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iPhone Benchmark app


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Because I couldn't find an iPhone app that met my needs for benchmarking, I wrote one. It's on the App Store now. It's free, with no ads. Strictly a labor of love.


The app is called FindMarkers, and the download URL is: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/vince-star/id591714436


From your iPhone, the easiest way to download it is to go to the App Store and search for "ngs".


If it gets any traction, I'll take requests for enhancements. I'm sure you folks will have a bunch of ideas.





Posted (edited)

I'll pull it down and see if it's better than FindAControl. If it is, then unless a iphone version of taht really nice looking android app that someone on here did pops up for iphone, I may have found a new BM hunter program.


*edit* I did play with it.


I found me a new app.

Edited by Ashallond
Posted (edited)

Also requires living in the US :( (benchmarks are US only, but some of us like to cross the border now and then :P have to use a workaround to get the app in Canada)

Edited by thebruce0

Wow, AWESOME comments! I agree with pretty much everything you said.


My main concern is about logging. I hadn't considered letting the user log directly to NGS, but I suppose that's a possibility. (The submission form is at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ngs-cgi-bin/recvy_entry_www.prl, in case anyone hasn't seen it.)


I know people typically log to geocaching.com. I don't particularly want to usurp that, but I'm not sure what to do with the markers you log with the app. My original intent was the next release would allow you to upload your logs and share them if you want to. Now I'm not so sure.


I don't have any access to GC's database, so beyond linking to the PID page, there's not much I can do. I would welcome any suggestions.




Also requires living in the US :( (benchmarks are US only, but some of us like to cross the border now and then :P have to use a workaround to get the app in Canada)


Sorry, blame my jingoism. But I love my neighbors to the north! I'm hoping that when I submit a revision, I can widen the distribution to include Canada. I'll also investigate including Canadian bench marks. If you have a link, that would be most excellent.






Also requires living in the US :( (benchmarks are US only, but some of us like to cross the border now and then :P have to use a workaround to get the app in Canada)


Sorry, blame my jingoism. But I love my neighbors to the north! I'm hoping that when I submit a revision, I can widen the distribution to include Canada. I'll also investigate including Canadian bench marks. If you have a link, that would be most excellent.





Posted (edited)

Also requires living in the US :( (benchmarks are US only, but some of us like to cross the border now and then :P have to use a workaround to get the app in Canada)


Sorry, blame my jingoism. But I love my neighbors to the north! I'm hoping that when I submit a revision, I can widen the distribution to include Canada. I'll also investigate including Canadian bench marks. If you have a link, that would be most excellent.






Well, I managed to make a US iTunes account and nab the app ;)


As for Canadian benchmarks, there are links to benchmarks and resources on Waymarking.com - http://www.Waymarkin...235c49&exp=True


There's also the one Brass Cap cache, a virtual now, GC43F3 in Alberta which has become a grandfathered listing (afaik) which "moves". From its hidden date, you need to find the current benchmark, or a previously logged benchmark, and include a photo or the numbers. So that listing has a link to a GPX of hundreds of benchmarks in the province that have been logged (master index, cap map). But that's only Alberta.


*shrug* just some input, no idea how you incorporate the benchmarks, so do with it as you please :)


ETA: After some manual searching for importing into my Geosphere app, I've also located the CSRS database which contains all Canadian geodetic benchmark stations. I've imported a report of over 500 in/around my home city as waypoints for that app (after a lot of work to determine the best way :P). Not sure how usable/accessible that db is for a dedicated iOS app, but they might have an API for db access... haven't looked that deeply.

Edited by thebruce0




My main concern is about logging. I hadn't considered letting the user log directly to NGS, but I suppose that's a possibility. (The submission form is at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ngs-cgi-bin/recvy_entry_www.prl, in case anyone hasn't seen it.)


I know people typically log to geocaching.com. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>







I can't find a previous forum thread right now, but it is generally expected that a new benchmarker log quite a few marks into Geocache and then be very familiar with the above 'pinned' topics before attempting an official 'RECOVERY' with NGS.


Please note the emphasis I placed on the terms 'log' (what we do to report on our hobby activity), and 'RECOVERY' (information -hopefully not misinformation - which becomes part of an official document that can be very important to professionals in the field of surveying and engineering).


And there are a smattering of NGS marks that are physically located north of the Medicine Line.







My main concern is about logging. I hadn't considered letting the user log directly to NGS, but I suppose that's a possibility. (The submission form is at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ngs-cgi-bin/recvy_entry_www.prl, in case anyone hasn't seen it.)


I know people typically log to geocaching.com. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>







I can't find a previous forum thread right now, but it is generally expected that a new benchmarker log quite a few marks into Geocache and then be very familiar with the above 'pinned' topics before attempting an official 'RECOVERY' with NGS.


Please note the emphasis I placed on the terms 'log' (what we do to report on our hobby activity), and 'RECOVERY' (information -hopefully not misinformation - which becomes part of an official document that can be very important to professionals in the field of surveying and engineering).


And there are a smattering of NGS marks that are physically located north of the Medicine Line.




Agreed - NGS recoveries are going into a database which is meant to be used by professionals, and you will often want to include updated descriptions, measuerments, etc. I've always wanted to review whatever notes I've taken & look over my photos before submitting an official recovery....not to mention that typing on those little phone screens seem to allow me to make mistakes ;)

Posted (edited)

First, I have to say that I LOVE the app. THANKS! It is was better than the primitive method I was using before. You are awfully nice to offer it for free.


Speaking on behalf of fellow benchmark newbies, I have a few quick question.


When I "Log bench mark", where is this data going? NGS? Geocaching.com? "Logged Bench marks" bookmarks tab? As kayakbird stated, I'm most interested logging at Geocaching.com and I certainly don't want to mess up the NGS database.


Also, I noticed that the iPhone app and the Geocaching.com map are not totally synced (missing benchmarks from each other's maps). What is causing this?


Again, thanks for the app.

Edited by bjohio

I agree with Kayakbird's comments. Filing a recovery with the NGS is a serious proposition. I'm sure that even those of us who've done it a lot sit there and read every field multiple times before we click Submit, because we know that we have a responsibility to provide accurate information. And if we're including notes, we want to make sure they have the exact wording and formatting expected by the professionals who use the NGS database. Sometimes we'll even run our comments past the other folks on this forum for editing suggestions before sending them to the NGS.


Submitting recoveries to NGS is not a good idea for beginners, and I fear that a simple "log" button on what sounds like a very nice and easy-to-use iPhone app (I only have an iPod touch so can't use apps in the field) would inadvertently encourage people who are unfamiliar with NGS's way of doing things to file recoveries. I think it's great, though, that you make it easy to log survey marks on Gc.com.


I think you're right, it wouldn't be a good idea to make it too easy to log with the NGS.


Agreed. To reiterate, the "Log" function in my app only logs to your local device. It's up to you what you want to do with that information. It's just a convenient way to let you capture the date/time, notes, and pictures.


Ultimately, I'd like for you to be able to upload directly to GC, but I have to investigate their API first, and make sure that aligns with their goals.




First, I have to say that I LOVE the app. THANKS! It is was better than the primitive method I was using before. You are awfully nice to offer it for free.


Speaking on behalf of fellow benchmark newbies, I have a few quick question.


When I "Log bench mark", where is this data going? NGS? Geocaching.com? "Logged Bench marks" bookmarks tab? As kayakbird stated, I'm most interested logging at Geocaching.com and I certainly don't want to mess up the NGS database.


Also, I noticed that the iPhone app and the Geocaching.com map are not totally synced (missing benchmarks from each other's maps). What is causing this?


Again, thanks for the app.




Logging just logs to your iPhone. You can retrieve your finds under the "Bookmarks" tab. Also, once you've logged a bench mark, it changes color, both on the map and in the list view, so you can quickly see any you've already found.


In terms of differences between my DB and GC, mine is more current. GC did a static capture in 2000; I pulled mine down last month and will continue to update it on a regular basis. Not sure why they would have bench marks I don't, unless they've been destroyed. If you post some example PIDs, I can investigate.




I decided to start finding benchmarks in town over the summer while I was riding my bicycle because I have all of the Geocaches and there is a challenge out there that requires me to find 100 benchmarks. I Googled "Geocaching benchmark iPhone" and this thread came up. I just downloaded the app and right off the bat this is excellent. I am going to go use it right now and will report back.


I would have just downloaded the .loc file to my Delorme PN-40, but it died on me on my epic Northern California Trip last week and with the iPhone, I am not sure if I am even going to bother buying a new GPS.


I decided to start finding benchmarks in town over the summer while I was riding my bicycle because I have all of the Geocaches and there is a challenge out there that requires me to find 100 benchmarks. I Googled "Geocaching benchmark iPhone" and this thread came up. I just downloaded the app and right off the bat this is excellent. I am going to go use it right now and will report back.


I would have just downloaded the .loc file to my Delorme PN-40, but it died on me on my epic Northern California Trip last week and with the iPhone, I am not sure if I am even going to bother buying a new GPS.


Okay I used the app all this last week to find 12 benchmarks. Here are my observations.



Good maps

Complete data

Easy to use


Improvements I would like to see:

On the map, I would like to be able to search from map center (I could use the coordinates, but that takes time and is implicated)


This is really a great app and am so thankful you developed it. Thank you so much.

Posted (edited)

I on the geocaching "search for a benchmark" , and was wondering if there was a better, and easier, way to find benchmarks in my area, when I stumbled upon this thread. I immediately downloaded the app, and can tell it is well made, and I will definitely use it to find more benchmarks! Thanks for creating this app to solve a problem!! One thing I would like to suggest: Please make it so you can log finding a benchmark directly to geocaching.com. That would be extremely helpful and improve the app. Overall, I give this app 4.5/5 stars. TFTA!!!! ;)

Edited by CGarv

Thank you SO MUCH for this app. I'm really pleased that it exists at all and it appears quite functional even in its 1.0 form.


My small feature request: Under "Settings" -> "Coordinates display" I'd like a


"DD MM.mmm"


decimal minutes option. Geocaching makes my brain think only in decimal minutes. B)


I downloaded your app yesterday and used it as I went for a cache.

I love it.

My only complaint is that after I select a benchmark for details and return it does a whole new search and then I have to zoom in back to where I was.

I would prefer it not do that and let me control when the refresh happens.


I downloaded your app yesterday and used it as I went for a cache.

I love it.

My only complaint is that after I select a benchmark for details and return it does a whole new search and then I have to zoom in back to where I was.

I would prefer it not do that and let me control when the refresh happens.


Thanks. You are absolutely right. It even annoys me :-)


I'll get a new version out there soon that fixes that, as well as implementing other suggestions made here.




Wish I could try it, but it requires iOS6. Is there a reason it's required?


Yes, the social stuff and map implementation require iOS 6. 95+ % of users are on iOS 6 now.


Wow...somehow missed this app! Great job. Love going benchmark hunting but its always such a pain when you don't pre-plan and have the stuff already loaded up on your GPSr or smartphone.

Now there is a way. Not only that but its laid out particularly well in the app, enough so that I think it will become my main BM device now.

Posted (edited)

This app was what got me going with Benchmarks, thanks! Now I've created my 1st Benchmark challenge with another to be published soon.

CHECK OUT GC5C2E3, the South Florida Benchmark Challenge.

Edited by Gungadoy

My copy has stopped working (it immediately closes when I try to open it) and I cannot find it in the app store to recopy. Vince has also not been on the site for over 6 months. Anyone else having trouble?


Perfect timing, btw, I'm in D.C. for a few hours.

Posted (edited)

Mine crashed every time I tried to open it a dozen times just now. Not sure what happened--it was working fine last month.


Hmmm...it stays open when I have the location disabled. I can still search with it, of course--but not "nearby" with the location enabled. And "no be.nch marks found" when I put in my zip code.

Edited by Dame Deco
Posted (edited)

Mine isn't working either. Has anyone tried other BM apps? I know there are a few others but "FindAControl" will be my go to one while this is being fixed.

Edited by Lurch27

I'm running an old iPhone4 and it experiences the same crash back after attempting to load the benchmarks. I know this was working on Saturday because I showed the app to a friend who works for one of the local cities and knows what benchmarks are. I'm hoping this is a temporary I really enjoyed this app.


Mine isn't working either. Has anyone tried other BM apps? I know there are a few others but "FindAControl" will be my go to one while this is being fixed.


Sorry, didn't realize it was down, since I've stopped using it :(


If you have the app, it should be working now. If you don't, you can't get it, because I got sick of Apple's crappy (IMHO) iOS 9 software, so I ditched my iPhone and got an Android phone. I also ditched my Apple Developer membership, essentially as a form of protest (I'm sure Steve Cook is really worried). Without the membership ($99/year for the privilege of developing apps for them, puh-leez), the app gets pulled from the store.


I'm working (sort of, in my less-than-copious free time) on a web-based replacement, maybe missing a few bells and whistles that I suspect people weren't using anyway. This will be usable from any browser, mobile or otherwise. I'll report back when I have something. In the mean time, I apologize for the outage, and hope that those of you who already have the app installed continue to enjoy it.




Mine isn't working either. Has anyone tried other BM apps? I know there are a few others but "FindAControl" will be my go to one while this is being fixed.


Sorry, didn't realize it was down, since I've stopped using it :(


If you have the app, it should be working now. If you don't, you can't get it, because I got sick of Apple's crappy (IMHO) iOS 9 software, so I ditched my iPhone and got an Android phone. I also ditched my Apple Developer membership, essentially as a form of protest (I'm sure Steve Cook is really worried). Without the membership ($99/year for the privilege of developing apps for them, puh-leez), the app gets pulled from the store.


I'm working (sort of, in my less-than-copious free time) on a web-based replacement, maybe missing a few bells and whistles that I suspect people weren't using anyway. This will be usable from any browser, mobile or otherwise. I'll report back when I have something. In the mean time, I apologize for the outage, and hope that those of you who already have the app installed continue to enjoy it.



Vince, thanks so much for getting this back up and running. I use the app regularly; the ability to link quickly to the geocaching listing (with any photos that may have been taken) is invaluable in the field.



and got an Android phone.


For those Android users, I have an app ready, called 'BenchMap'. Feel free to use it. :D


I have that on my Galaxy S6 Active and my Monterra! Thanks for fixing the Android 4.0 issues!

and got an Android phone.


For those Android users, I have an app ready, called 'BenchMap'. Feel free to use it. :D


I have that on my Galaxy S6 Active and my Monterra! Thanks for fixing the Android 4.0 issues!

That took forever. The 6.0 SDK really broke 4.x Android. :( A LOT of developers are going to have issues with that. Oy.

Posted (edited)

HuntMarkers has been a very helpful app and I'm glad it's working again. If there is still a way to make some adjustments to it Id like the ability to view the map area of a benchmark selected from the list view. Another great feature to add could be searching for a specific PID.

Although it keeps me happy, ideas of improvements from the users perspective can aid in development. While these concepts may not be possible due to some kind of restrictions that wont keep me from trying.

Edited by Lurch27

I can't seem to find the app in the App Store. I've searched

NGS and HuntMarkers. Can someone point me in the right direction of how to download. I've been looking for an app to hunt bench marks for awhile now so really excited about this!


I can't seem to find the app in the App Store. I've searched

NGS and HuntMarkers. Can someone point me in the right direction of how to download. I've been looking for an app to hunt bench marks for awhile now so really excited about this!

Sorry it is not in the App store as the developer pulled his license (see post #44 in this thread)

Posted (edited)

I can't seem to find the app in the App Store. I've searched

NGS and HuntMarkers. Can someone point me in the right direction of how to download. I've been looking for an app to hunt bench marks for awhile now so really excited about this!

Sorry it is not in the App store as the developer pulled his license (see post #44 in this thread)

If you can find a copy of the app IPA file you could manually install it...

However it's also likely to be completely unsupported in the next major iOS update as it's not a 64-bit app.

Edited by thebruce0
On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 8:18 PM, forbin_c said:

Sorry, didn't realize it was down, since I've stopped using it :(

If you have the app, it should be working now. If you don't, you can't get it, because I got sick of Apple's crappy (IMHO) iOS 9 software, so I ditched my iPhone and got an Android phone. I also ditched my Apple Developer membership, essentially as a form of protest (I'm sure Steve Cook is really worried). Without the membership ($99/year for the privilege of developing apps for them, puh-leez), the app gets pulled from the store.

I'm working (sort of, in my less-than-copious free time) on a web-based replacement, maybe missing a few bells and whistles that I suspect people weren't using anyway. This will be usable from any browser, mobile or otherwise. I'll report back when I have something. In the mean time, I apologize for the outage, and hope that those of you who already have the app installed continue to enjoy it.


Has there been any update on the "web-based replacement" you were working on?

On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:42 PM, Lurch27 said:

Has there been any update on the "web-based replacement" you were working on?

Here is another web based option you can try: http://tbagodev.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html

There are maps by marker type (Benchmark, Triangulation Station, Gravity Station, Bolts, Etc.) or you can look at all marks types together.


You can filter the maps by any of the attributes shown below in the popup, including the First Recovered Date using the slider bar at the bottom of the map.. You don't need to have an account to view the maps, but if you sign up for a free account you can customize the maps and save your filters with your personalized settings. The popup also has links to the NGS datasheet and the Geocaching page.. Give it a try and let me know what you think.




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