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South African seeking help: The hedgehog road trip

Sasha Benjamin

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Hello fellow South African Geocachers.


So sometime in the December/January period (2012) a few friends and I want to do a little road trip from Knysna to Durban, geocaching on the way.


The reason for the trip is that i would like to have a hedgehog as a pet but can only get one in Durban, so i thought i could make an adventure out of it :)


We are students and our budget is quite limited. If it's at all possible could some of you fellow cachers help us out in anyway possible. Whether it be helping out with our route or to letting us crash on your couch your help will be greatly appreciated.


We're are a real happy bunch of normal cachers (4 to 5 of us depending on the circumstances)- just incase any of you cachers think we are scary creeps :)


Any help would truly be amazing :)


Sasha Benjamin




P.s. Still have to confirm exact dates and the number of cachers


Hi Sasha... thanks for joining our Facebook group and well done for posting your forum link there. Your forum post was under the main geocaching discussions, which the whole world gets to see. It would be better for you to post this request under the section "South Africa" (just keep scrolling down on the main forum topics page) and then also put some posts in the area specific topics under South Africa - "Fynbos Finders" for the Cape and "The Sandpit" for Durban.


Geocachers in general are the most wonderful bunch of people. Friendly, helpful and very hospitable. The community has hosted caching teams from around the world, so I'm sure putting up a bunch of students would be no problem at all.


Just a question from my part though...about adopting a hedgehog as a pet....is that really a good idea? I mean, I grew up on a plot and hedgehogs were there, roaming around freely. As far I knew, hedgehogs are wild animals and not pets, but I could be out of touch with things....hamsters and guinea pigs have been bread in captivity and now domesticated, etc....I did not know this was the case with hedgehogs? Maybe do the trip for the caching experience only ;).


Good luck

Silvia from GEO936


Hello fellow South African Geocachers.


So sometime in the December/January period (2012) a few friends and I want to do a little road trip from Knysna to Durban, geocaching on the way.


The reason for the trip is that i would like to have a hedgehog as a pet but can only get one in Durban, so i thought i could make an adventure out of it :)


We are students and our budget is quite limited. If it's at all possible could some of you fellow cachers help us out in anyway possible. Whether it be helping out with our route or to letting us crash on your couch your help will be greatly appreciated.


We're are a real happy bunch of normal cachers (4 to 5 of us depending on the circumstances)- just incase any of you cachers think we are scary creeps :)


Any help would truly be amazing :)


Sasha Benjamin




P.s. Still have to confirm exact dates and the number of cachers


PM sent.

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