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Another Virtual Logger - No Email Notifications

C A Royal Flush

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I have been getting several bogus logs a day for a few days, by cacher "ithink314", (I have deleted them). Looks like they are logging hundreds or thousands of coins a day. If you view their list of 10,000+ trackables they are mostly in the last few days.


Here's what is strange about these discoveries, I am not getting emails for the discoveries. I just happened to be looking in my collection, sorted it by newest log, and found a bunch of logs on coins I have never released.


I have reported the problem to Groundspeak, but you may want to check your collections. My guess is if you have a large amount of coins you are getting bogus logs and don't know it. :mad:

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I wonder, how he managed to discover a coin, which at present resides in my collection on my nightstand. I'm pretty certain, noone apart from my family entered my bedroom....


I've asked him, let's see, wether I'll get a response.

(But I won't wait for it, I'm sure, there will be nothing...)


Thanks for the info, there was no email notification of this discovery.


Edit to add:

There were four bogus discover logs, all of trackables with the Number PC0.

Very strange...

Edited by ElliPirelli
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There were four bogus discover logs, all of trackables with the Number PC0.

Very strange...


Not really so strange. Apparently the person gaming the system is doing to trackables what robot phone dialers do to telephone numbers, simply going through the list of possible numbers sequentially. Hard to figure what pleasure someone would get out of doing that.

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There were four bogus discover logs, all of trackables with the Number PC0.

Very strange...


Not really so strange. Apparently the person gaming the system is doing to trackables what robot phone dialers do to telephone numbers, simply going through the list of possible numbers sequentially. Hard to figure what pleasure someone would get out of doing that.


... a bet between geo / techy hackers ...


... a weird contest ...


... people do unexplainable weird things :anitongue:

Edited by nevadanick
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There were four bogus discover logs, all of trackables with the Number PC0.

Very strange...


Not really so strange. Apparently the person gaming the system is doing to trackables what robot phone dialers do to telephone numbers, simply going through the list of possible numbers sequentially. Hard to figure what pleasure someone would get out of doing that.


... a bet between geo / techy hackers ...


... a weird contest ...


... people do unexplainable weird things :anitongue:


My money is on number 3!

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I have been getting several bogus logs a day for a few days, by cacher "ithink314", (I have deleted them). Looks like they are logging hundreds or thousands of coins a day. If you view their list of 10,000+ trackables they are mostly in the last few days. ...


how can you tell when they logged a trackable? i had a guy in germany that logged one of my TBs that has been missing forever. thinking it may have surfaced across the pond i wrote and asked him how he got the tracking number. he said something about finding in on google.


i didn't quite understand that but with a nice email exchange i let his discovery of my bug stand. but after reading all this stuff going on i deleted the log. his user name is sr510. i see that he has discovered 260 jeep tags. only two of those were single discoveries, the rest were multiples, like 53 or 68. so i was looking for a way to sort his trackables.


he wrote on his log of one of the jeep tags he discovered was "Discovered on the internet thanks" on a coin that was marked location unknown a couple of days before sr510's discovery.


so my inclination is to think this person is armchair discovering. where is the fun in that?


when i see stuff like this i wonder about the hundreds of geocaches he has found in a short amount of time. does that make me cynical?



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I thought this was just a theoretical problem for me, but today I was looking at stray TBs for reasons I won't go into, and spotted one with a recent log which was the kind of thing I was looking for. It turned out to be one of this guy's logs, so it really told me nothing about that TB. In fact, the TB is missing, so I initially thought it had been found until I recognized the logger's name from the forum discussions. (I'm glad someone posted the name, and I don't understand why others have been reluctant to out such an outrageous abuser.) I wonder if the owner of that TB will even notice the bogus log.

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I thought this was just a theoretical problem for me, but today I was looking at stray TBs for reasons I won't go into, and spotted one with a recent log which was the kind of thing I was looking for. It turned out to be one of this guy's logs, so it really told me nothing about that TB. In fact, the TB is missing, so I initially thought it had been found until I recognized the logger's name from the forum discussions. (I'm glad someone posted the name, and I don't understand why others have been reluctant to out such an outrageous abuser.) I wonder if the owner of that TB will even notice the bogus log.


perhaps you should confirm the name you have found as one who is abusing the system.

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Got 4 of ours and we whacked'em (A new Jersey Term) :ph34r:


The disturbing fact is we we were not notified of the log !!!!! ....what's up with that?


I agree that the disturbing part of this is we were not sent email notifications. How was this account able to log thousands of discoveries in a few days and none of the coin owners were sent emails about the discovery?


Virtual loggers exist, no biggie. We get the email, delete the log if we so desire, move on.


I just reported this to Groundspeak yesterday and received an email today saying that they are looking into this, so I'm sure they will figure it out.

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Thanks for the head's up..... took a look at my trackables, sorted it by last log and found a discovery to a coin I have here at home. Quick delete, quick email and all done. Easy peazy.


I just looked through mine and didn't see any bogus logs. But I also didn't see a way of sorting by last log. How do you do that?

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Got 4 of mine, but they are deleted now. "I THINK" someone would have better things to do!

The thing to recognize is that this is an automated program, so he's not doing anything now. He wrote a little program to see if it would work, and it did. Now he's just leaving it to run.


If he started with the PC0 types, wait til he gets to the also common "O[x]" ... :blink:

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i(DON'T)think314 (does he like pie??) logged one of my Quigley Jones Tall ship coins that hasn't seen light of day for over 2 years.


he wrote...

"Discovered a cool trackable. Thank you for sharing."

....whatever floats your boat buddy.


Looks like logs are getting deleted as fast as he can log them as his logged number is below 10,000 now.

Now he has one less.

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Thanks for the head's up..... took a look at my trackables, sorted it by last log and found a discovery to a coin I have here at home. Quick delete, quick email and all done. Easy peazy.


I just looked through mine and didn't see any bogus logs. But I also didn't see a way of sorting by last log. How do you do that?


Drop down 'Your Profile'

Click - Trackables (Yours)

Above your list of trackables is Sort by: [] Name [] Last Log [] Distance


Hope you're free of bogus logs!! :)

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If you look at the list of trackables for this cacher...for instance he has 60 "Discoveries" of the Space Gate coin....most were discovered 12/06 to 12/08... a few before. These coins are all over the world. Can't imagine they got the ok to discover from so many..I know some people allow virtual logging of their coins but this is definitely out of the ordinary.

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Thanks for the head's up..... took a look at my trackables, sorted it by last log and found a discovery to a coin I have here at home. Quick delete, quick email and all done. Easy peazy.


I just looked through mine and didn't see any bogus logs. But I also didn't see a way of sorting by last log. How do you do that?


Drop down 'Your Profile'

Click - Trackables (Yours)

Above your list of trackables is Sort by: [] Name [] Last Log [] Distance


Hope you're free of bogus logs!! :)


Thanks!! Completely missed that LOL


It looks like he hasn't gotten to me -- yet.....

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The same person got into my collection too. I'm curious to know why we didn't get email notifications. Disturbing.


I am aware of several ways to log massive trackable discoveries at once which apparently does not trigger the notification process. I've seen them used when folks see many trackables at an event or a person's entire collection. Some cachers I know have used these methods to discover my collection. I did not get any e-mail notifications of those discoveries. The virtual logger may be using one of these methods or may have written his own code to log all the trackable discoveries he has made lately.

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After reporting this problem on December 8th, on December 9th I received an email from Grounspeak:


"Thank you for contacting Groundspeak. We've received your message and it will be reviewed shortly. If you would like to view your request online or update us with additional information on this same topic, please follow this link: https://support.Groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=request.check&id=326396sxwupf&id=326396sxwupf Request access key: 326396sxwupf"


Having heard nothing back, today I clicked on the link and get this:


"This request has been closed and is no longer available for public viewing. If you need to create a new request please do so by clicking the link below or login to see your complete request history.

Login or Submit a new request"


If I click "Login", it just repeats the same thing, I cannot view my request or its status. Do they just close problems and not send an email?


btw, ithink314's Trackable count has went from 10,000+ to 326. It looks like it was possibly fixed, but I'd like to know how it happened.

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