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line break bug in Urwigo Builder 1.14.4469.18959


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If you define a line break in lua like

local nr = 1
local message = "Row ".. nr ..[[
Row ]] .. (nr+1)

in an external lua file and build the project, the resulting _cartrigde.lua contains the following code:

local nr = 1
local message = "Row ".. nr ..[[Row ]] .. (nr+1)

The line break only disappears if no charactor or only whitespace are written behind the square brackets "[["


If you define code like

local nr = 1
local message = "Row ".. nr ..[[ Bla
Row ]] .. (nr+1)

the line break won't disappear


It does not matter if you write the code in an external file or in urwigo directly. If you activate the "Inline lua 'require'" checkbox, the line break will disappear.


see the given example as attachement




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While searching for informations to "line breaks", I found this unanswered question.


It is correct behavior. The Lua definition says


For convenience, when the opening long bracket is immediately followed by a newline, the newline is not included in the string.

You could find this in the Lua 5.1 manual in section 2.1 - "Lexical Conventions".

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