recognition that the rest of the world doesn't use the mm/dd/yyyy date format.

I say partial, because as far as I know, I can't stop my notification emails arriving with the confusing US date format as the log date!

But at least I can get a proper date format on my cache pages.


Given how easy it is to convert a date into a different format I wonder why an unambiguous format isn't used in emails, log texts etc.


"5/3" could be May 3rd or March 5th depending on what format is used. But display it as "05-Mar" and there's no ambiguity at all.


Those of us who live most of our day in the USA's "tomorrow" have been asking for this for years in many ways and places.

I'm not holding my breath expecting anything to be done about it soon . . . or ever.

There have been some minor improvements, most notably the partial recognition that the rest of the world doesn't use the mm/dd/yyyy date format.

I say partial, because as far as I know, I can't stop my notification emails arriving with the confusing US date format as the log date!

But at least I can get a proper date format on my cache pages.


Given how easy it is to convert a date into a different format I wonder why an unambiguous format isn't used in emails, log texts etc.


"5/3" could be May 3rd or March 5th depending on what format is used. But display it as "05-Mar" and there's no ambiguity at all.


I agree with that...

Just out of curiosity, why did the US change it in the first place? isn't it logical that the shorter amount of time appears before the long e.g. day/month/year?


Just out of curiosity, why did the US change it in the first place? isn't it logical that the shorter amount of time appears before the long e.g. day/month/year?

Don't have a clue as to how/why/where/when the U.S. went away from the world trend in date displays.

The military uses shorter to longer date format -- and the 24-hour clock, which makes more sense overall. They actually incorporate time into the equation, continuing the shorter to longer format -- time, day, month, year.


Time zones however, did come about because of the broader expanse of territory in North America (notice - not specifically the U.S.) due to the advent of the railroads and their scheduling. As the world became "smaller", a more unified system became necessary.


The military uses shorter to longer date format


Yes and no.


When I'm writing out dates, I can go with the long form (5 March 2013) or the short form (5 MAR 13).


When I'm filling out forms, often the required format is YYYYMMDD (20130305).


Please don't ask why, I have no idea.


The military uses shorter to longer date format


Yes and no.


When I'm writing out dates, I can go with the long form (5 March 2013) or the short form (5 MAR 13).


When I'm filling out forms, often the required format is YYYYMMDD (20130305).


Please don't ask why, I have no idea.


Most systems which exchange date/time information adhere to the ISO 8601 (International Standards Organization) Date/Time standard. The standard indicates that: the international standard date notation is YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the year expressed as 4 digit, MM is the month (expressed as two digits, with a leading zero if necessary) and DD is the day of the month. The Standard accepts YYYYMMDD (without the hypens) as a valid notation as well.


This discussion page is reference directly from the official standard (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html). It's actually quite readable as ISO standards documents go.


The military uses shorter to longer date format


Yes and no.


When I'm writing out dates, I can go with the long form (5 March 2013) or the short form (5 MAR 13).


When I'm filling out forms, often the required format is YYYYMMDD (20130305).


Please don't ask why, I have no idea.


The YYYYMMDD format is best for sorting and searching.




Just followed my way here from www.mygeocachingprofile.com, which is now Groundspeak-owned.

They do the 'Official' Stats page in everyones' Public Profile.


The 'Official' Stats follows the user's setting for Date Format, which has seven (7) different way to choose from.

I personally LOVE the YYYY/MM/DD format, and use it for most everything personal, and also in my Lab notes.

As others state here, it's the best for sorting things by the date.


Anyways, interestingly, the www.mygeocachingprofile.com site only has two (2) Date Formats to select from. mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy. Yuck. <_<


I just want to request that www.mygeocachingprofile.com also adds the YYYY/MM/DD, and the others missing as a selectable formats. All Seven of them.




The military uses shorter to longer date format


Yes and no.


When I'm writing out dates, I can go with the long form (5 March 2013) or the short form (5 MAR 13).


When I'm filling out forms, often the required format is YYYYMMDD (20130305).


Please don't ask why, I have no idea.


The YYYYMMDD format is best for sorting and searching.


Amen to that! I always laugh to myself at the mental image of someone starting to look for something by pulling out ALL of the Days first, Then sorting by month, and finally finding the right year / century.


Never could figure out why the m/d/y or d/m/y thing ever got started in the first place. Bankers, I fear, might have been first to do so, just to confuse the rest of us poor folks... or maybe government bureaucrats so that important things could never be found at all, ever.


Doug 7rxc

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