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Download cache pages to PDA


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The EasyGPS stuff works like it has before (the loc file). To read the MobiPocket format you need the reader from the MobiPocket.com web site (which is free).


Visit your "my cache page" and there is a link to the Pocket Query generator. Click on the link and you can create queries. They (should) generate within the hour, and on whatever days you set up with Pocket Query. It still says Beta but I have the program running automated now.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):

The EasyGPS stuff works like it has before (the loc file). To read the MobiPocket format you need the reader from the MobiPocket.com web site (which is free).


Free not in as "its an open format that you can do with as you need" but Free as in "here kid, this heroin is really good, the first hit is free"


Before you install mobipocket please read thier licenses and all the stuff you are agreeing to.


Then realise there are open Doc readers on the palm taht use open formats that DOnt require you to agree to all sorts of legal junk.




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