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names of geocaching organizations

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Hello, All!


I know that many groups of people out there have formed geocaching clubs of one form or another, where they meet in real life. There are LOTS of group names and probably a website or two for those groups.


I thought I might start this thread so we can keep track of them. Well, not really "keep track" - that sounds too sinister. icon_smile.gif I was just curious, really. I sure hope other people think it's a good idea.



  • what is the name of your geocaching organization?
  • what is your website? (if you have one)
  • where are you?
  • when did the group form?



froggy.gif You must be present to win.


[This message was edited by MissJenn on June 03, 2002 at 09:00 PM.]


Oh yes, WHERE is also good. Will edit.


Thanks, Rusty! I hope this thread catches on ..... I know there are others. I guess those people are out caching instead of posting on the board! icon_biggrin.gif


Maryland Geocaching Society, (MD)

Founded in April of 2002


Open membership to all interested in Geocaching.


Website: www.mdgps.net

Forums: forums.mdgps.net


Maryland Geocaching Society also has several webrings dedicated to Geocaching. These rings are hosted directly on our site. For information on joining one of our webrings visit our homepage.


Randall J. Berry




[This message was edited by Randall J. Berry on June 05, 2002 at 07:04 PM.]


well, we've never really organized anything here in NorthEast Ohio (any interest in forming a nominal group?), but if we ever do, I have an idea for a possible acronym for it (i am an award-winning amateur acronym writer icon_smile.gif)


GONER (Geo-Cachers of Ohio's NorthEast Region)


well good caching to all, and see you GONERs at the Metroparks Picnic... icon_smile.gif


"You will kneel before her in her altar in the trees" - Tara MacLean, Let Her Feel The Rain


We began forming about a year ago and have had one large event, the Cache Bash in June 2001, a picnic in August and several small treks. We hope to provide services and support to smaller clubs in the Great Plains areas, for building more local clubs and developing new games in yet uninhabited areas. You can find us at www.gpgeocaching.com.

Our big 2003 event will be centered around the Lewis and Clark expedition and provide more educational opportunities than last year's event. Everyone is invited to join us in Omaha, date is yet to be determined.




what is the name of your geocaching organization?

St. Louis Area Geocachers Association (SLAGA - pronounced: "Slaw'-guh")


what is your website? (if you have one)



where are you?

St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding areas. We have arbitrarily designated 'SLAGA territory' as 100 mile radius from a point southwest of the city of St. Louis (skewed based on the general caching area of our members)


when did the group form?

We credit our start with a geocaching picnic that took place in Sept. of 2001. Just two days ago, we held our 2nd annual geocaching picnic (see details at these two URLs:




We also have a list of other geocaching groups at:


(look in upper right corner)


Originally posted by MissJenn:


So: + what is the name of your geocaching organization? + what is your website? (if you have one) + where are you? + when did the group form?


The Wisconsin Geocaching Association (WGA) website is http://www.wi-geocaching.com

We represent geocachers all over the state as we support the sport to state and local land management officials, and plan events throughout the year. The group formed officially in early 2002, but our first event in August 2001 pre-dated the official founding. Our website includes discussion forums, an automatically updated list of the latest "finds" in Wisconsin, a voting place for Cache of the Month, a monthly article related to geocaching, photo gallery, and links to members' personal web sites.




NTGA is the organization for Dallas/Fort Worth and the surrounding area. Our website is www.ntga.net The name was chosen last spring. The first regular meetings that were not purely social events started this summer. We are still in the process of developing a logo, so in some sense we are still organizing.




Here in Minnesota we started a group last May of 2002, called "Geocachers Exploring Minnesota." We have had some great people get it up and going. Our web site is,




We had a picnic last July and had about 50 people attend. We have another picnic organized for the last Sunday in October.

Our State Parks system has made Geocaching illegal, and we formed to try and figure out a way to do this activity safely in our State Parks with Park involvement. We are still working on this however. Hopefully this winter they will work with us to develop guidelines for this activity in our State Parks.


Website at www.ggaonline.org


Most members are in the metro Atlanta area but some travel quite far for meetings.


The first event cache was in July of 2001 and the club formed as a result of that meeting.


All that's required to join is an expressed interest in geocaching and attending an event cache. Everyone should feel free to drop in on a meeting even if they're from out of town and just passing through on business or leisure travel.


GEOcachers of Central KY ...pronounced Jockey to tie in with our area's ties with horse racing.


Hey, thanks for starting this thread. Geocaching has just recently exploded in Central KY and we are in the process of trying to organize a group and website. I'm sure we'll be contacting and checking on a lot of the sites and groups listed above. If anyone has any good pointers to help us avoid potential pitfalls, I'd appreciate them either privately or on the thread.



Greg, AKA Poppy Bear of


~ The Li'l Bears icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif from Lexington, KY


On the geocaching.com main page if you select a state and follow the link you will be taken to the state page. In the upper right will be links to state groups known to geocaching.com.


This is a good way to find the local groups. Plus if you are a local group you might want to make sure you are listed there.


Wherever you go there you are.


Update on GEOCKY (GEOcachers of Central KentuckY):


We have formed as a group, starting in early January, and our web page is:




PS: I am placing a list of all of the sites mentioned here on GEOCKY. See the LINKS page (the page is not published yet, but should be up later this evening).


[This message was edited by hoys on January 27, 2003 at 06:48 PM.]


here is mine:

ozark mountain geocachers


we're thinking about doing a formal website. we just got organized in sept. we are based in branson mo.


here's two more:


they just formed this month after the arkansas state parks meeting



springfield geocachers


i don't know when they formed, they are based in springfield mo



Click to subscribe to ozmtngeocachers

if you cache it, they will come.


We are a group of geocachers in the southeastern part of illinois.Membership is open to anyone interested in geocaching.We meet 2nd thursday of every month at the Cyber cafe in Olney,IL. at 7:00 p.m.We are currently working on getting our web page up and running.We started this Club in sept 2002.


If I have to explain, You wouldnt understand..


[This message was edited by HD-Dude on March 13, 2003 at 05:50 AM.]


There's talk of forming a NJ group on 3/23. I hope it goes through.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


I believe NJ has settled on the New Jersey Geocaching Association but I'm not sure what stage its at.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


Geocaching Hampton Roads, VA




Includes Norfolk, VA Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News, Yorktown, Williamsburg, James City County and anyone else who caches in these areas (NC, Richmond)


Formed July 13, 2003. We are just getting started.


Janine of Cacheola Crew




"You have brains in your head; You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You're on your own. And you know what you know.

And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...."

Dr. Seuss


Ark-Mo Geocachers Association



Ozark Mountian Geocahers and Arkansas Geocachers have joined to help in the SW Missouri,Northern Arkansas area.

We are in the process of attending some events together at Fall Fest in Oklahoma and are corrently in the process of scheduling an event.












Arkansas Missouri Geocachrs Association




I didn't start it, but a new Yahoo group was started for SW Pennsylvania at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tri-go/


TRI-GO is a (dis)organization of geocaching enthusiasts in southwestern Pennsylvania. We’re just getting started and we’re not even sure what TRI-GO stands for just yet but we think that it could be an acronym for Three Rivers Informal Geocaching Organization or something like that. The purpose of this group will be to coordinate events and promote geocaching in our area. There are no dues or anything like that because we want to keep this club free and fun. Anyone interested in geocaching in SWPA is welcome and encouraged to join.


-Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife! icon_smile.gif

A comprehensive list of groups in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia can be found in This Topic, which is pinned at the top of the Northeast forum. Links to websites/groups are included.

WHYYYYYY have you FORSAKEN me, oh mighty Keystone?!?!?!


I'm a member or "non-member" as the guys like to say of TRI-GO


the Three Rivers Informal Geocaching Organization


We're actually a disorganization of non members who like to cache around the Western PA area...




That's the website.


Like I said, I'm not important member or anything, in fact no one is we're just sort of a bunch of geocachers...

He meant to say:

A comprehensive list of groups in Maryland, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland......

That's better. ;)

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