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Oregon x50 software version 5.90


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Oh, while I had the G rep on the line asking him about the Stopwatch function and Track Logging, I mentioned that a number of folks were upset about the "straight lines".


Considering the number of folks in the posts above that essentially have expressed that I'm FOS for the way I described how to keep- from getting the "straight lines", I asked him how to do that and then did NOT interrupt,or make suggestions.......


He proceeded to explain (preaching to the choir) exactly the same method I described in the "E Trex 20"

thread.......AND THEN, without any prompting or questions from me, said....and I quote, "If you get those lines, then you don't understand how to properly set your unit. The GPS is working just like it is supposed to and just like you have told it to work by your settings"....End of Quote.


I agree 100%


@AC, Let me know what you determine on the "stopwatch method" logging tracks.


It is painful to see Garmin's ignorance to this issue -- I was esentially told the same thing by one Garmin rep, who was as useless as teets on a bull. The other acknowledged and listened, but obviously, nothing has been done.


This is NOT the way prior units worked, and to make the claim that users who get the straight line tracks do not know how to operate their units is insulting, both from Garmin and on this forum. If it's intended to function this way, then Garmin should document that and help us understand the brains behind the unit a little bit better and why this happens. I could live with that.


Although it might help, I still don't feel as though I should have to fiddle with track editing tools and stopwatches to perform a basic tracking function. Garmin has been good, but I wonder if my Montana will end up as my last Garmin because they just can't seem to work out all of the glitches, nor do they really seem to care to.


Oh, while I had the G rep on the line asking him about the Stopwatch function and Track Logging, I mentioned that a number of folks were upset about the "straight lines".


Considering the number of folks in the posts above that essentially have expressed that I'm FOS for the way I described how to keep- from getting the "straight lines", I asked him how to do that and then did NOT interrupt,or make suggestions.......


He proceeded to explain (preaching to the choir) exactly the same method I described in the "E Trex 20"

thread.......AND THEN, without any prompting or questions from me, said....and I quote, "If you get those lines, then you don't understand how to properly set your unit. The GPS is working just like it is supposed to and just like you have told it to work by your settings"....End of Quote.


I agree 100%


@AC, Let me know what you determine on the "stopwatch method" logging tracks.


It is painful to see Garmin's ignorance to this issue -- I was esentially told the same thing by one Garmin rep, who was as useless as teets on a bull. The other acknowledged and listened, but obviously, nothing has been done.


This is NOT the way prior units worked, and to make the claim that users who get the straight line tracks do not know how to operate their units is insulting, both from Garmin and on this forum. If it's intended to function this way, then Garmin should document that and help us understand the brains behind the unit a little bit better and why this happens. I could live with that.


Although it might help, I still don't feel as though I should have to fiddle with track editing tools and stopwatches to perform a basic tracking function. Garmin has been good, but I wonder if my Montana will end up as my last Garmin because they just can't seem to work out all of the glitches, nor do they really seem to care to.


I had a 550T, I have a 550, and a 78S. ALL those are PRIOR to Montana and ALL work and HAVE worked "that way".


You DON"T have "to fiddle with" any track editing tools nor do you have to use the stopwatch....that's just a different feature /function. Really it's kinda neat!


quote :"If it's intended to function this way, then Garmin should document that and help us understand the brains behind the unit a little bit better and why this happens. I could live with that."

Maybe I'm just a lousy explainer, but when someone tries to "help you understand", you call that insulting. Kind of a catch 22 wouldn't you say? Can you live with that?


The key to start understanding is to understand how the combination of different archiving frequency and clearing the track log work together. Go back and carefully read the ETrex 20 Track Problem thread Post #22.

Clear the Current Track at the start, and Save at the end (before leaving that location)

If you are still within the same archive period when you next turn it on you will get the straight line (because it is tying all data together within that archive period)but if you Clear Current Track at the next "Start" , it will disappear.


Older units like the 60 series and the 76 series operated totally differently. They had a totally different file structure and no "archiving". Tracks could be logged directly to the memory card and there was a thing called "active log" where tracks were logged (similar to today's Current Track) and some data was lost if the operator "saved" a track. It's all totally different now (and better).

I upgraded and wish I did not. Why cannot Garmin use common sense? They need to fix te straight line problem. To see if I had the problem, I powered off my 550T and then turned it back on. I got the straight line, but it was worse than that. It connected from where I turned the GPS back on with a straight line to about 1/2 mile before I turned off the GPS!!!!!

Read #22 for the fix. Apparently this has happened before.


sorry but that is not a fix. Garmin broke it and needs to fix it.

It is painful to see Garmin's ignorance to this issue -- I was esentially told the same thing by one Garmin rep, who was as useless as teets on a bull. The other acknowledged and listened, but obviously, nothing has been done.


This is NOT the way prior units worked, and to make the claim that users who get the straight line tracks do not know how to operate their units is insulting, both from Garmin and on this forum. If it's intended to function this way, then Garmin should document that and help us understand the brains behind the unit a little bit better and why this happens. I could live with that.


Although it might help, I still don't feel as though I should have to fiddle with track editing tools and stopwatches to perform a basic tracking function. Garmin has been good, but I wonder if my Montana will end up as my last Garmin because they just can't seem to work out all of the glitches, nor do they really seem to care to.

Garmin is not Apple, simply Garmin, warts and all. I stick with Garmin because the map ecosystem is the broadest. Garmin is not perfect, but neither am I. I have had great support on this forum and I try to help others if I can.


Grasscatcher cannot seem to comprehend that an Oregon x50 with firmware version 5.50 has neither of the issues we have been discussing. This is NOT about long obsolete receivers, rather ALL STM Cartesio based receivers. OR, DK. MT, etc. Grasscatcher is more than willing to manually terminate each track, you and I are not.


As explained in post 22, Garmin simply needs to add a track termination command when the unit is powered down. That command is present in v5.50, not in v5.80 or v5.90.


Have you downgraded to v5.50 or some appropriate version for your MT? If not, I can help.



As explained in post 22, Garmin simply needs to add a track termination command when the unit is powered down.


Actually, As previously stated, and requested here, Garmin should: Add Global Setting [At Power On] to [setup | Tracks | Auto Archive].


I say at [Power On] because there are too many variables that may prevent it from completing properly at power down... Your batteries may die, or the unit may crash, etc, and not provide the GPSr enough time to archive/save the track recording at that time. Simply archiving the Track Recording at Power On would solve this issue for everyone.



I had a 550T, I have a 550, and a 78S. ALL those are PRIOR to Montana and ALL work and HAVE worked "that way".


This is incorrect. You're misunderstanding the issue. I've tried to explain this clearly, and everyone else seems to be understanding it except you. Perhaps you should back off from this issue since it doesn't even apply to you.


Moderator's note Play nice with each other. Please refrain from name calling. Additionally, there is no reason to believe that Garmin reads these posts, so please use this forum for discussing new features or how to work around issues, but don't think that making wishes here will result in any change on how it works. File bugreports with Garmin if you want change.

If Oregon users are not going to discuss the Tempe sensor or Adventures (the two changes this update enabled) they need to start their our thread. Tracking changes happened several generations ago and are off topic to this update and this is in no way a Montana thread.

Tracking changes happened several generations ago and are off topic to this update and this is in no way a Montana thread.


Actually, the change in the tracks behavior was new to 5.80, but people are only starting to notice it with this update, which followed the 5.80 one fairly quickly.


Agreed about the montana thing.


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