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International Geocaching Weekend, Aug 18-19


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A couple of years ago, Groundspeak dubbed the third weekend of August as International Geocaching weekend, and WSGA has collaborated with Groundspeak to make it an annual destination weekend for geocachers.


This year's extravaganza is Aug. 18-19, just five weeks away!


Saturday, Aug. 18 - Geocaching Block Party, hosted by Groundspeak outside their Fremont headquarters. Lots of fun activities and geo-goodies, with a special icon and souvenir (same as last year's, I think).


Sunday, Aug. 19 - Going APE...at the Tunnel of Light, mega-event hosted by WSGA at Hyak (Snoqualmie Pass). Mega icon and new souvenir, plus a new APE event coin sold only at the event.


There's a special forum for these weekend events, where you can ask questions, find carpool buddies, etc.


We're expecting hundreds of visitors from around the globe, including a large German presence, and we hope to see all you locals there as well. B)

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ugh, they caught me in that video as well! I must have left my guard down while writing down all those travel bugs on cars.


link for the video on their website



Yeah, that's my excuse as well. :lol: Thanks for posting the link, I had forgotten all about it. They represented nicely, except for saying that the 'billions of dollars of government hardware' was the GPS units instead of the satellites.

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