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meaning of symbol in main forum pages


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what does this symbol mean? the one all the way to the left that looks like a fat comma that got spun around a bit:




sometimes it is used with the yellow "notepad" graphic and other times with the gray "notepad" graphic.



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what constitutes a hot topic? I'm guessing there's a reply threshold. But are there other ways to make a topic hot?


What if we started talking about being in the backseat with Betty Jo back in high school, when... (continue the story yourself)



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Originally posted by flask:

i think (but am not certain) that it's meant to tell you whether or not there are new responses since you last read it.


Are we talking about the folder or the flame??


I couldn't point you to where it explained but I think the yellow folder = new replies, while the flame = hot topic. (no idea when a topic becomes 'hot')



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Originally posted by MissJenn:

(I gotta say, though, that is a lame flame graphic...)

Other possible descriptions are: a thumbs up = hot topic

or: a yellow duck = hot topic.


Everyone knows that yellow ducks are way hot.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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In the other forums I read a "Hot Topic" is one that is viewed quite a bit. It has nothing to do with the amount of replies.


With InfoPop, who knows though. They dance to the beat of a different drummer it seems.



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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