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Inconsistencies in printable version

Team D.A.R.K.

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One big difference between the web page and a hard copy of the printable version is that the former is generated dynamically, while the latter doesn't change once it's printed out. (Yes, I know that's obvious. Bear with me a moment. :-) Printouts can stick around for a long time, so by default the information which is most likely to change -- travel bugs and logs -- is not included on the printable version.

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First, the third line gives you the size "Size: Regular" - Considering the often changing nature of travel bugs there was no point of including them on the page. The idea was to create a page with information to help you find the cache.


The title "Inconsistencies" gave me the impression that printable cache page A was being displayed differently than cache page B. Your observation would be considered an "omission" and not an inconsistancy. All printable cache pages are consistant in display.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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Sorry for making it out to sound like more than it is/was. As cottingham pointed out, very logically, the printed version tends to stay.


I was actually more interested in parsing it for a local db so that I could do some distance to line calculations (as in given a path between 2 cities, show all caches within x miles of the line). However, the PocketQuery stuff works perfectly for this and is easier to parse anyway.

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I know everyone has their own preferences for how they like to see cache information but I use GPXSpinner and have created my own templates for viewing and printing. This way I have total control over what I see. It doesn't take much HTML knowledge to tweak the templates. Dawn&Richard, If you're interested I can email you my templates as a starting point.

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I couldn't figure out a way to attach anything to a post so I put my templates on my netscape account for all to retrieve. Look here: Zipped templates.


A few notes:

1) I created a style sheet so that I could change things globally easily. The cachestyle.css file is referenced as releative to a folder called style under the Spinner HTML directory. You can change the LINK tag in each template if you want the style sheet somewhere else.


2) I wanted to avoid the multiple files for decoded hints and decoded logs that the default spinner templates produce. This led me to a method that uses a simple form on the page that allows the user to turn on and off the decryption. For decoded logs, I haven't figured out a way to selectively show either encoded or decoded logs without getting a duplicate set of happy/sad face icons. Bring up a page with an encrypted log and you can see what I'm talking about. If anyone figures out a way to deal with this, I would appreciate letting me know.


I am a software engineer but I am not a web developer. Five days ago if someone wanted to talk to me about CSS and DOM, I would have said "Huh?". Therefore, these probably have some issues. Constuctive criticism gladly accepted.

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