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A big thanks to Ranger Fox and everyone who has worked on the Kit and with the Foundation to make these so very much easier (and reliable) then when Wherigo was first released. With literally no experience I was able to make and test a working cart in less than an hour. My only real stumble was trying to play the cart in zip-file format without compiling it first. :anicute: Keep up the good work!

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I updated Kit due to a request.


If your cartridge is marked as public (that is, "Shown In Listing" is checked), you can now distribute the Webwigo emulator link on the cartridge listing page to other people (the link on the map builder page cannot be distributed). Whomever you distribute the link to does not even have to log in to Kit in order to play your cartridge in Webwigo.


Likewise, I updated the Wherigo Foundation site. On the Edit Cartridge page, you can choose to make the Webwigo link public. If you do so, everyone will be able to see and use the link.


This feature in Kit has been brought to you by a request from Joseph (he didn't provide me with his user name). He asked for it today and I delivered it today. (Now if I can only get some other people to be as responsive!)

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I have built a few using this with no problems. I just set one up that you have to kayak to and downloaded the first cartridge. Made some adjustments and downloaded it again. The first question worked on the first one but on the second download all 3 answers don't click to move on. It will be a pain to kayak out there multiple times to make sure it is working right. Any ideas? It is clearly marked.



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If you're using a Garmin GPSr, try shortening the answers and removing the exclamation mark. Kit does limit answers to 18 characters, which is supposed to be Garmin's limit. So do try removing the exclamation mark. And to test, aside from playing in the emulator, copy your cartridge (there's a utility to do that on the page that shows you the link to edit your cartridge) and change all the zones to be located close to where you live or work. Put them all in a line and walk through them in the field with whatever you're using to test your cartridge.

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Hi Ranger Fox,

I've been working on a cartridge with your Wherigo\\kit. Very cool tool and easy to use. However, I cannot seem to get it to download my cartridge to my machine and cannot publish to Wherigo.com. I would like to try it on the emulator and on my own equipment to test the cartridge before I publish.


I've tried on PC and Mac and across IE, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.


I wonder if I've made a mistake in the choice of image types or the length or syntax of the messages and questions, but it seems like it's not compiling.


When I select one of the download options, it seems to go through the process (which takes several minutes), but then at the end it goes to a blank screen with what appears to be a URL indicating it completed, but no download occurred. For example: http://Wherigo.rangerfox.com/Cartridges/download.ashx…. (I've abbreviate the full length in this example). As you can see, this is for a GWC.


I get similar results for the other download or publish options.


Thanks for a great tool. Any help would be appreciated!

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Well, regardless, GrangerFam, you can now download your cartridge without having to modify it.


I think I had an update for the duplicate zone name issue, but never pushed it out because I noticed there were other people using the site during that time. I tested it in my development environment and the code allowed me to download your cartridge as-is, though not on the main site. I looked on Google Analytics and it said no one was using the site at the moment, so I moved the code over. (For those technically-minded: I'm using in-process session state because Redis has costs associated with it and I'd rather not pay the surprisingly high cost associated with it. Yes, there are costs associated with running Kit and the Wherigo Foundation site--just like anything else the other Wherigo Foundation members offer. Yes, we've been eating the full amount for a few years. Yes, we love you, but you're still not getting a birthday card.)

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Well, regardless, GrangerFam, you can now download your cartridge without having to modify it.


I think I had an update for the duplicate zone name issue, but never pushed it out because I noticed there were other people using the site during that time. I tested it in my development environment and the code allowed me to download your cartridge as-is, though not on the main site. I looked on Google Analytics and it said no one was using the site at the moment, so I moved the code over. (For those technically-minded: I'm using in-process session state because Redis has costs associated with it and I'd rather not pay the surprisingly high cost associated with it. Yes, there are costs associated with running Kit and the Wherigo Foundation site--just like anything else the other Wherigo Foundation members offer. Yes, we've been eating the full amount for a few years. Yes, we love you, but you're still not getting a birthday card.)


Thanks Ranger Fox. Works great now. I did update the zone names anyway to avoid any other issues and just because it makes sense to do so. :-)


I'm able to get the emulator working now and can download. Awesome! I'm ready to do some field testing now.


Thank you again!



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If you're using a Garmin GPSr, try shortening the answers and removing the exclamation mark. Kit does limit answers to 18 characters, which is supposed to be Garmin's limit. So do try removing the exclamation mark. And to test, aside from playing in the emulator, copy your cartridge (there's a utility to do that on the page that shows you the link to edit your cartridge) and change all the zones to be located close to where you live or work. Put them all in a line and walk through them in the field with whatever you're using to test your cartridge.

Worked like a charm! Thanks again!

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Okay, so like Groundspeak's page, I don't have a way to do that. I'd have to decide on one small thing: whether I'll just mark cartridges as deleted so someone can contact me to undo an accidental deletion (as it's a lot of time and effort to create a cartridge).


Want to make a bet you'll have that functionality by the end of the week?

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Okay, so like Groundspeak's page, I don't have a way to do that. I'd have to decide on one small thing: whether I'll just mark cartridges as deleted so someone can contact me to undo an accidental deletion (as it's a lot of time and effort to create a cartridge).


Want to make a bet you'll have that functionality by the end of the week?


No bets, you seem to respond way too quickly for that :-) Its just that I have been playing with the kit and producing some trash stuff, just wanted to remove it before it embarrasses me !

Two questions id I may.................


Under Actions, I have Create new Message, Question or Emulator Actions. I have no idea what Emulator Actions is supposed to do.

Is there a way to trigger a sound alert when the user enters a new Zone?

Many thanks,


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And here we are. You can now delete cartridges you own. I decided not to actually delete the stuff permanently just yet because someone, at some time down the road, will spend upwards of ten hours on a cartridge, delete it by mistake, and ask me to save them from certain despair. Anyway, it turned out I had already implemented deleting cartridges in the back end, but never allowed people to delete them in the UI. That made this update really easy.


Have fun!


As far as triggering a sound, that's a little more complicated to make sure people don't have issues with it. Cell phones can play MP3s. Garmins cannot. In addition to that, even if you have a cell phone, if you don't download the cartridge for "Pocket PC", the Wherigo compiler will strip out all your MP3s and WAVs. So allowing people to build a cartridge with sound will mean I need to inform them of all this, then create some beep and boop sound alternatives for people to use with Garmin. This would have to be a Christmas thing, when I code something for a few days straight.

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And here we are. You can now delete cartridges you own. I decided not to actually delete the stuff permanently just yet because someone, at some time down the road, will spend upwards of ten hours on a cartridge, delete it by mistake, and ask me to save them from certain despair. Anyway, it turned out I had already implemented deleting cartridges in the back end, but never allowed people to delete them in the UI. That made this update really easy.


Have fun!


As far as triggering a sound, that's a little more complicated to make sure people don't have issues with it. Cell phones can play MP3s. Garmins cannot. In addition to that, even if you have a cell phone, if you don't download the cartridge for "Pocket PC", the Wherigo compiler will strip out all your MP3s and WAVs. So allowing people to build a cartridge with sound will mean I need to inform them of all this, then create some beep and boop sound alternatives for people to use with Garmin. This would have to be a Christmas thing, when I code something for a few days straight.


Amazing response, thanks so much. I am having a ball with this, heaps of fun. I thought an audible alert could be a good idea so that the operator could keep their eye on the road so to speak rather than watching the screen to see if they were in the zone yet, a safety thing. Of course I have no idea of the programming effort involved, must be huge and I would not want to see your Christmas disrupted :-)

Fantastic job and much appreciated.

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And here we are. You can now delete cartridges you own. I decided not to actually delete the stuff permanently just yet because someone, at some time down the road, will spend upwards of ten hours on a cartridge, delete it by mistake, and ask me to save them from certain despair. Anyway, it turned out I had already implemented deleting cartridges in the back end, but never allowed people to delete them in the UI. That made this update really easy.


Have fun!


As far as triggering a sound, that's a little more complicated to make sure people don't have issues with it. Cell phones can play MP3s. Garmins cannot. In addition to that, even if you have a cell phone, if you don't download the cartridge for "Pocket PC", the Wherigo compiler will strip out all your MP3s and WAVs. So allowing people to build a cartridge with sound will mean I need to inform them of all this, then create some beep and boop sound alternatives for people to use with Garmin. This would have to be a Christmas thing, when I code something for a few days straight.

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OK. This is good news. I would like to delete some cartridges I created but don't use. How do I go about to do this? From the edit button, I can't find anything enabling me to delete an old version.


PS. Hope to see you soon at your workshop in Canada.

Edited by Loonwatcher
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To delete a cartridge, go to the page that lists your cartridges. Click your cartridge on the column to the left. Information about your cartridge will load in the column to the right. There's a section there called "Delete".


Kit allows people to share cartridges. Only the primary owner can delete the cartridge. The link does not show up for others, nor will it work if you manipulate the page using Greasemonkey to add the link.


As for the workshop, I'd like to see it published at some point. There are two, one each on the 26th and 27th of this month. I plan on assisting as much as desired, but I don't want to create the list of topics to discuss. In addition, I plan to be available during business hours on Friday and Friday night to anyone who would like a little more time. I satisfied my number quota for the year (to put it mildly, considering September), so this trip is more about the people, places, and stories.

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I recently developed a Wherigo using the Wherigo\\kit website. It works great when I did a test run on my own GPS unit. Know come the part I am having trouble with. I am trying to get it published to the Wherigo website. I click the "Publish to Wherigo.com" link and am taken to the http://www.Wherigo.com/cartridge/edit.aspx page to fill out the "Editing a Cartridge" information. I did that but I am unable to select a state after selecting United States in the country drop down option. When I click on the "Save Cartridge Details" button I get taken to a page (http://www.Wherigo.com/error/err.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/cartridge/edit.aspx) that gives me the error message of:


An Error Has Occurred


Your request has resulted in an error. Please return to this site's home page to continue.



Can anyone provide feedback as to what might be going wrong.

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I recently developed a Wherigo using the Wherigo\\kit website. It works great when I did a test run on my own GPS unit. Know come the part I am having trouble with. I am trying to get it published to the Wherigo website. I click the "Publish to Wherigo.com" link and am taken to the http://www.Wherigo.com/cartridge/edit.aspx page to fill out the "Editing a Cartridge" information. I did that but I am unable to select a state after selecting United States in the country drop down option. When I click on the "Save Cartridge Details" button I get taken to a page (http://www.Wherigo.com/error/err.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/cartridge/edit.aspx) that gives me the error message of:


An Error Has Occurred


Your request has resulted in an error. Please return to this site's home page to continue.



Can anyone provide feedback as to what might be going wrong.


Ok, I don't know what I did but now the listing is showing up on the Wherigo website.

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Hey Ranger Fox,


I really like the kit! I've made several whereigos that are being used right now.


However, I have one now, that I've completed, and it works in the emulator. I build and upload it to Wherigo. Then when I download it from Wherigo it gives this message:

Error During Upload


System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Exception of type 'System.ApplicationException' was thrown. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at Wherigo.GSPCartridgeService.CartridgeService.GetCompiledCartridgeWithMetaData(GWZMetaData gwzMetaData, String CartridgeFileName, String CartridgeId, Int64 PlayerId, String PlayerName, DeviceType deviceType, String CompletionCode) at cartridge_download.btnDownload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


I've rebuilt this particular one several times, Its called "Nevada City Historical Wa" (Nevada City Historical Walking tour). It has 13 zones (is there a limit?) Are there characters in the text, like apostrophes that cause it to crash.

I'm hoping this message will uncover a useful bug fix.

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I've been trying to reproduce what you're seeing all weekend. So far, I can't.


It's possible what you saw was one of those issues the server occasionally has. If you still get it, it's also possible the cartridge's name is too long or contains text in the descriptions that the server does not like.


Does it still error for you? Did you upload it to Wherigo.com by letting Kit upload it for you, or did you download the cartridge from Kit and upload it manually?

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I've been trying to reproduce what you're seeing all weekend. So far, I can't.


It's possible what you saw was one of those issues the server occasionally has. If you still get it, it's also possible the cartridge's name is too long or contains text in the descriptions that the server does not like.


Does it still error for you? Did you upload it to Wherigo.com by letting Kit upload it for you, or did you download the cartridge from Kit and upload it manually?



Wow, thanks for checking!

Yes, I'm still getting that error only for that one Wherigo, it seems to me if we could solve that, it would be something good for the knowledge base.

1. I log into Wherigo\\kit , I click on my kit, then 'view & edit the cartridge.

2. The cartridge is now called 'Nevada City' (shorter name). There are 12 zones(less). Every zone has a proximity message, and then one action, asking a question, all questions are 'open ended' and have 1 or 2 word answers... pretty straight forward. I eliminated all apostrophes since I know databases and apostrophes sometimes have issues with each other.

3. I save and build the project. It downloads to my downloads directory (windows 10), into a zipped file with a lua file and an XML file in side the zipped file.

4. I go to the cartridges directory again, and run it through the emulator. Everything works.

5. I go to the Wherigo.com site. I go to edit the cartridge. I upload a new GWZ file from my download directory. Everything works smoothly.

6. I go to download site to download and play the GWC file, and get the same error message from Wherigo.com when I click the download button.


Now I just used the kit to download the GWZ file directly and the GWC file, which does seem to work on my phone and Garmin Oregon 450t.


I have several other whereigos that I built similarly with the kit, and everything worked.


OK, I saw your link to "Publish to Wherigo.com", which I haven't done yet. I'm trying that now.... and I get the same error, when I click the 'download now' button.


I can send you any files if you want. Since you have taken an interest in this, I will attach a GWZ file and the GWC file. Never mind, I'm not permitted to attach those files, good thing, because I know you're not being paid enough to look at others code.

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I'm not being paid at all, actually. I do it because it's interesting and I can be of help to people. The latter is why I accepted the moderator role, though I've rarely had to step into this role in the whole eight years Wherigo has been out. With this issue, it's a shame I'm not on the payroll.


Anyway, on to your problem. (I can shoot the breeze all day, actually.) First, to attach something to the forum, you need it to be a zip file. Second, the attachment thing is a little wonky as there are times the attachment won't actually be accessible. Finally, I developed Kit and knew beforehand people would want some additional help, so I have a way of pulling anything on Kit through my user account. I was able to reproduce your problem, so that's a great starting point.


The answer to your problem is it seems you came across a really obscure error on Wherigo.com. (Yeah, lucky you.) If you prefix a new paragraph with two dashes as you did with the court house history plaque question, it triggers this error on Wherigo.com, but only on the page where people can download a compiled version of your cartridge. It also doesn't matter how many spaces you use to separate the new paragraph and two dashes.


No one should be expected to keep this in mind or even remember it. I updated Wherigo\\kit so it will replace the two dashes with one when you export your cartridge from it. What you need to do is grab the new GWZ or ZIP from Kit and update your cartridge on Wherigo.com.






For those given to speculation on Wherigo.com, join me for a moment. This error only occurs on the GWC download page for a cartridge stored in the system. It does not happen on the compile on demand page. Isn't that odd? It's as if Wherigo.com uses two different compilers or handles the cartridge in a slightly different manner depending upon if it's in the system versus just a temporary upload-compile-download action. Odd.






Below is a log of the things I tried and the order I tried them. You might find it beneficial to see what I go through to solve some Wherigo.com problems. The times are in EST (GMT-5, I think). Yes, no one pays me enough. Sheesh.


8:07 PM - Start

-- Downloaded from Kit and uploaded to Wherigo.com. No issues as reported.

-- Downloading the GWC from Wherigo.com -- error, as reported.

8:12 PM - Start the reply in the forum.

8:21 PM - What happens when I feed the cartridge to the other Wherigo.com compiler service? Huh. It works.

8:23 PM - What was that issue with Wherigo.com where the server had to be restarted? Oh. Writing to protected memory. That's not it.

8:24 PM - What about stripping all events from the cartridge and uploading it? It works.

-- So... I wonder if it's catching on the XML file in the zip file? No, it errors.

-- Let's add things back to the cartridge until it errors again.

8:28 PM - I added all inputs to the cartridge. Hey, it did an error right off. That's nice.

8:29 PM - Let's add the first six inputs to the cartridge. Nope.

8:30 PM - The first four inputs? Nope.

8:31 PM - The first two inputs? Well, that worked.

8:32 PM - The first three inputs? That works. So it's that fourth input? What's in it? Oh... a double dash... In lua, the programming script behind cartridges, a double dash means a comment and to ignore everything after. Let's convert that to a dash.

8:35 PM - I uploaded the cartridge without the double dash and it worked. Let's see where else the double dashes are. Ah, the fifth input.

8:36 PM - I uploaded the fifth input with its double dash and it worked. Hmm... Is it because of the characters around the double dash? Perhaps ".--" means something special somewhere? Let's try it.

8:37 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with the text ".--" in one of the inputs. No errors.

8:38 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with "e.--" in one of the inputs. No errors.

8:40 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with ".--G" in one of the inputs. No errors.

8:41 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with "e.--G" in one of the inputs. No errors. Um... Huh?

8:42 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with the question manually typed out to see if that produced an error. Perhaps the question was pasted from somewhere. No errors. Huh? I'm running out of variations to try.

8:43 PM - Let's upload the question copied from the original cartridge. An error showed.

-- So, why did it not error when I typed the question out and did so when I copied the question from the original file? Hmm... Well, there's a line return between the period and double dash. I didn't notice it before because it doesn't display in notepad. Perhaps the line return combined with something else--or the line return itself--caused this?

8:47 PM - What happens if we give a space between the line return and the period? Well, that produced an error.

8:49 PM - What about if I separate the line return from the double dashes and the period? It did not work.

8:50 PM - What if I replace the double dash with a single dash? That worked.

-- So, it looks like no one can have a double dash following a line return. And it also looks like Wherigo.com uses two different cartridge compilers if I can compile on the one that doesn't store the cartridge in the server and the one that serves GWC files to the public shows an error.

-- Still, that's a really obscure thing. No one is going to remember that or should be expected to deal with it.

8:53 PM - I finished a mini rant and head scratching.

-- So, what will we do? I'll build this into Kit so no one has to deal with it.

-- Here's the fun part. I just built a beast of a new computer (a gaming rig) and haven't tried seeing if Kit or the WF site's code will run. Let's try.

-- Huh. I don't have permission to access my own code because I had copied it from my other OS. "Physician, heal thyself." Done. Now, I have to set up the database server. Or I can just use the Kit production one since I won't be modifying data.

8:59 PM - Let's see... Kit\Cartridges\Input.cs. That's where Kit writes the lua script to the exporter. But what character code is that line return? Time to debug for the first time on this new rig.

-- I can't debug it just yet because I have to set up more of the environment.

9:06 PM - I can now debug.

-- I figured out the character code and modified Kit. Let's see if the GWZ will work.

9:10 PM - I uploaded the GWZ to Wherigo.com. The GWC downloaded without an error. This seems to work.

-- I need to adjust the code so it works for all situations as it doesn't seem to matter how many spaces come after the newline.

9:18 PM - My update still works. Time to comment and make a release note entry. I also had to apply this fix to other message boxes.

9:25 PM - Everything is updated. Time to do a publish.

9:27 PM - Backed up Wherigo\\kit.

9:29 PM - Google Analytics says no one is on Kit at the moment. I'll continue with the publish.

9:30 PM - Time to test. It works.

9:32 PM - Closing down all applications and deleting the cartridge from my computer. It's time to finish this forum reply. Wow, it took about an hour and a half for this issue.

9:46 PM - Done. Submitting the reply. Time to not do anything else this evening.

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Wow, You are the man, thanks so much, and I was already pretty sure you didn't get paid anything. But you're making the world a little better for us attempting to be Wherigo publishers!


Thats about the best fix I could hope for, after several rewrites.





I'm not being paid at all, actually. I do it because it's interesting and I can be of help to people. The latter is why I accepted the moderator role, though I've rarely had to step into this role in the whole eight years Wherigo has been out. With this issue, it's a shame I'm not on the payroll.


Anyway, on to your problem. (I can shoot the breeze all day, actually.) First, to attach something to the forum, you need it to be a zip file. Second, the attachment thing is a little wonky as there are times the attachment won't actually be accessible. Finally, I developed Kit and knew beforehand people would want some additional help, so I have a way of pulling anything on Kit through my user account. I was able to reproduce your problem, so that's a great starting point.


The answer to your problem is it seems you came across a really obscure error on Wherigo.com. (Yeah, lucky you.) If you prefix a new paragraph with two dashes as you did with the court house history plaque question, it triggers this error on Wherigo.com, but only on the page where people can download a compiled version of your cartridge. It also doesn't matter how many spaces you use to separate the new paragraph and two dashes.


No one should be expected to keep this in mind or even remember it. I updated Wherigo\\kit so it will replace the two dashes with one when you export your cartridge from it. What you need to do is grab the new GWZ or ZIP from Kit and update your cartridge on Wherigo.com.






For those given to speculation on Wherigo.com, join me for a moment. This error only occurs on the GWC download page for a cartridge stored in the system. It does not happen on the compile on demand page. Isn't that odd? It's as if Wherigo.com uses two different compilers or handles the cartridge in a slightly different manner depending upon if it's in the system versus just a temporary upload-compile-download action. Odd.






Below is a log of the things I tried and the order I tried them. You might find it beneficial to see what I go through to solve some Wherigo.com problems. The times are in EST (GMT-5, I think). Yes, no one pays me enough. Sheesh.


8:07 PM - Start

-- Downloaded from Kit and uploaded to Wherigo.com. No issues as reported.

-- Downloading the GWC from Wherigo.com -- error, as reported.

8:12 PM - Start the reply in the forum.

8:21 PM - What happens when I feed the cartridge to the other Wherigo.com compiler service? Huh. It works.

8:23 PM - What was that issue with Wherigo.com where the server had to be restarted? Oh. Writing to protected memory. That's not it.

8:24 PM - What about stripping all events from the cartridge and uploading it? It works.

-- So... I wonder if it's catching on the XML file in the zip file? No, it errors.

-- Let's add things back to the cartridge until it errors again.

8:28 PM - I added all inputs to the cartridge. Hey, it did an error right off. That's nice.

8:29 PM - Let's add the first six inputs to the cartridge. Nope.

8:30 PM - The first four inputs? Nope.

8:31 PM - The first two inputs? Well, that worked.

8:32 PM - The first three inputs? That works. So it's that fourth input? What's in it? Oh... a double dash... In lua, the programming script behind cartridges, a double dash means a comment and to ignore everything after. Let's convert that to a dash.

8:35 PM - I uploaded the cartridge without the double dash and it worked. Let's see where else the double dashes are. Ah, the fifth input.

8:36 PM - I uploaded the fifth input with its double dash and it worked. Hmm... Is it because of the characters around the double dash? Perhaps ".--" means something special somewhere? Let's try it.

8:37 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with the text ".--" in one of the inputs. No errors.

8:38 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with "e.--" in one of the inputs. No errors.

8:40 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with ".--G" in one of the inputs. No errors.

8:41 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with "e.--G" in one of the inputs. No errors. Um... Huh?

8:42 PM - I uploaded the cartridge with the question manually typed out to see if that produced an error. Perhaps the question was pasted from somewhere. No errors. Huh? I'm running out of variations to try.

8:43 PM - Let's upload the question copied from the original cartridge. An error showed.

-- So, why did it not error when I typed the question out and did so when I copied the question from the original file? Hmm... Well, there's a line return between the period and double dash. I didn't notice it before because it doesn't display in notepad. Perhaps the line return combined with something else--or the line return itself--caused this?

8:47 PM - What happens if we give a space between the line return and the period? Well, that produced an error.

8:49 PM - What about if I separate the line return from the double dashes and the period? It did not work.

8:50 PM - What if I replace the double dash with a single dash? That worked.

-- So, it looks like no one can have a double dash following a line return. And it also looks like Wherigo.com uses two different cartridge compilers if I can compile on the one that doesn't store the cartridge in the server and the one that serves GWC files to the public shows an error.

-- Still, that's a really obscure thing. No one is going to remember that or should be expected to deal with it.

8:53 PM - I finished a mini rant and head scratching.

-- So, what will we do? I'll build this into Kit so no one has to deal with it.

-- Here's the fun part. I just built a beast of a new computer (a gaming rig) and haven't tried seeing if Kit or the WF site's code will run. Let's try.

-- Huh. I don't have permission to access my own code because I had copied it from my other OS. "Physician, heal thyself." Done. Now, I have to set up the database server. Or I can just use the Kit production one since I won't be modifying data.

8:59 PM - Let's see... Kit\Cartridges\Input.cs. That's where Kit writes the lua script to the exporter. But what character code is that line return? Time to debug for the first time on this new rig.

-- I can't debug it just yet because I have to set up more of the environment.

9:06 PM - I can now debug.

-- I figured out the character code and modified Kit. Let's see if the GWZ will work.

9:10 PM - I uploaded the GWZ to Wherigo.com. The GWC downloaded without an error. This seems to work.

-- I need to adjust the code so it works for all situations as it doesn't seem to matter how many spaces come after the newline.

9:18 PM - My update still works. Time to comment and make a release note entry. I also had to apply this fix to other message boxes.

9:25 PM - Everything is updated. Time to do a publish.

9:27 PM - Backed up Wherigo\\kit.

9:29 PM - Google Analytics says no one is on Kit at the moment. I'll continue with the publish.

9:30 PM - Time to test. It works.

9:32 PM - Closing down all applications and deleting the cartridge from my computer. It's time to finish this forum reply. Wow, it took about an hour and a half for this issue.

9:46 PM - Done. Submitting the reply. Time to not do anything else this evening.

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I have built my first ever Wherigo with WherigoKit and have not faced any major problems, until now.


I have been able to save and load the cartridge, edit it along the way and share the file to be tested succesfully by fellow geocachers. Now since appr. two days ago (have not used the site for some time) I tried to edit the file for the last time for publishing. However, whenever I go to the site I can open only one zone properly so that it shows the activities included in the site. The second time it opens the site but does not show any activities behind it. If I log out, log in again, I can open one zone again (e.g. another one), but the second one I try to open, does not open correctly. I have been using the same browser every time (IE 11).


What can I do next to proceed?


Thanks in advance for the answer.

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However, whenever I go to the site I can open only one zone properly so that it shows the activities included in the site. The second time it opens the site but does not show any activities behind it. If I log out, log in again, I can open one zone again (e.g. another one), but the second one I try to open, does not open correctly. I have been using the same browser every time (IE 11).

I think something in Google Maps was updated. I haven't touched Kit's code for a few months now. Either way, I fixed what was going on. You should now be able to see the tabs. If you don't, try refreshing the page or pressing Control+F5 to force your browser to download the updated script file.


If you encounter anything else, please feel free to notify me in the same way you did today. And thank you for that.

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I fixed what was going on. You should now be able to see the tabs.


Whatever you did, it worked! Now I was able to see and edit the activities behind the tabs, which were not visible yesterday. I did not have to push the browser at all. Thanks!


I made a copy of the cartridge, as I wanted to make both English and Finnish versions of the same tour. However, I could not really figure out, how to select one to be published. I will have to figure out that later. And how to make a link to the cache page, that I will have to learn also.


But thanks for the WKit! It was so easy to use!

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Facing another problem: I have two multiple choice questions in my Wherigo. For some reason the second question does not accept any of the answers to be correct any more, although this zone has previously worked fine in testing. It is true that I changed e.g. the correct question at some point, but this should not be possible as the right answer is one of the three anyways.


I tried to reconstruct the zone, but this did not help. What to do next? :unsure:


This Wherigo has been published today and until this is solved I am acting as the online helpdesk for cachers...

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You'll have to give me some steps to reproduce so I know what you're seeing.


Here's what I did:

I clicked on a zone, clicked to add a new multiple-choice question, filled out the form and chose a correct answer, and clicked "Update". I clicked to add another multiple-choice question, filled out the form, and selected another correct answer radio button. I clicked "Update" again and it saved what I entered.

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You'll have to give me some steps to reproduce so I know what you're seeing.


I'll try although I have been working on this Wherigo for over six months and I may spoil the cache by explaining this.


Originally the second multi-choice question worked fine in testing. It used to be in the previous to the last zone. Then I changed it to be in the last zone (in which the emulator stops also), but I have toggled in between the two versions during past months so that I cannot remember all the phases. I know I have e.g. added the photos to the text skeleton after checking that the text version worked.


When the problem appeared (the question does not accept any of the answers to be correct), I first just toggled between the answers, left the button to stay in the correct one, updated and saved, republished and tested. Still it did not work when using the file in two different kind of devices. Every answer is replied with "you did not get it right" answer and the player cannot proceed. I still had an older version of the file in which it worked fine.


Then I deleted the whole zone with the question, created the new one, rebuild the two activities in it (with the multiple question), checked that the answer was correct, changed the order of the existing last zone and the new one, which was now to be the previous one to the last. I updated, saved, repupublished and retested. The question still does not allow to proceed.


What to do next?

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You'll have to give me some steps to reproduce so I know what you're seeing.

What to do next?


Well, what I did was that I opened every zone and every activity and pushed update to exit although no changes were done. Then I saved the whole thing again to test it. Now it works fine again. Mysterious (at least to me it is).


Now I am waiting for new comments from end users. Maybe something made the trick, although I do not know, what it was. :blink:


What I failed to do successfully was to make a copy of the cartridge. The zones and the activities were copied, but I needed to upload all the images again for the new cartridge, as they were not copied as described in the kit page.

Edited by Forestress
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You'll have to give me some steps to reproduce so I know what you're seeing.

What to do next?

Still continuing on the same case. After publishing version 1.7 the file this time from Wherigo.com (not directly from the kit) was tested again and it did not work for a chance, although no actual changes had been made in between successful and unsuccesful testing.


After some serious debugging there was one strange thing I could find. The photo in the unworking zone had a very peculiar time stamp (year 4000 or something). The photo has been replaced altogether, and version 1.8 has been published. Could it be that this works now. Please.

Edited by Forestress
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Greetings from the Charlotte airport in the US. If you still have trouble, try removing the slash in your answer and let me know if this fixes your issue. If it does, I'll modify Kit so it won't accept slashes. (I'd be surprised if that's what the issue is, but I probably shouldn't be surprised by now.)

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If you still have trouble, try removing the slash in your answer and let me know if this fixes your issue. If it does, I'll modify Kit so it won't accept slashes. (I'd be surprised if that's what the issue is, but I probably shouldn't be surprised by now.)


Well, the version 1.8 did not work. I did remove the slashes and it worked. However, when looking back to the development, what made the testing so difficult was that obviously the files retrieved directly from the kit (download cartridge -> .gwc) worked also with slashes in the answers, but the published version retrieved from the Wherigo.com (-> pocket pc version) did not. :huh: Do they handle the special characters in a different way? That is why the problem did not come up before publishing the cache. This is tricky for cache owner.


The second issue that I would really appreciate to be fixed is the ability to copy the cartridge in the account page. As I have said before the images are not copied along the cartridge and they need to be uploaded again for the copied version. Or did I just get this wrong for some other reason? ;)


PS. I came across wherigofoundation.com. That looks and sounds awesome. I hope to see it go live soon! Wherigos are much appreciated around here!

Edited by Forestress
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Could you email me GWC or GWZ of a version of the cartridge that doesn't work for you? I'll compare that with what Kit outputs. It might be Groundspeak's compiler is doing something with the answers to that question.


I'll look at the copy cartridge ability in Kit and get that working properly.


As I only have two to three hours each weeknight to devote to anything, it'll be an either/or thing. But I do hope to have both done by the end of the week.


Just remember the WF site is a tech demo. I appreciate people looking around and offering feedback. However, it's not supposed to be used for production. (And I really want to redesign some things on it, but I don't have the time just yet. I've improved a lot after making the site, so I want to go back and redesign a lot of things.)

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Could you email me GWC or GWZ of a version of the cartridge that doesn't work for you? I'll compare that with what Kit outputs. It might be Groundspeak's compiler is doing something with the answers to that question.


I'll look at the copy cartridge ability in Kit and get that working properly.


OK. I'll get back to you by email. Thanks Ranger Fox!

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Hi Ranger Fox,


We have been working on a Wherigo cartridge with your program and have loved it so far! We had to step away from it for a few weeks, but now are ready to finish it up. We tried accessing the user profile area and the page comes up with an error as shown below. We tried this on multiple computers and the error persists. Any idea what is going on?


Server Error in '/' Application.Runtime Error


Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.


Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".


<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->




<customErrors mode="Off"/>




Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.


<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->




<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>



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Huh. Why was it running out of memory? It keeps someone's cartridge in memory, but doesn't put the images in memory. Its memory is shared with the Wherigo Foundation site, but that site isn't consuming much memory, either. Huh.


I restarted both Kit and the WF site. Kit now comes up for me. If it happens again, I'm going to have to get a beefier server while I figure out what was happening. I'd rather not do that because it'll cost a lot more. That and I'd like to fix problems instead of throw resources at them.

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I'm in the process of creating my first WIG using this kit. So far I really like it and am excited to get my last few zones added. One question I do have is when I'm uploading photos into the cartridge it only seems to like photos taking in landscape mode. All portrait photos are getting rotated. Also if you upload a photo into the cartridge but end up not using it, is there a way to delete it?

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It's possible your computer is reading your photos' EXIF data and showing your portrait photos rotated as portrait while the photo itself is actually in landscape. When you upload the photos to Kit, I don't think it's checking the EXIF data and applying the same auto-rotation as your computer had.


I thought I included code in Kit that, when the cartridge was reopened later, would automatically delete from its data any photos not currently used in the cartridge. If you feel it's not doing this, I can always check at some point this evening after I get off from work.

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I thought I had already addressed the issue of unused media several years ago. I'm paying for the site hosting and storage, so needed a way to remove from the cartridge media that was no longer in use. I just couldn't remember if I did so when the cartridge was saved or when the server disposed of the lingering cartridge information when the user's session expired.

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I got my photos fixed and all my zones added. Yeah! For the WIGs I've completed in the past, once the cartridge is over the user is provided with the final coords. I've always taken these and either put them into my GPS or geocaching app to search for the final. With this kit I'm not seeing where to enter in the final coords. Options could be:

1. Provide the final coords in txt once the final question is answered

2. Create one more zone for final that doesn't actually state the final coords

3. Other??


What's the best way? Thanks!

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I got my photos fixed and all my zones added. Yeah! For the WIGs I've completed in the past, once the cartridge is over the user is provided with the final coords. I've always taken these and either put them into my GPS or geocaching app to search for the final. With this kit I'm not seeing where to enter in the final coords. Options could be:

1. Provide the final coords in txt once the final question is answered

2. Create one more zone for final that doesn't actually state the final coords

3. Other??


What's the best way? Thanks!

With Kit, #2 is assumed. You could also do #1 if you'd like, but why not just end at the final coordinates?

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