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.LOC files won't download all


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Trying to deal with the new maps issue by downloading ,LOC files. When I generate a query that has more than one page of caches (more than 20 caches), even though I click on 'check all' I only get the front 20 caches.


I don't know if this is a Mac issue, and I had to delete MacCaching as it is only showing four or five of the caches in the LOC file.


When I went through the 'preview results' page of my query, I went through all 7 pages on my preview checking all. When I got back to page one, the checked boxes were empty.

If I'm limited to twenty caches per LOC file, it would be nice if I could choose what 20 to get, say, on a route rather than a circular distance.

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Why are you trying to download loc files? You are right you can only download them 20 at a time but for me at least the major benefit of pocket queries is to be able to download large numbers (up to 1000) at a time. Create your query. When you are getting the results you expect choose a day for it to run. If you want it right a way, choose the current day of the week. Check this and submit the query again. You will get an email with a link to your query or you can go to your pocket query page and choose Ready to download. The zip you receive will contain 2 files on with cache info and the other with additional waypoints. If you need loc files you can make that choice when setting up your query but I think most programs that can display loc files on maps can do this with gpx files too.

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If I'm limited to twenty caches per LOC file, it would be nice if I could choose what 20 to get, say, on a route rather than a circular distance.


You are only allowed to download 20 at a time per page. You can pick and choose which of the twenty you want or take all twenty. Yet I see that you are a PM and you could either run a PQ of an area that you want or as you stated in your post, could create a route and have a more specific choice of caches to download.


Edited due to auto correct of an iPad.

Edited by ao318
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