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Making your Earth Caches fun like Bill Nye used to be


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I am just working my my latest earthcache and I got an idea. I remembered back to my youth when I would watch educational programs such as Bill Nye and others and when they were introducing a concept they would show a quick 4-5 clip from movies or what not to add humor and keep the viewers attention.


Just curious, has some thing like this ever been done with earthcaches? With tons of 4-5 second clips on youtube it would be very easy and fun to add these to your earth caches. Any one know of a earthcache that does this?

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I don't know Bill Nye, but I wonder if it's a good idea to post videos with an earthcache. For such a cache video description to be useful to the cacher he would probably need a smart phone, and thus internet connection at the cache site.


Mrs. terratin

Edited by terratin
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I don't know Bill Nye, but I wonder if it's a good idea to post videos with an earthcache. For such a cache video description to be useful to the cacher he would probably need a smart phone, and thus internet connection at the cache site.


Mrs. terratin

Just a note here... Bill Nye the Science Guy was an old PBS [Public Broadcasting Station]Series making science interesting to kids. I'd guess I would have to see this concept at work first, but would a high tech sales pitch really be needed?

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It would be really cool to make Earthcaches fun - I think this is a great aim for all our ECs.

So if you can manage via some HTML or other webpage design to incorporate interactive diagrams/videos that are relevant etc - all the better.

Good luck with your endevours - but remember not to infringe copyrights.

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I think it's a brilliant idea, as long as you don't post spoilers in the video. We are HUGE Bill Nye the Science Guy fans, so I love your idea!

I post links to youtube videos (that I created) on both geocache and waymark pages, but I don't know how to incorporate a video clip ONTO the cache page. That's a whole 'nother ball game.

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