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TB's on cars etc

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Do other cachers remember to look at cars and the likes for TB's stuck to them, because sure as heck I don't <_< I tell myself to look when out and about and then I forget to , okay is an age thing! : ^_^ We have one on our car, mind you it has only been logged 2 or 3 times.


If I'm out caching along a series of caches, or at an event, yes.


The only other time I've seen a TB decal is when I was doing 60mph on the M42 heading for the M6 in the morning rush hour...

No chance to write down the number, couldn't even get close enough to make out the number!


I don't look for them either.... I have one and it only gets logged a few times.


Mine has 'geocaching.com' beside it - which, muggles can see it and get online to check things out.

Posted (edited)

Look for them at events or on the road when at large events. We got back to our car in an Oxford P+R last Sunday to find 2 more TB mobiles all in line with ours

We've had one on our car for over 5 years it has about 220 discoveries mostly at events (inc 21 so far at the Geolympix weekend) has only been spotted 3 times 'on the road'

It does help that as well as the sticker on the boot I have a 60cm long replica long TB hanging from the interior mirror at events :rolleyes:

Edited by fuzzybears

Yes, I forgot to say I have one on my car too, but it has been logged only a few times in many months - I thought that it would have been logger much more frequently to be honest :blink:


I don't remember to look for them all the time. We have one on our motorhome and on both cars. The funniest story though is when we got followed for a couple of miles by a police car. When we pulled up and officer got out, knocked on the window and said that he had been trying to log the TB but couldn't get close enough so had to wait until we stopped.


I don't remember to look for them all the time. We have one on our motorhome and on both cars. The funniest story though is when we got followed for a couple of miles by a police car. When we pulled up and officer got out, knocked on the window and said that he had been trying to log the TB but couldn't get close enough so had to wait until we stopped.




I don't remember to look for them all the time. We have one on our motorhome and on both cars. The funniest story though is when we got followed for a couple of miles by a police car. When we pulled up and officer got out, knocked on the window and said that he had been trying to log the TB but couldn't get close enough so had to wait until we stopped.



:lol: Oh i like that.


I don't remember to look for them all the time. We have one on our motorhome and on both cars. The funniest story though is when we got followed for a couple of miles by a police car. When we pulled up and officer got out, knocked on the window and said that he had been trying to log the TB but couldn't get close enough so had to wait until we stopped.



:lol: Oh i like that. Very good.


We have had one on our motorhome for about four years and has been logged four times! Not really worth the effort in our opinion. A simple Geocache symbol would be better value at least you would know that you have just seen a fellow Geocacher.


I have a TB decal and I do like when it get's discovered at events. In fact it's even better when it gets discovered by people I have a connection to. E.g. they slept in my car, I gave a lift home, we raced around the countryside together.


As for looking out for them, I keep telling myself to stop but can't help myself.


The missus has even snapped one for me while we were driving down the M4, hope I've actually logged that one. There are some interesting ideas out there too e.g. with chirps being used.


Last week, one of my Jeeps was discovered whilst parked up in a town. The first time it had been discovered whilst not at an event in the 4 years I've had it.

There are some interesting ideas out there too e.g. with chirps being used.


Funnily enough I was pondering that the other day, wondering if anyone had done it, but being able to pick up a TB whilst walking through a car park seems a little too easy, except I know they'll always be so rare as not to be worth trying!


We also have geocaching.com beside ours...which advertises this wonderful hobby.


My husband just made 2 more stickers (same code) and put them on our kayaks!! LOL

Posted (edited)

I found one whilst bombing down the fast lane of the M4


I did expect a message back from the owner when I logged it at least, I didn't, so I won't bother logging them again ( nor put one on my car)


Ps - I'm back.

Edited by firestars
Posted (edited)
I found one whilst bombing down the fast lane of the M4

... bringing new meaning to "motorway mayhem".


(Edit: oops, "mayhem", not "madness")

Edited by I!

Our stats show we have 1050 Trackables Moved/Discovered. As far as I can recall, they are all moved trackables. We grab all the TB's that we find but we do not discover.


At events, trackables are often passed round to be discovered or a list is handed out. We politely tell people that their TB or geocoin is very nice but that we will not be taking down the number. So we do not log TB's on vehicles but we enjoy seeing these vehicles and sometimes get the chance to meet and chat with the owners.


I recall at a MEGA seeing cachers walking through the parking lot taking pictures of all the vehicles with TB's.


But just because we do not get involved with TB's on vehicles, it doesn't mean we do not advertise our obsession on our vehicle




I had an email & log to say I was followed at 70mph down the M1 for about 5miles before he could read the TB number, and he then realised he had missed his turn-off! :rolleyes:

Haha - that had me laughing out loud there!




I plan on getting one of my own, just to show my loyalty to the game mostly. I like how they look, if it doesn't get discovered a lot.. oh well. I plan on moving it to all my vehicles depending on which one I decide to road trip in.. I may even throw it on my father's classic cars when he's showing it... :D


I have a TB on my camper van, but a bit bigger than the normal. The symbol was painted on and is about 18" high the digits I had done in vinyl and are car registration size.

In a year I've had 37 logs with only a very few at an event. It has been spotted in car parks, driving round towns, on the M1, M5 and M4 as well as by a security camera in Southampton.

But the mission is to be logged where seen.


I spotted a TB on a parked car near where I live. I took the number and left a nice little note on the windscreen (on paper I hasten to add). I got a lovely message from them a few days later saying that I'd made their day!


On the converse side, I have had a TB on my car for years and only once had someone follow me to get the number (they still havent logged it :() I have had it discovered once on the motorway, but mostly it is just at events


I got big stickers for the side of my car in pink with the TB logo and number as well as the geocaching icon plus username but I still get very few discovered logs. makes my day when I get them though! Always keep an eye out for them myself especially so when parking up to go caching for the day.


I thought a car TB was a cool idea -- it even occurred to me before I discovered you can buy them ready made -- until I heard they never get logged, which suddenly made sense. But, actually, the thing that really disappointed me was that when I logged a car TB I spotted, I couldn't attach coordinates to say where I discovered it, so my discovery doesn't show up on the TB's map. To me, that made it seem almost completely pointless to own one. I was still thrilled to discover it, though!


Of the 3 years we spent living in the USA, for 2 of them I had TB markings in the rear window of my Chevy Truck. It only got logged twice on the road and I had a 40 minute drive each way for 5 days a week.


When we left the USA I turned it into a regular TB but it soon left the USA for Switzerland and for 18 months now has been in the hands of a Swiss national who appears to have stopped caching :sad: .



I love spotting a trackable car... even more fun was a trackable post box at the farmhouse of a caching chum - who also has a cache on her property.


I followed one when I was on a bus once, and cursed the bus for stopping to pick up passengers before I was able to log the number!

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