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Longest running TB

Walker Dan

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One of the first TB's we picked up in 2002 was Postie's "Letter Bug" which I'm pleased to say is still active after almost 10 years, having been released on 3rd Feb 2002. Whilst it moves on a regular basis it's still travelled less than 7,000 miles. Does anyone have a travel bug that has lasted longer than this and who has the claim on the furthest travelled TB released in the UK. TB number is TB45D.


Anyone remember Mark "The Cat" Thompson? When he died at a way too early age in 2004 Alex "Slytherin" set up a TB race in his honour. My Mark 'The Cat' Charity Travel Bug Race #12 - 'The Hornet' was released in November 2004 and is still in existence. At present it is with me in an archived cache but I may well move it again some time. At present it has logged 45214 miles!


Another of my TB's to make it home safely is Zamboni which has done 35254 miles.


I have two that are still travelling after more than 30000 miles;


Manx Mission (24 May 2004, 35445 miles), and


Sickly Snowman (23 September 2004, 31113 miles).


Not a record, of course, but amazing that they've lasted so long (although MM has been in the possession of the same cacher for over a year now). Most of my bugs and coins have been nicked so I've pretty much stopped sending any out nowadays.


I am very proud of 'Manx Puss' one of a few kittens released in March 2004. She lost a leg somewhere and a kind geocacher fixed her up with a new one. Her paper log has disappeared but she still manages to continue to travel all around Europe. Whilst other TB's disappear 'Manx Puss' just keeps going. She has travelled 19,182 miles and only this week was placed in her 97th cache in Croatia.

My Manx geocoins are proably sitting in a collectors box somewhere being sold on. Some of the others have gone AWOL.

The Red Pony - TB2DB visited one of my caches, then trotted on to an event I was running. It was last seen in Germany, having travelled some 39138 miles. Funny how it can be so pleasing to find a 10-year-old cheap plastic toy.

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