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Have you ever visited a haunted geocache site?


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Made this topic to hear stories from geocachers.. have you ever felt uneasy at a cache site? Ever been to a geocache site and had any odd occurrences? Ever been to a known haunted geocache site and have anything weird happen?? Ever taken a picture of a cache site and ended up with pictures containing "orbs"??


Interested in hearing some stories.. if any


Post away!


Made this topic to hear stories from geocachers.. have you ever felt uneasy at a cache site? Ever been to a geocache site and had any odd occurrences? Ever been to a known haunted geocache site and have anything weird happen?? Ever taken a picture of a cache site and ended up with pictures containing "orbs"??


Interested in hearing some stories.. if any


Post away!


My husband and I were not looking for a cache at the time but were on a tour in the oldest cemetery in the United States, Plymouth, Mass.. We took pics during the tour and saw many orbs in the pics after uploading them. There are several caches in cemeteries around our city and the intrigue to go caching in a cemetery is on our list of caches to explore.


I guess I'm not sensitive to ghosts. I have cached in some local cemeteries that are supposedly haunted and also did some caching at Gettysburg which is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the US. Didn't see or hear anything.


There is a geocache in my hometown that is placed in the cemetery of a local legend.. Mercy Brown. Legend has it she was said to be a vampire, her body was dug up a few months after she died and her organs supposedly still had blood in them.. I believe her organs were then burned but the cemetery is supposedly haunted. Odd things are said to occur here, such as orbs showing up in pictures, uneasy feelings while in the cemetery, and several people have reported their cars not starting.


If you are interested in hearing more about the story, just google her name, Mercy Brown.


The GC code for the geocache placed there is GC3QERY


Yeah, even though I unequivocally do not believe in ghosts. The Haunted Blue Ghost Tunnel Cache in Thorold, Ontario. Niagara region, maybe 10 miles from Niagara Falls. It has 60 favorite points, I'd say that's a home run for the cache owner. There's actually an even better 4 star terrain cache at the hard to find other end of this abandoned train tunnel, but it doesn't give any information about the tunnel on it's cache page.


What, did I kill the thread by saying "I unequivocally do not believe in ghosts"? :laughing: This is a good topic, lets hear about those haunted Geocaching sites. There are many out there.


This one for sure. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=408e2e61-2aa2-466c-b499-99ace8a79fd3


I also agree this is a good topic.

If you ever saw a movie on A&E called "The Devil's Nest" it was filmed locally, and I know several of the people involved. After the filming and "exorcism" was over, about two weeks later a time capsule from 1975 was found by accident at the local school, and there was an article in the Kingsport Times News about the discovery. It was a letter from Rocky, the departed soul that the movie was about.


Hang in there. :laughing: Rocky's last words from the grave written in 1975 on the letter. :anibad:


ExploreWV has a Haunted WV GeoChallenge going on right now... All 20 are locations that are haunted or have monster sightings!


Wish I would've known about it when it started in the fall of 2011, but I hit one of them today..


The Albuquerque Old Town Ghost Tour takes you to a number of haunted locations. It can't quite replace the full tour, complete with EVP recordings and full stories about these locations - the best I have ever taken. But a number of the locations have had interesting incidents.


I once found a cache at an old run down cabin. A single dilapidated chair was in the room, while various animal skulls and bones lined some of the beams. It made me glad I was not there after dark but I have sometimes thought about returning there to take some EVP recordings.


GC71AC - which has been replaced by GC27EVF. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is supposedly the "most haunted place in the world"



GC4C02 - home of Resurrection Mary - giving rise to the "vanishing hitchhiker"



But I never felt uneasy at any of the sites.


I can never seem to be able to find the cache when this topic comes up but there's one about 35 miles from me called something like "Thirteen Curves" that's located along a rural twisty road. The local story goes that a young couple was driving home along this stretch of road and on the 13th curve in the road went off the road, hit a tree, and both died...but the woman was thrown from the vehicle...and the man is still out there looking for her. I spoke to two separate cachers at events that found the cache located at the 13th curve and both said that they felt real creeped out while they were there and after finding the cache wanted to get out of the area as soon as possible.


There are a few such locations throughout Wisconsin. This is one we didn't have in the GPsr when we drove by, but I recognized it immediately. We'll be back someday to find the cache itself. It has a fun optional logging requirement, with which many comply.



There's one somewhat in my area, called The Convalescent Project. It's at the site of what was once a hotel, then night club, then nursing home. It's a sprawling abandoned structure in the woods.


This topic is interesting to me because I shoot haunted attractions during Halloween (SeeYouScream). I guess I'm a bit jaded because of it--or perhaps that's a prerequisite.


There were two times I can recall, both early in my caching career and both at FTFs close to or just after midnight. At the first one, my flashlight died just as I finished signing my handle on the log book. I was a mile out on the trail, so I ended up having to trespass through someone's backyard and take the long way back on a road. The second time, I was looking on another trail for a difficult final for a multi and a family of deer kept circling me the half an hour I was there. They kept walking around some hundred-fifty feet away, staring at me and didn't do away like normal deer.


The bulk of stories I have, though, involve my hiding in the woods and scaring the mess out of cachers as they come by. When Geowoodstock was in North Carolina, I was at a headless horseman-themed night cache. We lowered the cache from the tree and heard voices off in the distance. Everyone hid at least a hundred feet away while I stepped behind a skinny tree only twenty feet away. The cachers eventually arrived and were distracted by the hanging cache. I was in plain sight when you got to the cache, but they weren't looking my way, as expected. I waited. One person, two and three walked up to the cache. A few more joined them. When there were eight or ten, I ran at them, yelling. They screamed and scattered. During Geowoodstock V the next day, they came up to me and identified me as the guy who scared them the previous night. The next year, when GW6 was across the country in California, I was approached by some people and they said, "You're the guy who scared us in the woods last year." I don't think that happened in Tennessee, but I think they approached me again in Washington (it was at one of those). Oh, yes, I love scaring the mess out of cachers when they're in the woods at night! It's just as fun as appearing behind people without their knowing!


My cache (that recently got adopted) was in an old place that the army let get in really poor condition. I started as a failed summer retreat for DC residents, then quickly became a finishing school for women (talking late 1800s to early 1900s). Military grabbed it during WWII for use as a injured soldier rehabilitation facility (it was called Walter Reed Annex, but most knew it as Forest Glen Seminary). While it was in deep disrepair when I placed the cache in 2003, some folks called it cool but "creepy" on more than one occasion. It had a large mix of carious structures with architectural styles from around the world (Chinese Pagoda, Windmill, Spanish styled building, a castle with middle ages mimic architecture, and a large portion was german and swiss tudor type styles.


Of course, 10 years later, luckily (in part with the help of the visitors of the cache learning about the site) the site was released by the government (GSA procedure) and has been since restored and made into a fantastic housing development (with new structures that copy the existing structures. I think the "haunting" aspect is gone now, but if you believed in all that ghost stuff (I don't) it certainly would be cool place to play that up.

Posted (edited)


That's the one...though it looks like I didn't remember the story quite right. That listing is actually a replacement for one that was there many years ago.


The only other reference to it that I can find on all the internets is a Weird NY entry These things are easily documented, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say no one can find a record in Onondaga County of a married couple both dying in a car crash in the 1950's or 1960's on that road on their wedding night. Not that I'm Mr. Ghost debunker, or want to ruin anyone's fun. :laughing:

Edited by Mr.Yuck


That's the one...though it looks like I didn't remember the story quite right. That listing is actually a replacement for one that was there many years ago.


The only other reference to it that I can find on all the internets is a Weird NY entry These things are easily documented, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say no one can find a record in Onondaga County of a married couple both dying in a car crash in the 1950's or 1960's on that road on their wedding night. Not that I'm Mr. Ghost debunker, or want to ruin anyone's fun. :laughing:


I know the stories behind a lot of urban legends (or rural legends, in this case) often change, and a couple coming home from a movie date could have evolved into a married couple, which would obviously cause some some "no results found" if one was looking in official records for a married couple. Whether the story is true or not I found this particular passage on the Wierd NY site interesting.


"The road is really dark, windy, and desolate. When there are no other cars on the road, you really feel like you’re in the heart of darkness. I’ve taken many trips down the road, and something seems off about the place––even when nothing has happened. I have been forced into admitting that there is something just generally creepy going on there."


That's almost exactly how two different cachers at different events described their experience while searching for the cache along that road. I think both of them used the phrases "something seemed off about the place" and "really creepy".


The spot may not be haunted, that doesn't really matter if it *feels* like it's haunted.


I have a few caches here ....

Fun video, Brian! Is that a CR-V I spotted at the end? My own cachemobile is a CR-V, and I think it's great.


One of my favorite "haunted" geocaches is the Moonville Tunnel Cache Project in Zaleski State Forest in southeastern Ohio. The cache is near an old railroad tunnel that's reputed to be haunted. Moonville was a mining town in the late 19th and early 20th Century that was eventually abandoned.


The cache description doesn't mention the area's haunted past, but ghost stories abound. Students at the nearby Ohio University love to scare each other with tales of its dark history. For more history of the area and the tunnel, I suggest a visit to this Moonville Tunnel Web site; click on any of the "Ghost Stories" links for some fun and spooky tales from the past.


I've explored Moonville many times, beginning long before I discovered geocaching. It's in a beautiful area. Sadly, I've never had any creepy experiences there. Then again, I've never spent the night....



Posted (edited)


That's the one...though it looks like I didn't remember the story quite right. That listing is actually a replacement for one that was there many years ago.


The only other reference to it that I can find on all the internets is a Weird NY entry These things are easily documented, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say no one can find a record in Onondaga County of a married couple both dying in a car crash in the 1950's or 1960's on that road on their wedding night. Not that I'm Mr. Ghost debunker, or want to ruin anyone's fun. :laughing:


I know the stories behind a lot of urban legends (or rural legends, in this case) often change, and a couple coming home from a movie date could have evolved into a married couple, which would obviously cause some some "no results found" if one was looking in official records for a married couple. Whether the story is true or not I found this particular passage on the Wierd NY site interesting.


"The road is really dark, windy, and desolate. When there are no other cars on the road, you really feel like you’re in the heart of darkness. I’ve taken many trips down the road, and something seems off about the place––even when nothing has happened. I have been forced into admitting that there is something just generally creepy going on there."


That's almost exactly how two different cachers at different events described their experience while searching for the cache along that road. I think both of them used the phrases "something seemed off about the place" and "really creepy".


The spot may not be haunted, that doesn't really matter if it *feels* like it's haunted.


Oh, I'm not implying that *I* tried to find documentation of a married couple dying on that road on their wedding night, just that I doubt anyone could if they went to County Hall, or looked at the Syracuse Newspaper on microfilm at the library. I agree a teenaged couple on a date could have turned into a married couple, and then one on their wedding night. But then, that wouldn't be consistent with the decapitated ghost walking around in a wedding dress, would it? :)


There's a "haunted site" about 20 miles from me where a teenaged girl supposedly died in a fire, and haunts a nearby tunnel (built in the early 1900's), but there are no records, in the deed of the current property owner, of a house ever existing on the property during that time period. There are actually 2 caches near this pedestrian tunnel, and each has a slightly different version of the legend. It's almost like the newer owner was trying to let the older owner know that "we know more about the story than you". A story which has no basis in fact. :o


And no, I didn't research that one myself, I read where someone else did. Man, I tick off enough people with my anti-lame micro stance, now I'm going to tick them off for being a ghost debunker in a nice haunted caches thread. :lol: Oh, and I'm not harassing you, obviously Syracuse is somewhat "local" to me. I'm sure I'd try to debunk a haunted house story in Wisconsin, if I had any interest.

Edited by Mr.Yuck
Fun video, Brian! Is that a CR-V I spotted at the end? My own cachemobile is a CR-V, and I think it's great.


Alas I sold the CRV two years ago. I had mixed feelings about it. I loved the utility of the vehicle. It was a nice balance between gas mileage and the features I like in a caching, hiking, canoeing, etc. vehicle. But I never owned a car in my life that had so may problems over the years. I had owed Hondas since the 70's and the CRV's repair record was abysmal and totally changed my opinion of Hondas. I now drive a Subaru.


Yeah, even though I unequivocally do not believe in ghosts. The Haunted Blue Ghost Tunnel Cache in Thorold, Ontario. Niagara region, maybe 10 miles from Niagara Falls. It has 60 favorite points, I'd say that's a home run for the cache owner.


That looks really cool and creepy. I wonder how I didn't notice that listing when I was visiting Niagara Falls in 2010...it's too bad, I would've done that cache in a heartbeat!


As I'm a night owl and I am often hunting around for caches alone in the woods at night, I don't scare or get creeped out by much but I have found a few "haunted" caches:


Urban Myth | My Blood e-Valentine-a really well done night cache that starts at the grave of Kate Blood and the finals isn't far from one of the Valley's oddest location.


Marsh Magic-A decent enough cache but I'm not sure the CO knows the story behind Marsh Rd as he didn't have anything in the write-up about it. It's a supposedly haunted stretch of road where a young girl was murdered and dismembered, so the creep factor comes from telling ghost stories about the road and then driving down it late at night. The road is unpaved and is like driving over washboards, so you have to take it slow and that slow crawl through the woods just lets the suspense build and build.

The last time I drove down the road (to find this cache), the county had significantly trimmed back the brush and trees, which really took away the spookiness you had before where the woods seemed to be right next to your car.


Recently went chasing a ghost here The Felton Highwayman


Of course we were dressed for the occasion Photo


LOL Mark. will have to see if i can get Mr Rees to go to this one :)


I just looked for some caches around Avebury stones but there aren't any around the stones. That place always gave me the creeps and my dad used to tell me about the ghosts around the stones and the story that is you sat on the stones you'd be sucked into the stones and turned to stone yourself.


There's also a haunted pub right by them. :) which is a very nice pub and used to do good food. :D


Geocaching has provided a couple of opportunities for us to visit Molly Stark Hospital (Stark County Ohio). Both times have been creepily fun.214624738461403866_rMGAmwJL_c.jpg

See, that isn't spokey, that's just a cool building I would love to turn into a house or condo.


I grew up about a mile from that place and the three caches there. It would have been great to see that old place turned into something nice but it is just to far gone. They have torn down all the support buildings but one now. The main building was a TB hospital and then a drug rehab center until the early 80s. Ventured inside with friends several times with friends in my teenage years. Very creepy place. The basement still has the old morgue with all the freezers and stuff. Also last time I was in there there was like two feet of standing water down there. Sadly the township now owns the place and had made it impossible to get inside.

Fun video, Brian! Is that a CR-V I spotted at the end? My own cachemobile is a CR-V, and I think it's great.


Alas I sold the CRV two years ago. I had mixed feelings about it. I loved the utility of the vehicle. It was a nice balance between gas mileage and the features I like in a caching, hiking, canoeing, etc. vehicle. But I never owned a car in my life that had so may problems over the years. I had owed Hondas since the 70's and the CRV's repair record was abysmal and totally changed my opinion of Hondas. I now drive a Subaru.

Sorry to hear about your problems with the CR-V. I've had zero problems with my 2005 after about 103,000 miles, a lot of those miles on dirt roads chasing caches.


Are you sure your CR-V wasn't pestered by poltergeists (threw that last part in just to keep this on-topic)? :lol:



Fun video, Brian! Is that a CR-V I spotted at the end? My own cachemobile is a CR-V, and I think it's great.


Alas I sold the CRV two years ago. I had mixed feelings about it. I loved the utility of the vehicle. It was a nice balance between gas mileage and the features I like in a caching, hiking, canoeing, etc. vehicle. But I never owned a car in my life that had so may problems over the years. I had owed Hondas since the 70's and the CRV's repair record was abysmal and totally changed my opinion of Hondas. I now drive a Subaru.


No problems with a 2008 CRV Mrs. Yuck drove for 5 years and 55,000 miles. Then, when (almost) paid off, it was given to the 18 yr. old daughter, who cracked it up 3 weeks later. It wasn't that bad, and could have been repaired, but if there is airbag deployment in an accident, you're screwed. Any accident with airbag deployment, they consider the vehicle totalled. Ironically enough, Mrs. Yuck too now drives a Subaru. I think the Subaru may be haunted, as well. That makes me on topic. :ph34r:


Made this topic to hear stories from geocachers.. have you ever felt uneasy at a cache site? Ever been to a geocache site and had any odd occurrences? Ever been to a known haunted geocache site and have anything weird happen?? Ever taken a picture of a cache site and ended up with pictures containing "orbs"??


Interested in hearing some stories.. if any


Post away!

Posted (edited)

There is a geocache near the Airtight Bridge near Charleston, Illinois, GC208ZX. http://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC208ZX_ancient-airtight-bridge?guid=6ad6a586-f43b-4cc9-837e-564182572bc4.

The bridge was the scene of where a woman's headless torso was discovered in 1980. There is a stillness to the area around the bridge which why the bridge earned its name. I took my kids there on a full moon, on a Friday the 13th. The bridge earned it's name on this night as it was spooky and still. We heard and saw wolves and I did not linger long enough to find the cache as I was a little spooked by the area and the wolves which were closing in.

Edited by johnnyhotcakes

We are just starting to plan a trip to Utah and I could've help but notice this cache in this location. Now I am not sure I believe the stories of old furniture, bullet holes, dried blood, and chains in the basement. The site is not listed in other descriptions of haunted places in the area. Still, if there was a hole in the fence and a loose board . . . .


If I go there, it will be around a year after visiting another haunted place, Grayfriar's Kirk, which is said to be the most haunted cemetery in one of the most haunted cities in Scotland. We found a cache at the gate, but returned a little later during a fun ghost tour that took us into underground areas and told us a lot of stories of the Kirk and a resident poltergeist.


We have a cache called Aldridge placed at an old sawmill site. My wife had the hairs stand up on the back of her neck on at least one of our visits but we never really thought too much about it. Another cacher went out there and after taking some pictures, noticed something in one of them that didn't look right.


Here's a link to the photo:



Here's his log:


OK, Here's the picture of the Century, taken & UNtouched,,, @ Aldridge site. The pic came out pixelated,& I don't know why, but click on it to view original,,, Look closely between Geo_Skater & Geovette,,,,There is an image of a person, & to top it off,it appears he has on an Blue Hawaiian shirt & shorts!(The ghost of Summer Celebration?,,,I TOLD Powerstrokin NOT to go in those woods Friday night!),,, Did he stir up a lost,kindred soul?),,,The only humans there were myself, my husband, & my grandson, & One of us was taking the photo! I am so with U, as U logged in the book, Blackbelt,,,This place was verrry creepy! Geovette

Some time ago there was a thread about a cache in the woods where people would hear strange sounds and smell something terrible. No one ever saw anything, but it gave me the creeps just reading about it. I tried to find it, but had no luck. The post, that is--no way would I look for the cache without many others around.

Posted (edited)

I took this orb-rich picture near the first cache in Iraq, in one of the royal tombs of the 5,000-year-old city of of UR.




Of course, "orbs" are just out of focus objects, like dust or bugs, so this is not a photo of thousands of undead, vengeful Sumerians.

Edited by hzoi

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