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No activity in pastn14 days TB ?


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Just looking at my profile etc, and noticed on the right hand side a notice that a TB I have at the moment hasn't been placed into a cache, and would I move it on or notify the TB owner. The TB owner knows I have their TB as I asked if I could hang onto it for a couple more weeks as I will be able to move it on a good distance. They okayed this. I have never noticed these notes before, mind you I do not keep a TB this long usually.

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There's always been a message of that sort, as far as I know. It's not very obvious, so it's rather pointless.


That's interesting.


We have a geocoin which we picked up on 25th November, so it's just over 3 weeks, but I don't see any notice next to it - Exactly where are you seeing the message, please? Is it in the right column, near the bottom, in the 'Your Inventory' section?




Here's where I see it:




Scroll down a bit, it's under "Your Inventory", after the list of trackables.




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There's always been a message of that sort, as far as I know. It's not very obvious, so it's rather pointless.


That's interesting.


We have a geocoin which we picked up on 25th November, so it's just over 3 weeks, but I don't see any notice next to it - Exactly where are you seeing the message, please? Is it in the right column, near the bottom, in the 'Your Inventory' section?




Here's where I see it:




Scroll down a bit, it's under "Your Inventory", after the list of trackables.






Ahhh... thanks - got it! :)

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