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Alabama...Where is the state code?


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Nothing more than a trivial post... but just curious as to why, and what is the Alabama code?


We all know about the nearest link of newest caches, on the main screen......http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?state_id=??


Well I learned recently how the last two digits can be changed... allowing me to bookmark the specific state with in my Geosphere app.


So I set out to locate my most visited regions, here in NE, we cache as it is one state, so looked for MA CT etc.. soon learned that the states are alphabetically codded, well almost all of them....seems Alabama is missing...not sure as to why...should be in slot 1, but that is finland.


So just a trivial issue, nothing more, but here are the codes I have found, but as you can see...no AL.


I have this so far:


1FINLAND 21Maryland 41South Carolina61

2ALASKA 22MA 42South Dakota 62

3ARIZONA 23Michigan 43Tennessee 63

4ARKANSAS 24Minnesota 44Texas 64

5CALIFORNIA 25Mississippi 45Utah 65

6COLORADO 26Missouri 46Vermont 66

7CT 27Montana 47Virginia 67

8DIS OF COLUMB 28Nebraska 48Washington 68

9DELAWARE 29Nevada 49West Virginia 69


11GEORGIA 31New Jersey 51Wyoming 71

12HAWAII 32New Mexico 52AUSTRALIA 72

13Idaho 33New York 53 73

14Illinois 34North Carolina54 74

15Indiana 35North Dakota 55 75

16Iowa 36Ohio 56 76

17Kansas 37Oklahoma 57 77

18Kentucky 38Oregon 58 78

19Louisiana 39PA 59 79

20Maine 40RI 60 80Liège, Belgium


K well got what I need, just wonder what GS has against Alabama?

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We all know about the nearest link of newest caches, on the main screen......http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?state_id=??


Well I learned recently how the last two digits can be changed... allowing me to bookmark the specific state with in my Geosphere app.

Umm, you do realize that the site has a search page here? All you have to do is choose the state and click Go to get to the page you wanted. It's even easier in that Alabama is the first choice, so is already selected. In this case, all you have to do is click Go and you would have what you're looking for.

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Is is not enough that the Alabama State Souvenir preview image is crooked? Man, the injustices just keep on coming. :P


I hadn't noticed that until just now. It sure is crooked. What the heck?




And no, apparently it's not enough. Which is why the Alabama state souvenir itself appears (to me, anyway) to have little, if anything, to do with Alabama.




Balloons? Really?


(But I digress.)

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Balloons? Really?


(But I digress.)


If you lived closer to either Decatur or Mobile, you might get the balloon reference. I have to admit the black bear and the grapes had me scratching my head. Could have been worse... could have been Helen Everlovin Keller with the head of an elephant and the wings of an eagle, riding a big old cotton boll with a rebel flag in one hand and Saturn V rocket in the other.


Edit: [bUG] report submitted for our poor drunken state silhouette.

Edited by Castle Mischief
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And no, apparently it's not enough. Which is why the Alabama state souvenir itself appears (to me, anyway) to have little, if anything, to do with Alabama.



What, isn't Alabama known for its plentiful butterflies, black bears and grapes? :laughing:


Those are supposed to be butterflies? ! Thanks for clearing that up for me.


What's the pink balloon represent?

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And no, apparently it's not enough. Which is why the Alabama state souvenir itself appears (to me, anyway) to have little, if anything, to do with Alabama.



What, isn't Alabama known for its plentiful butterflies, black bears and grapes? :laughing:


Those are supposed to be butterflies? ! Thanks for clearing that up for me.


What's the pink balloon represent?

Yep, after a bunch of Googling, I found that they're Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies. Apparently the brown ones are the females, and the yellow are the male.


Ooooooohhhhhhhh, I just found the significance of the butterflies! The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is the state butterfly of Alabama (but also of Delaware, Georgia, and South Carolina, and the state insect of Virginia).

I don't have a clue what the pink or the grapes are supposed to mean. Apparently black bears used to be plentiful in Alabama, but there aren't nearly as many now, so it seems a strange choice. It shouldn't have been too hard to find some "icons" specific to Alabama, or is Alabama really not known for anything?

Maybe just put Talladega Superspeedway on it? :grin:

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