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My Finds PQ


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Last year I was using GSAK to build my profile and it was working flawlessly. I just went out and found some caches over the weekend, and now when I run the Pocket Query it's not picking them all up. I don't have thousands of finds or anything, but of my 237 it's only showing 230. Is there something I might be doing wrong? Even the website tells me in green letters that it was created successfully and includes 230 finds. I'm stumped, looked everywhere I could think to.


Thanks in advance.

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Even the website tells me in green letters that it was created successfully and includes 230 finds.

If you're seeing text like this, you haven't run the special My Finds PQ, but rather a regular PQ. Regular PQs won't capture any archived caches, which is probably why those 7 caches are being excluded. You need to go to the PQ page, scroll down below the list of PQs to the "My Finds" section, and click the "Add to Queue" button to generate the My Finds PQ. This will contain all your finds, archived or not.

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I'm going to bet you're running a regular PQ set to return caches you have found, instead of the special "My Finds" PQ at the bottom of the PQ page.


My bet is based on the fact that 7 of the caches you have found have been archived, and those 7 will not be returned on a regular PQ, while they will be returned in the special "My Finds" PQ.

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