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Grey icons


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Firefox Stylish style to switch to thebruce0's alternate icons:


And for those that haven't got Stylish, here's a userscript version of Avernar's style that should work in Chrome and Opera without any plug-ins, and also with Greasemonkey in Firefox:


// ==UserScript==
// @name    	Coloured Geocaching Icons
// @namespace   inge.org.uk/userscripts
// @description Replaces grey log icons with coloured ones
// @include 	http://www.geocaching.com/*
// @version	0.0.1
// @attribution	Icons by thebruce0
// @attribution	Style by Avernar
// @attribution	Script by jri
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
var s = document.createElement("style");
s.type = "text/css";
s.innerHTML = '\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/3.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/4.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/5.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url("http://www.geocaching.com/images/logtypes/7.png");}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/7.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/9.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/10.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/11.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/46.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/47.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();}\
img[src*="/images/logtypes/74.png"] { display:inline-block; padding: 16px 0 0 0 !important; height: 0px !important; width: 16px !important; overflow: hidden !important;background-image: url();\


To install, copy and paste the script above into Notepad or another text editor and save it as a file called ColouredIcons.user.js (the ".user.js" bit is important), then -

  • In Chrome, navigate to chrome://chrome/extensions then drag'n'drop the script file onto the page to install it.
  • In Opera, move the file to your User Javascript folder (you can set which folder this is at Settings > Preferences > Advanced > Content > JavaScript options).
  • In Firefox, with Greasemonkey installed, open the script file from the File menu to install it.

Me, I'm not much good at graphics, but there are a whole load more dull grey icons on the site. If anyone else feels like coming up with their own versions of them, you can just create them in your favourite graphics program, then use the Data URI Kitchen to convert them to the URL format used in the script above or Avernar's stylesheet. Use the "upload a file" option and tick the box for base64 encoding.


Will you (or someone else) write a 'for-dummies' version of this? I get as far as saving the document, but then I don't know how to get to it to "drag and drop" it into the extensions (and I'm not sure I would do that part right, either!). I tried to control-O to open what I saved and it's not there. But then when I tried to save it again with the same name it said it already existed! So it exists, but I can't find it, I guess. :(


EDIT: I figured it out. I went to extensions and did control-O from there, then looked under my documents. Thanks! Still tons of gray, but it's way better than it was before. Now to see if I can manage making my own icons!

Edited by woodlandcreatures
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A few suggestions I whipped up, thanks to The A-Team's convenient list...




RED - problems with a cache/negative cache availability

GREEN - related to cache availability/location

BLUE - Attention grabbing (DNF will of course be the most common, and won't appear alongside event announcements)

YELLOW - FIND COUNT INCREASERS (Finds, Attends, Webcams)

GREY - Informational


Other notes:

Will attend: used a 2nd shade to visually make it pop away from notes. Note & Will attend shapes are sufficiently different, imo. And will attend really is just a form of note as it serves no other purpose.

Maintenance done: Added a checkmark to separate the shape from the NM icon

Needs archival: It's really an informational note, but provides a potential alert to finders, so added the RED exclamation over a grey Archival icon. It's not yet archived, but it should be (or needs reviewer attention)

Coordinates altered: changed the shape to better imply motion, no need for a large grey block

Note posted: shrunk the width a bit to feel more like a sheet of paper than .. a square?

Reviewer note: adjusted size to match the grey note (dog ear is already a good 'note' theme)


Those seem, to me, to be a little more intuitive, by shape and by colour. For the most part, the new log icons seem fine, there were just a few things that just didn't feel right.


And that DNF should not be grey. :P


Need GM for these.




grey on white is not good for colorblind or contrast deficient vision. R/G of the same icon is a bad thing because of R/G colorblindness.


Obviously GS did not think about cache accessibility with these icons.

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I don't like the new icons. Too bland, don't stand out, change not necessary (not to mention the fact that some people really can’t see them!). I am not opposed to new stuff, but change for the sake of change, especially when it turns out bad, isn't necessary. I looked through the forums and could not find any place that anybody ever complained that the icons needed fixing. I did find about a gazillion other suggestions for fixes to the site that haven’t been addressed.


Having said that, here is some stuff I know (please don't yell at me in the forums...it's just my personal opinion):


1. I have always supported Groundspeak in many, many ways. I buy tons of coins and t-shirts and swag, host events, promote caching, pay a premium membership. I will continue caching, regardless of the changes to the icons. And, yes, I will complain about them with my friends. I just wish I had the choice of another geocaching site that cared about me.


2. Groundspeak doesn't care one bit about what I like as a customer. It saddens me to say this...even more to believe it. Even worse, they know that I know that they don’t care, and they still don’t care.


3. The icons are not going to change. GS digs in its heels with absolutely no regard to the impact on its customers (including ones who may have actual handicaps who really can’t see the icons) and not only refuses to consider that they really did “make a better mistake,” but won’t even address the issue with its customers. (I can think of two times when GS did backtrack on a decision after MONTHS of angst from its customers…one time when they messed up the html and, more recently, on challenges.)


4. I don’t want to have to use some computer geeky script to fix a problem that I don’t think should exist in the first place. While I really appreciate the efforts of others who create “work arounds” for the problems GS creates, I am not that computer savvy and it really gets me that their customers are forced to do stuff like that to make the site more customer-friendly.


I spent 20+ years in the Air Force, and another 17+ years as a public school administrator. If I did my job the way GS does, I would have been unemployed a long time ago. They don't care about what their customers want, impose changes without consideration of their users, and don't care if we don't like it after it's done. I was incredibly surprised when they did get rid of challenges as it was a complete turnaround from their initial stance. But, in doing so, they had to shove it to their customers just one more time by completely wiping out any evidence that challenges ever existed. I never did a challenge 'cause I didn't like them, but I didn't care if others did like them and think it is spectacularly unfair to completely delete all those statistics.


My impression of what GS represents is a complete 180 degrees from what I thought when we first started caching. Sad. I will keep caching because I love the hobby. But these stupid, unnecessary changes to the icons were simply the straw for me. And to top it off, just like always, GS has dug in its heels once again and won't respond to our concerns. They simply "make better mistakes" and then just want us to live with them with no cooperative dialog.

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In addition, the coloring of the icons now follows a theme rather being all over the board. General actions are gray, while "positive" actions are green and "negative" actions are red. Blue is used for informative elements, such as ratings, notes from reviewers, directional arrows, et al.


So make the DNF red then. The Write Note looks like a broken image. Yet another thing I'll need to customize with the lubricated primate.

They're trying to show logging a DNF is no big deal and not actually a bad thing. Making that icon red would go against the whole idea behind it.

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I don't like the new icons. Too bland, don't stand out, change not necessary (not to mention the fact that some people really can’t see them!). I am not opposed to new stuff, but change for the sake of change, especially when it turns out bad, isn't necessary. I looked through the forums and could not find any place that anybody ever complained that the icons needed fixing. I did find about a gazillion other suggestions for fixes to the site that haven’t been addressed.


Having said that, here is some stuff I know (please don't yell at me in the forums...it's just my personal opinion):


1. I have always supported Groundspeak in many, many ways. I buy tons of coins and t-shirts and swag, host events, promote caching, pay a premium membership. I will continue caching, regardless of the changes to the icons. And, yes, I will complain about them with my friends. I just wish I had the choice of another geocaching site that cared about me.


2. Groundspeak doesn't care one bit about what I like as a customer. It saddens me to say this...even more to believe it. Even worse, they know that I know that they don’t care, and they still don’t care.


3. The icons are not going to change. GS digs in its heels with absolutely no regard to the impact on its customers (including ones who may have actual handicaps who really can’t see the icons) and not only refuses to consider that they really did “make a better mistake,” but won’t even address the issue with its customers. (I can think of two times when GS did backtrack on a decision after MONTHS of angst from its customers…one time when they messed up the html and, more recently, on challenges.)


4. I don’t want to have to use some computer geeky script to fix a problem that I don’t think should exist in the first place. While I really appreciate the efforts of others who create “work arounds” for the problems GS creates, I am not that computer savvy and it really gets me that their customers are forced to do stuff like that to make the site more customer-friendly.


I spent 20+ years in the Air Force, and another 17+ years as a public school administrator. If I did my job the way GS does, I would have been unemployed a long time ago. They don't care about what their customers want, impose changes without consideration of their users, and don't care if we don't like it after it's done. I was incredibly surprised when they did get rid of challenges as it was a complete turnaround from their initial stance. But, in doing so, they had to shove it to their customers just one more time by completely wiping out any evidence that challenges ever existed. I never did a challenge 'cause I didn't like them, but I didn't care if others did like them and think it is spectacularly unfair to completely delete all those statistics.


My impression of what GS represents is a complete 180 degrees from what I thought when we first started caching. Sad. I will keep caching because I love the hobby. But these stupid, unnecessary changes to the icons were simply the straw for me. And to top it off, just like always, GS has dug in its heels once again and won't respond to our concerns. They simply "make better mistakes" and then just want us to live with them with no cooperative dialog.

Couldn't have said it better myself. 100% agreement. There was a bit of activity to satisfy the customer when the Garmin site started. But now that that it is clear the Garmin site is just an out of date back up for GS it is back to the usual we don't care. I guess when your the only game in town you don't need to worry what your customers think or feel.

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Well, I'm surprised that you jumped in with such bizarre statements without reseraching what I was discussion.
For the record, I understand the connection between blackface and racism. It's the connection between the grey DNF icon and blackface that I find unconvincing. If you're trying that hard to find something to be offended by, then surely you'll find it.



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Some people complain that a site never changes, then they try and improve the look and others hate it.

You know, the look isn't all that important. What IS important is that in the process of making these cosmetic changes, you break the 3rd party scripts that make your site more functional. This has been happening for a couple of years now. If gc.com would take a long, hard look at what the 3rd party scripts have had to offer over the years (including those that are now SO broken by your fiddling that they can no longer be used), you'd find out what features we'd really like you to be working on.


I understand that the breaking of scripts over which you have no direct control or real knowledge isn't your problem, but gc.com does keep breaking them with primarily cosmetic changes. I don't think we'd feel so bad were there hard core improvements in site function when these things occur.


Really .. go back and review the couple of sites that have made the biggest contributions to how your site appears and functions, and see if perhaps there are some hints in those. If you can't keep from breaking them, how about adopting some of the best ideas?

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I don't like the new icons. Too bland, don't stand out, change not necessary (not to mention the fact that some people really can’t see them!). I am not opposed to new stuff, but change for the sake of change, especially when it turns out bad, isn't necessary. I looked through the forums and could not find any place that anybody ever complained that the icons needed fixing. I did find about a gazillion other suggestions for fixes to the site that haven’t been addressed.


Having said that, here is some stuff I know (please don't yell at me in the forums...it's just my personal opinion):


1. I have always supported Groundspeak in many, many ways. I buy tons of coins and t-shirts and swag, host events, promote caching, pay a premium membership. I will continue caching, regardless of the changes to the icons. And, yes, I will complain about them with my friends. I just wish I had the choice of another geocaching site that cared about me.


2. Groundspeak doesn't care one bit about what I like as a customer. It saddens me to say this...even more to believe it. Even worse, they know that I know that they don’t care, and they still don’t care.


3. The icons are not going to change. GS digs in its heels with absolutely no regard to the impact on its customers (including ones who may have actual handicaps who really can’t see the icons) and not only refuses to consider that they really did “make a better mistake,” but won’t even address the issue with its customers. (I can think of two times when GS did backtrack on a decision after MONTHS of angst from its customers…one time when they messed up the html and, more recently, on challenges.)


4. I don’t want to have to use some computer geeky script to fix a problem that I don’t think should exist in the first place. While I really appreciate the efforts of others who create “work arounds” for the problems GS creates, I am not that computer savvy and it really gets me that their customers are forced to do stuff like that to make the site more customer-friendly.


I spent 20+ years in the Air Force, and another 17+ years as a public school administrator. If I did my job the way GS does, I would have been unemployed a long time ago. They don't care about what their customers want, impose changes without consideration of their users, and don't care if we don't like it after it's done. I was incredibly surprised when they did get rid of challenges as it was a complete turnaround from their initial stance. But, in doing so, they had to shove it to their customers just one more time by completely wiping out any evidence that challenges ever existed. I never did a challenge 'cause I didn't like them, but I didn't care if others did like them and think it is spectacularly unfair to completely delete all those statistics.


My impression of what GS represents is a complete 180 degrees from what I thought when we first started caching. Sad. I will keep caching because I love the hobby. But these stupid, unnecessary changes to the icons were simply the straw for me. And to top it off, just like always, GS has dug in its heels once again and won't respond to our concerns. They simply "make better mistakes" and then just want us to live with them with no cooperative dialog.


Great post. The company that I work for has a individual customer review site for each of it's stores. If we have two bad reviews in a week, the manager calls an emergency employee meeting to address and correct what is going wrong. If we had five days of reviews like in this thread, there would be an entire new staff in the store on Monday and I would be down at the unemployment office looking at job postings. Oh, and the manager calls every customer that leaves a bad review and makes every effort to make it right. We simply do not ignore customers that have an issue with how we are doing business.

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Well, I'm surprised that you jumped in with such bizarre statements without reseraching what I was discussion.
For the record, I understand the connection between blackface and racism. It's the connection between the grey DNF icon and blackface that I find unconvincing. If you're trying that hard to find something to be offended by, then surely you'll find it.




I really didn't want to get into it, but the first thought that popped into my head when I saw that icon was Al Jolson. I can't change that. Maybe it's some deep subconscious racial thing that I'm not even aware of. I'm not offended by it, but it was the first thing to come to mind.

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I don't like the new icons. Too bland, don't stand out, change not necessary (not to mention the fact that some people really can’t see them!). I am not opposed to new stuff, but change for the sake of change, especially when it turns out bad, isn't necessary. I looked through the forums and could not find any place that anybody ever complained that the icons needed fixing. I did find about a gazillion other suggestions for fixes to the site that haven’t been addressed.


Having said that, here is some stuff I know (please don't yell at me in the forums...it's just my personal opinion):


1. I have always supported Groundspeak in many, many ways. I buy tons of coins and t-shirts and swag, host events, promote caching, pay a premium membership. I will continue caching, regardless of the changes to the icons. And, yes, I will complain about them with my friends. I just wish I had the choice of another geocaching site that cared about me.


2. Groundspeak doesn't care one bit about what I like as a customer. It saddens me to say this...even more to believe it. Even worse, they know that I know that they don’t care, and they still don’t care.


3. The icons are not going to change. GS digs in its heels with absolutely no regard to the impact on its customers (including ones who may have actual handicaps who really can’t see the icons) and not only refuses to consider that they really did “make a better mistake,” but won’t even address the issue with its customers. (I can think of two times when GS did backtrack on a decision after MONTHS of angst from its customers…one time when they messed up the html and, more recently, on challenges.)


4. I don’t want to have to use some computer geeky script to fix a problem that I don’t think should exist in the first place. While I really appreciate the efforts of others who create “work arounds” for the problems GS creates, I am not that computer savvy and it really gets me that their customers are forced to do stuff like that to make the site more customer-friendly.


I spent 20+ years in the Air Force, and another 17+ years as a public school administrator. If I did my job the way GS does, I would have been unemployed a long time ago. They don't care about what their customers want, impose changes without consideration of their users, and don't care if we don't like it after it's done. I was incredibly surprised when they did get rid of challenges as it was a complete turnaround from their initial stance. But, in doing so, they had to shove it to their customers just one more time by completely wiping out any evidence that challenges ever existed. I never did a challenge 'cause I didn't like them, but I didn't care if others did like them and think it is spectacularly unfair to completely delete all those statistics.


My impression of what GS represents is a complete 180 degrees from what I thought when we first started caching. Sad. I will keep caching because I love the hobby. But these stupid, unnecessary changes to the icons were simply the straw for me. And to top it off, just like always, GS has dug in its heels once again and won't respond to our concerns. They simply "make better mistakes" and then just want us to live with them with no cooperative dialog.


Great post. The company that I work for has a individual customer review site for each of it's stores. If we have two bad reviews in a week, the manager calls an emergency employee meeting to address and correct what is going wrong. If we had five days of reviews like in this thread, there would be an entire new staff in the store on Monday and I would be down at the unemployment office looking at job postings. Oh, and the manager calls every customer that leaves a bad review and makes every effort to make it right. We simply do not ignore customers that have an issue with how we are doing business.

Thanks for the post, it helped me clarify what I have been starting to think about. The problem most of us have is we view ourselves as a customer of Grounspeak when we use the listing service. The reality of the situation is that we are simply *users*, not customers. As a user we have no expectation of service or satisfaction. So once we align our views to that of the listing service provider that we are users things come into focus better. I think if you buy something from the Goundspeak store you might be viewed as a customer, but I have not tested this theory.

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I don't like the new icons. Too bland, don't stand out, change not necessary (not to mention the fact that some people really can’t see them!). I am not opposed to new stuff, but change for the sake of change, especially when it turns out bad, isn't necessary. I looked through the forums and could not find any place that anybody ever complained that the icons needed fixing. I did find about a gazillion other suggestions for fixes to the site that haven’t been addressed.


Having said that, here is some stuff I know (please don't yell at me in the forums...it's just my personal opinion):


1. I have always supported Groundspeak in many, many ways. I buy tons of coins and t-shirts and swag, host events, promote caching, pay a premium membership. I will continue caching, regardless of the changes to the icons. And, yes, I will complain about them with my friends. I just wish I had the choice of another geocaching site that cared about me.


2. Groundspeak doesn't care one bit about what I like as a customer. It saddens me to say this...even more to believe it. Even worse, they know that I know that they don’t care, and they still don’t care.


3. The icons are not going to change. GS digs in its heels with absolutely no regard to the impact on its customers (including ones who may have actual handicaps who really can’t see the icons) and not only refuses to consider that they really did “make a better mistake,” but won’t even address the issue with its customers. (I can think of two times when GS did backtrack on a decision after MONTHS of angst from its customers…one time when they messed up the html and, more recently, on challenges.)


4. I don’t want to have to use some computer geeky script to fix a problem that I don’t think should exist in the first place. While I really appreciate the efforts of others who create “work arounds” for the problems GS creates, I am not that computer savvy and it really gets me that their customers are forced to do stuff like that to make the site more customer-friendly.


I spent 20+ years in the Air Force, and another 17+ years as a public school administrator. If I did my job the way GS does, I would have been unemployed a long time ago. They don't care about what their customers want, impose changes without consideration of their users, and don't care if we don't like it after it's done. I was incredibly surprised when they did get rid of challenges as it was a complete turnaround from their initial stance. But, in doing so, they had to shove it to their customers just one more time by completely wiping out any evidence that challenges ever existed. I never did a challenge 'cause I didn't like them, but I didn't care if others did like them and think it is spectacularly unfair to completely delete all those statistics.


My impression of what GS represents is a complete 180 degrees from what I thought when we first started caching. Sad. I will keep caching because I love the hobby. But these stupid, unnecessary changes to the icons were simply the straw for me. And to top it off, just like always, GS has dug in its heels once again and won't respond to our concerns. They simply "make better mistakes" and then just want us to live with them with no cooperative dialog.


Great post. The company that I work for has a individual customer review site for each of it's stores. If we have two bad reviews in a week, the manager calls an emergency employee meeting to address and correct what is going wrong. If we had five days of reviews like in this thread, there would be an entire new staff in the store on Monday and I would be down at the unemployment office looking at job postings. Oh, and the manager calls every customer that leaves a bad review and makes every effort to make it right. We simply do not ignore customers that have an issue with how we are doing business.

Thanks for the post, it helped me clarify what I have been starting to think about. The problem most of us have is we view ourselves as a customer of Grounspeak when we use the listing service. The reality of the situation is that we are simply *users*, not customers. As a user we have no expectation of service or satisfaction. So once we align our views to that of the listing service provider that we are users things come into focus better. I think if you buy something from the Goundspeak store you might be viewed as a customer, but I have not tested this theory.


What about those that pay for premium membership to use services like pocket queries, are we not customers?


Without us GS would nopt exist.

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The problem most of us have is we view ourselves as a customer of Grounspeak when we use the listing service. The reality of the situation is that we are simply *users*, not customers. As a user we have no expectation of service or satisfaction. So once we align our views to that of the listing service provider that we are users things come into focus better.


Not sure if this was meant to be tongue in cheek or not, but I'll add my two cents:


I believe we are customers. Even those who are basic members still have value to companies who advertise with Groundspeak. As Roman! said, the company would not exist (as it is) without Premium Members and app purchasers. It is a listing "service". That means they provide the service of listing.


If they provide that service well, in a way that works for their customers, then their business will grow. If they don't, then it will not. It's a fickle thing. And it is a small thing to consider the input of their customers when we feel there is a usability issue with something on the site (remember the google map fiasco?)

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I don't like the new icons. Too bland, don't stand out, change not necessary (not to mention the fact that some people really can’t see them!). I am not opposed to new stuff, but change for the sake of change, especially when it turns out bad, isn't necessary. I looked through the forums and could not find any place that anybody ever complained that the icons needed fixing. I did find about a gazillion other suggestions for fixes to the site that haven’t been addressed.


Having said that, here is some stuff I know (please don't yell at me in the forums...it's just my personal opinion):


1. I have always supported Groundspeak in many, many ways. I buy tons of coins and t-shirts and swag, host events, promote caching, pay a premium membership. I will continue caching, regardless of the changes to the icons. And, yes, I will complain about them with my friends. I just wish I had the choice of another geocaching site that cared about me.


2. Groundspeak doesn't care one bit about what I like as a customer. It saddens me to say this...even more to believe it. Even worse, they know that I know that they don’t care, and they still don’t care.


3. The icons are not going to change. GS digs in its heels with absolutely no regard to the impact on its customers (including ones who may have actual handicaps who really can’t see the icons) and not only refuses to consider that they really did “make a better mistake,” but won’t even address the issue with its customers. (I can think of two times when GS did backtrack on a decision after MONTHS of angst from its customers…one time when they messed up the html and, more recently, on challenges.)


4. I don’t want to have to use some computer geeky script to fix a problem that I don’t think should exist in the first place. While I really appreciate the efforts of others who create “work arounds” for the problems GS creates, I am not that computer savvy and it really gets me that their customers are forced to do stuff like that to make the site more customer-friendly.


I spent 20+ years in the Air Force, and another 17+ years as a public school administrator. If I did my job the way GS does, I would have been unemployed a long time ago. They don't care about what their customers want, impose changes without consideration of their users, and don't care if we don't like it after it's done. I was incredibly surprised when they did get rid of challenges as it was a complete turnaround from their initial stance. But, in doing so, they had to shove it to their customers just one more time by completely wiping out any evidence that challenges ever existed. I never did a challenge 'cause I didn't like them, but I didn't care if others did like them and think it is spectacularly unfair to completely delete all those statistics.


My impression of what GS represents is a complete 180 degrees from what I thought when we first started caching. Sad. I will keep caching because I love the hobby. But these stupid, unnecessary changes to the icons were simply the straw for me. And to top it off, just like always, GS has dug in its heels once again and won't respond to our concerns. They simply "make better mistakes" and then just want us to live with them with no cooperative dialog.


Great post. The company that I work for has a individual customer review site for each of it's stores. If we have two bad reviews in a week, the manager calls an emergency employee meeting to address and correct what is going wrong. If we had five days of reviews like in this thread, there would be an entire new staff in the store on Monday and I would be down at the unemployment office looking at job postings. Oh, and the manager calls every customer that leaves a bad review and makes every effort to make it right. We simply do not ignore customers that have an issue with how we are doing business.

Thanks for the post, it helped me clarify what I have been starting to think about. The problem most of us have is we view ourselves as a customer of Grounspeak when we use the listing service. The reality of the situation is that we are simply *users*, not customers. As a user we have no expectation of service or satisfaction. So once we align our views to that of the listing service provider that we are users things come into focus better. I think if you buy something from the Goundspeak store you might be viewed as a customer, but I have not tested this theory.


No, I do not agree. The moment that they accepted my payment, I became a customer. Either a physical item or a service, I am a customer. This would be like saying that I am not a customer of Time Warner because all they provide me with is images and sound on my TV. They don't have to sell me the actual TV for me to become a customer.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. 100% agreement. There was a bit of activity to satisfy the customer when the Garmin site started. But now that that it is clear the Garmin site is just an out of date back up for GS it is back to the usual we don't care. I guess when your the only game in town you don't need to worry what your customers think or feel.


Yep. Monopolies create this problem.

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"Let's make better mistakes tomorrow." By accepting that we will sometimes get it wrong, we can allow ourselves to learn from and imagine new opportunities in the world of Geocaching.


They need to go read the sign again.


I tell my staff you can make all the mistakes you want just don't ever make the same mistake twice.

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"Let's make better mistakes tomorrow." By accepting that we will sometimes get it wrong, we can allow ourselves to learn from and imagine new opportunities in the world of Geocaching.


They need to go read the sign again.


I tell my staff you can make all the mistakes you want just don't ever make the same mistake twice.

Fortunately for them, there is a whole world full of possibilities. :lol:

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"Let's make better mistakes tomorrow." By accepting that we will sometimes get it wrong, we can allow ourselves to learn from and imagine new opportunities in the world of Geocaching.


They need to go read the sign again.


I tell my staff you can make all the mistakes you want just don't ever make the same mistake twice.

Fortunately for them, there is a whole world full of possibilities. :lol:


I also tell them stupidly does not qualify as a mistake. That cuts down on the possibilities.

Edited by Roman!
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personally I do not think any of these changes bother me. They were never going to get a consensus on these if they asked folks. Not a big deal, its not changing the functionality to me.


Wow!!! It only to 327 posts!



(actually, I pretty much agree with you. I do think the new icons pretty much smell like durian fruit, and while I have become jaded to it, I still get a bit angry that Groundspeak continues to do things that we don't need while ignoring things that we do (or in some cases, actual bugs) but this isn't a change that is apt to affect the way I cache.)

Edited by knowschad
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personally I do not think any of these changes bother me. They were never going to get a consensus on these if they asked folks. Not a big deal, its not changing the functionality to me.


I think that there is pretty much a consensus that grey was not the way to go, regardless of the individual images.

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the DNF icon looks like a disabled smiley. Are you wanting to discourage people from logging DNFs? Can't a DNF be a thing? Greyed out icon is usally signifying a disabled thing.


The Archive Icon looks like a Bee hive. I saw a cache that was archived due to a bee hive being placed nearby. At first I had thought "Woah.. where did he get THAT icon?" Great.. now it will forever resemble a beehive to me.



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I've never seen such a bunch of whiny babies in my life (and I used to teach kindergarten).


Change is good. Embrace it and quite complaining. Geesh.


Did you teach those children that folks who don't agree with your opinion are "whiny babies"?



It never would have come to that. I tried to teach them that there are important things in life, and things that aren't so important. And that you should worry about the former, not the latter.

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the DNF icon looks like a disabled smiley. Are you wanting to discourage people from logging DNFs? Can't a DNF be a thing? Greyed out icon is usally signifying a disabled thing.


The Archive Icon looks like a Bee hive. I saw a cache that was archived due to a bee hive being placed nearby. At first I had thought "Woah.. where did he get THAT icon?" Great.. now it will forever resemble a beehive to me.



The grey DNF IS a thing. It's a ZOMBIE cacher that meandered aimlessly about at GZ and found nothing. :anitongue:

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The grey DNF IS a thing. It's a ZOMBIE cacher that meandered aimlessly about at GZ and found nothing. :anitongue:

Hey, I resemble that remark. That description certainly fit me early this morning, in a department store parking lot, as I DNFed a cache in front of dozens of shopper muggles. :rolleyes:


Still not crazy about that zombie-ish DNF icon. Then again, I'm also not crazy about high-stealth parking lot micros, but they're probably here to stay, too.



Edited by larryc43230
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These forums are supposed to be monitored by the Lackeys, has anyone seen any official response to the zombie icons?

Lack of response is a valid response, I suppose.

And, technically speaking, it is being discussed in multiple forum topics in different ways. Other than Moun10bike stopping by to tell people how to clear their browser cache to view only blue stars for D/T (instead of combo yellow/blue), there hasn't been a peep within those topics.

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A few suggestions I whipped up, thanks to The A-Team's convenient list...




RED - problems with a cache/negative cache availability

GREEN - related to cache availability/location

BLUE - Attention grabbing (DNF will of course be the most common, and won't appear alongside event announcements)

YELLOW - FIND COUNT INCREASERS (Finds, Attends, Webcams)

GREY - Informational


Other notes:

Will attend: used a 2nd shade to visually make it pop away from notes. Note & Will attend shapes are sufficiently different, imo. And will attend really is just a form of note as it serves no other purpose.

Maintenance done: Added a checkmark to separate the shape from the NM icon

Needs archival: It's really an informational note, but provides a potential alert to finders, so added the RED exclamation over a grey Archival icon. It's not yet archived, but it should be (or needs reviewer attention)

Coordinates altered: changed the shape to better imply motion, no need for a large grey block

Note posted: shrunk the width a bit to feel more like a sheet of paper than .. a square?

Reviewer note: adjusted size to match the grey note (dog ear is already a good 'note' theme)


Those seem, to me, to be a little more intuitive, by shape and by colour. For the most part, the new log icons seem fine, there were just a few things that just didn't feel right.


And that DNF should not be grey. :P


Agreed! I hope that GS is listening.

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Up until this point, Geocaching.com has been using mostly generic icons provided in third-party icon libraries. With this update we are now using icons that have been developed in-house by our design team, with imagery that was developed with geocaching in mind and that better matches the actual purpose behind the associated function. For example, rather than using an orange traffic cone for "Archive listing," we now use a red file cabinet. That old traffic cone was also used for about 3 other functions as well (including unarchive), and now each of those functions uses its own unique icon.


In addition, the coloring of the icons now follows a theme rather being all over the board. General actions are gray, while "positive" actions are green and "negative" actions are red. Blue is used for informative elements, such as ratings, notes from reviewers, directional arrows, et al.

What does periwinkle represent?

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Up until this point, Geocaching.com has been using mostly generic icons provided in third-party icon libraries. With this update we are now using icons that have been developed in-house by our design team, with imagery that was developed with geocaching in mind and that better matches the actual purpose behind the associated function. For example, rather than using an orange traffic cone for "Archive listing," we now use a red file cabinet. That old traffic cone was also used for about 3 other functions as well (including unarchive), and now each of those functions uses its own unique icon.


In addition, the coloring of the icons now follows a theme rather being all over the board. General actions are gray, while "positive" actions are green and "negative" actions are red. Blue is used for informative elements, such as ratings, notes from reviewers, directional arrows, et al.

What does periwinkle represent?


The opposite of mauve.

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Protest avatars, inappropriate posts, angst? You would think that it is the end of the world but it's not. (The end of the world is in 5 days but that's another topic.) If you want change then go through the proper channels such as the Feature Suggestions. If enough folks post their concerns here, then there might be positive change.

Edited by Colonial Cats
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