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Do some research before caching in another country!!


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I get the bozo award this month. I hid a cache at the airport in Barcelona, Spain last week and placed two travel bugs in it. After submitting the cache form, I got a note from a European approver saying they do not allow caches on airport property (the cache is well hidden on the top floor of one of the parking decks). So, the cache doesn't show up when you search Barcelona and I won't be back there anytime soon to move it.


I am very sorry that I have gotten someone else's travel bugs stuck in a cache that can't be approved. If anyone goes to Barcelona in the future, please help me and these bugs out by moving the cache away from the airport but still as close as possible to the terminal. I feel like I really screwed this one up.


Also, if anyone has any ideas about how I can fix this situation, please let me know. Thanks!


[This message was edited by mrplug on December 21, 2002 at 02:27 PM.]

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Originally posted by mrplug:

I get the bozo award this month. I hid a cache at the airport in Barcelona, Spain last week and placed two travel bugs in it. After submitting the cache form, I got a note from a European approver saying they do not allow caches on airport property (the cache is well hidden on the top floor of one of the parking decks). So, the cache doesn't show up when you search Barcelona and I won't be back there anytime soon to move it.


Also, if anyone has any ideas about how I can fix this situation, please let me know. Thanks!

Not only is this cache on Airport property, but you hid it in a Building!? Which is almost NEVER a good idea.


I think you should try to contact someone in Spain who may be able to go and pick the cache up, or perhaps beg the airport for them if/when they are found and turned in to L&F. A similar thing happened when a visitor to the UK could find a cache nearby to drop a TB in, so they left the bug by itself and took its coords. Then they tried getting the Bug approved as its own cache icon_rolleyes.gif

If you cant locate someone there, try to find someone traveling to the area that would be willing to do you a favor.



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Originally posted by Alan2:

Aarghh! Great Britain, United Kingdom, you know where the English live.

But the cache is in Spain. I suppose a Brit is closer to Barcelona than I am, but that's like coming to me and letting me know about a cache that needs repair in Toledo.



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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

But the cache is in Spain. I suppose a Brit is closer to Barcelona than I am, but that's like coming to me and letting me know about a cache that needs repair in Toledo.



Thats true, but there only two forums in which you'll find people who cache in Spain. One is the All Nations, and the other is UK. Sometimes people in the UK forum talk about caching/cachers in France and such. So if theres someone active in Spain they might have a better idea than anyone elase. (IMO anyways icon_wink.gif)



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Originally posted by welch:

... you hid it in a Building!? Which is almost NEVER a good idea.

Intersting: when I read"...on the top floor of one of the parking decks" the worst I took this to mean was: "on top of a building with public access".


What do people think about hiding a cache on top of a parking deck?



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Originally posted by hoovman:

Originally posted by welch:

... you hid it in a Building!? Which is almost NEVER a good idea.

Intersting: when I read_"...on the top floor of one of the parking decks"_ the worst I took this to mean was: "on top of a building with public access".


What do people think about hiding a cache on top of a parking deck?




IN a building, ON a building, UNDER a building, IT'S STILL NOT A GOOD IDEA!



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What kind of research are you talking about? Asking where caches can be planted? Asking about how suspicious one looks walking around hunting for something in the bushes and not able to answer questions because of a language barrier?

I think that caches should not be planted that cannot be maintained by the planter. And that is almost impossible when planted in a country in which one does not live.

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Originally posted by hoovman:

Originally posted by welch:

... you hid it in a Building!? Which is almost NEVER a good idea.

Intersting: when I read_"...on the top floor of one of the parking decks"_ the worst I took this to mean was: "on top of a building with public access".


What do people think about hiding a cache on top of a parking deck?



MrPlug, the hider of the Barcelona cache also hid one similarly at our airport. It's on top of a parking deck, not in a building. The cache has been doing very well, and I have to say that it wasn't just a quickly put together cache that was just dropped off, it was in a quality food grade container and the log book was probably the best I've ever seen in a cache, it was a quality hardcover journal type book. We also wondered how long it would last around here, but apparently it is holding it's own and getting a lot of logs from visitors to the area. So I don't think it was a bad idea, it's just the European approvers are following a different set of standards for approving caches in Europe.

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Originally posted by cachew nut:

MrPlug, the hider of the Barcelona cache also hid one similarly at our airport. It's on top of a parking deck, not _in_ a building. The cache has been doing very well, and I have to say that it wasn't just a quickly put together cache that was just dropped off, it was in a quality food grade container and the log book was probably the best I've ever seen in a cache, it was a quality hardcover journal type book. We also wondered how long it would last around here, but apparently it is holding it's own and getting a lot of logs from visitors to the area. So I don't think it was a bad idea, it's just the European approvers are following a different set of standards for approving caches in Europe.


I disagree, this cache's proximity to a building or structure will cause it undue scrutiny. And may end up giving geocaching/geocachers a bad name. So I'll say again, Placing a cache in a building is almost Never a good idea.



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Originally posted by welch:


I disagree, this cache's proximity to a building or structure will cause it undue scrutiny.


Welch, you obviously don't like urban caches, which is cool. But this cache will get less scrutiny than a cache hidden in a busy park. As far as giving geocaching a bad name, I don't see what the harm is if there is no damage to the grounds or the building.

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Originally posted by Dekaner of Team KKF2A:


So why did you hide it in the first place if you couldn't maintain it?!

Good question. I've had a cache at the Atlanta Airport for 6 months that has required no maintenance. So, I felt comfortable placing this one even though I knew I would not be able to visit it regularly.

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So I don't think it was a bad idea, it's just the European approvers are following a different set of standards for approving caches in Europe.


Airports in Europe especially in the UK are very sensitive areas. Walking around an airport parking lot searching for a cache could look a bit suspicious and you’re likely to end up being surrounded by a S019 team (our equivalent to SWAT) and arrested for terrorism. That's maybe why the cache was not approved.

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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

Originally posted by Alan2:

Aarghh! Great Britain, United Kingdom, you know where the English live.

But the cache is in Spain. I suppose a Brit is closer to Barcelona than I am, but that's like coming to me and letting me know about a cache that needs repair in Toledo.




Hmmm. You're right Jamie. Where did I come up with "ask a Brit" when the cache is in Barcelona???? I always had problems with Spanish in school but somehow I don't think that had anything to do with my offbeat suggestion. icon_rolleyes.gif



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Originally posted by Alan2:

By the way Jamie, is that Toledo Ohio or Toledo Spain?

This particular Toledo was suggested after not just a short amount of thought. I had originally typed Arizona as an arbitrary location some distance from where I live. But then I thought there are some people who live in Arizona. They won't think that's too weird.


Then came to mind the late John Denver's great song, Toledo. I decided that Toledo better conveyed my point than Arizona. Thus, Toledo, Ohio.


icon_biggrin.gif Jamie

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