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GPSMAP 62sc compass is always off a bit

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Is there any way to get the compass in a GPSMAP 62sc to be more accurate? I've calibrated numerous times, but always the compass points a little off the direction I'm actually facing. What I mean is the arrow it shows on the map, indicating your direction. For example I could be facing straight down a road, but the compass will point as if I'm at a, I guess, 20 degree angle to the road. I'm not too good at judging angles, but it's something like that. It's pretty consistently off. Does anyone else's 62sc have this problem? Any solutions?


If no cache is selected the compass should agree with a regular compass ....pointer should point North.

If a cache is selected the pointer will aim at the cache.

Calibration may be required after a battery change.

I've found the 62S compass to be one of the better ones I've used ( electronic,3-axis) and haven't had any problems with it.

Posted (edited)

I think I said that wrong. Not the compass screen, the map screen. The map rotates such that the way I'm facing is always up, except that it's not quite the way I'm facing. It's perhaps 20 degrees off or so. So if I'm pointing straight down a straight road, the map shows me as pointing off to the side a bit. If I start moving eventually it straightens out I guess because it's using the GPS to get my direction (which requires moving). Then when I stop moving it's back to being off again.

Edited by crunchewy

You dodn't mention if you were moving while looking at the screen. On my 62S it doesn't always point exactly on my heading unless I am moving in that direction while looking, and then it will wander back and forth a bit unless I move fairly quiclky.


Ah, yes that is exactly what I see. The wandering back and forth of the direction drives me particularly bonkers. LOL. So I guess this is just normal for this GPS? I was thinking that if there were a way to tell the GPS to rotate it's magnetic reading x degrees that would fix it, because it at least seems to be consistently off by a certain amount, but I'm not sure about that.


I always set my map to " North Up ".

No matter what your position or movement your map stays the same with north always being at the top of the screen.


Indeed the best option for hiking as you can easily rotate the device by hand. For vehicle use not so hot unless you are swift at rotating the map in your head - mostly works for me but this may not be the case for all.


I always set my map to " North Up ".

No matter what your position or movement your map stays the same with north always being at the top of the screen.


Indeed the best option for hiking as you can easily rotate the device by hand. For vehicle use not so hot unless you are swift at rotating the map in your head - mostly works for me but this may not be the case for all.

I've not noticed the issue the OP mentions while using my 62s...while moving. When stopped or going backwards, the navigation function does seem wonky. But, this is a good reason to use the Profiles option; North Up for caching, Heading Up (or whatever its called) for Automotive. Or whatever floats your boat. Just a few keystrokes to switch back and forth, and you don't lose the cache you're navigating to while doing it.



go to compass page

then setup heading under menu

then check the north reference menu


under this you have

1 true north

2 magnetic north about 20 deg's diff

3 grid

4 user


you may be running the GPS compass on magnetic north and the map is on true north


I have setup perfiles for all compass type how


hope his helps

keep on caching

Posted (edited)

Hmm. Mine is set to true north. Could the map be magnetic north? I will try it out later. Thanks for the heads up on those settings!


I just tried it, and it didn't seem to help. It was different, but still off. However currently I'm in my building and maybe there is some interference. I will try it later outside.


I did notice that the user settings seems to allow you to set an offset. So maybe that's what I need to do to get it straightened out.

Edited by crunchewy

Setting to magnetic north definitely didn't help. It made it worse. I tried using the user settings and with the way I was facing, an adjustment of 10 degrees west seemed to be pretty good, but then I turned 90 degrees and it was off in that direction. :( I'm getting the impression that the compass in this thing is either terrible, or defective.


Related question. When you are navigating to a cache, is the arrow pointing in the direction of the cache dependent on the magnetic compass, or does it somehow use only the GPS? Probably a silly question, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


Ah, yes that is exactly what I see. The wandering back and forth of the direction drives me particularly bonkers. LOL. So I guess this is just normal for this GPS? I was thinking that if there were a way to tell the GPS to rotate it's magnetic reading x degrees that would fix it, because it at least seems to be consistently off by a certain amount, but I'm not sure about that.

I don't like the map with the mag sensor either. The map alines with the earth and when you walk, the steps are slightly zig zag because your left foot and right foot don't go exactly on line. Also, where you point the GPS depends slightly on which hand you are holding the GPS and how you swing your arms. I actually put a map on the ground aligned with earth or landmarks to see what was going on. Laying the GPS on the map and rotating it showed me the GPS map stays alined with the paper map/earth.


Related question. When you are navigating to a cache, is the arrow pointing in the direction of the cache dependent on the magnetic compass, or does it somehow use only the GPS? Probably a silly question, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


Yes.....I have read where the mag. compass factors in to the units " calculations".

If its not calibrated you would probably be better off turning it off when cache hunting.


I'm wondering if I shouldn't contact Garmin about a replacement unit. I have calibrated numerous times, including twice today, but it's always off the mark and now I think it's not consistently off. Might be kind of close in one direction and further off in another direction.


It is different in the car, but the problem with it being inconsistently off appears even if I'm not in the car.


I tried to return to amazon, but it's past the return window, so my only option is to send it to Garmin. I'm off on a trip this weekend and I wanted to take it with me, so I'll do that when I get back. While on the trip I guess I'll just turn the magnetic compass off.

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