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Make a creative geocache out of a 40mm ammo can


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40MM as in rounds for a grenade launcher? hide it just like any other ammo can. Maybe give it a unique paint job. choose a cache theme or your favorite movie? It would be kinda big to really do something with it I would think.

Edited by T.D.M.22

I have a great idea! it is a multi cache. Ok so, you have the first coordinates go to a jug of some sort, with coords on it, then you follow those coords to a river or stream, you fill up the bottle, notice a metal pipe some where standing up, fill that up with water, and out comes a micro with more coords, you follow those, to the cache!


If you or a friend are any good with a welder then you could weld a false bottom in the can and paint 'No log here' inside and then drill a hole in the base where you can slide in a small magnetic cache with the log book inside. The cacher has to locate the actual cache, within the cache ammo can as part of a riddle / puzzle.


Here's one of my favorite hides which utilizes a 40mm ammo can. It sits in plain sight as the oblivious muggles drive past it all day long.





aside from the issues out it looking like electrical equipment o would say it's good camo.



aside from the issues out it looking like electrical equipment o would say it's good camo.


Unfortunately, that's the whole point with this one. Take a look at the broader picture.




I totally agree with your sentiment and dislike hides near any type of utility myself. It is however, a good example of how a large 40mm ammo can can be used creatively, even in an urban environment.


I agree with avoiding high power electrical equipment, but that is a very clever and creative cache.

I saw a small ammo can outfitted to look like a surveillance camera, placed high up in an alley. It was really well done. If you looked closely it was obvious, but no one ever looks closely, except cachers.

That one was also safely in full view.

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