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Air Quality - A New Coin


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I am an air quality engineer and I designed this coin to present to my colleagues. Every person in our department will be getting one of the four different editions. The words and images pretty much speak for themselves, but I will say a bit about the benzene molecule on the back of the coin. It is made of butterflies to emphasize that much of the chemicals that people think of as man-made are actually part of the carbon cycle and used to be living creatures. The benzene that is produced from oil wells was once living creatures, but is now used by industry. In the end, it will be transformed into carbon dioxide and water. After that, it will once again be taken up by living organisms. The butterflies further emphasize the idea of transformation into something beautiful.


These will also be available to the general public in the expectation that people other than air quality engineers are dedicated to nature and industry coexisting.

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