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[BUG] Even numbered PQs not running


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I'm not seeing any issues. The PQ generators indicate that they are humming along nicely, and I see that all 5 of the PQs that you set up to generate today have done so.


I cancelled all my requests for even numbered PQs (which had not run) and requested some odd numbered PQs instead, which ran without problems.

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How long did you wait for the PQs to generate?


I only waited about 15 minutes before concluding that the even PQ server must have failed, and cancelling the even PQs and running odd PQs instead.


Today the even numbered PQs have run more or less immediately, so I'm happy :)

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15 minutes is WAY too short a time to start worrying and posting threads about things not running. The PQ cycle is itself about 15 minutes long, meaning that the generator checks every 15 minutes to see if new PQs are in the queue, *then* starts to work on any new ones it finds.


I have a number of queries that are scheduled to run overnight on a Friday night / Saturday morning. None of these have generated and looking in the PQ available to download tab they have not run.


I also input another Pocket Query this morning (over an hour ago), and this hasn't run either. I do think it is worth the techie guys looking at the scheduling server as there definitely appears to be something wrong.



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I have three weekly PQs that run on Saturdays, PQ 1679408 ran at 00:16 PT, while PQs 1679403 and 1989589 ran at 6:48. These three PQs have all of the same selection criteria except for the date ranges specified. Past history leads me to believe that my PQs with similar numbers are selected to run around the same time. I would have expected the cause to be something like a looping or hung server process. With utmost respect to Raine, "running slow this morning" seems more like an observation than an explanation of the root cause. I think that other IT professionals would be curious to have a little more detail.

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