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Hi everybody...


I am new to this game but I must say I was STUNNED a few days back while looking at differant Geocache containers for sale. I could not beleive my eyes when I saw fake electrical switches/boxes/electrical plates etc. being marketed as Geocache containers. This is absolutly insane!! I have not personaly seen a Geocache like this but I am brand new to this game.I did send my concern to Groundspeak.. who recommend I bring it here. No one should be hiding a Geocache any were near electrical equipment and most assuradly there should never be a hide disguised as an electrical component!! PERIOD!!!! This is a death sentence for somebody and most likely an innocent child who will see this and think it is ok to go poking around electrical equipment looking for a hiding place.If this is going on it needs to stop IMMEDIATLY.... it is not worth killing someone to create a clever hide. It should also be considered negligent homicide if someone is killed while searching for a hide that is placed around electrical equipment. Electricity is invisible and an outside box that is sealed could still have a short and could kill any one touching it thinking it might be a Geocache hide. It simply is not worth it folks there are to many other ways to place a hide. I saw these things for sale so I know they are out there, the entire Geocaching community should make these TABOO never to be used or even considered. I would really like to know how others feel about this. I think it is absolutly wreckless and dangerous.


Shoot my friend and stumbled on a cache which was attached to a live box box on a house with live wires. Someone had cut the tag that was keeping it "locked" in search of the cache we supposed. We put a clear warning in our log about it as did subsequent finders. I believe the owner finally addressed the issue.


Groundspeak didn't recommend that you do a forum search first? Be prepared for a long, drawn out battle, my friend. This is one of the most contentious issues around, and it has been so for a long, long time.


Just out of curiosity, where would you draw the line? Are low-voltage solar LED garden lights off limits? How about blank utility cover plates? Fire alarm switches on tree trunks in the middle of nowhere, miles from any power lines? Electronic caches that open in response to the seeker dialing a certain phone number?


How about take responsibility for your children. Don't you think if you are taking them out geocaching, you should be watching them. I take my kids. If they have any questions about an area, I reach in. NOT THEM. They also have common sense not to open things without out asking. But I guess in today's society it is easier to throw blame on someone else, then own up for your own mistakes.


There have been many good hides like electrical conduit or junction boxes. if you need a screwdriver and have not been told to bring one, THEN DO NOT UNSCREW THE JUNCTION BOX OR FACEPLATE.



This is a death sentence for somebody and most likely an innocent child who will see this and think it is ok to go poking around electrical equipment looking for a hiding place.

Hi Alberg, welcome to the addiction! :)


A couple notes:


1 ) Since these types of hides have been around at least 6 years, judging by the listed forum threads, without a single reported death, I think it is unlikely that the mere existence of electrical component hides is a death sentence. I will agree that they are not a very good idea, as they could conceivably lead folks to poke and prod where they shouldn't, but I would not like to see them wiped from the face of the earth simply because of some hypothetical hazard which has yet to manifest itself. Rather, I think they should be addressed from the standpoint of permission, as I think that will have a greater effect.


2 ) By the time someone is old enough to reproduce, they should know not to let their small children poke around electrical components unsupervised. Those who fail at this very basic bit of parenting are a problem far greater than your perceived risk regarding a cache type that has yet to harm a soul.


Will I ever hide such a cache? No.

Will I condemn them all, out of hand? No.


I found probably 6 or 7 different forms of electrical boxes / faceplates. I never once thought them to be an issue, in almost every instance its pretty easy to spot the fake. If I don't feel safe I don't stick my fingers in there its that simple but I don't see any reason these shouldn't be used as containers. Heck I'll take these over nanos any day of the week!!!


One of my favorite finds was in a fuse box. The box was attached to a tree in a pasture (owned by co)

NOW... if kids were here caching with grown ups, would this teach them all fuse boxes may have a cache so reach in and inspect?


I saw these things for sale so I know they are out there, the entire Geocaching community should make these TABOO never to be used or even considered. I would really like to know how others feel about this. I think it is absolutly wreckless and dangerous.


I feel it depends on where and how it's hidden.


I'm not really comfortable with such a cache being hidden among other junction boxes, etc.


But done correctly such as this one, I have no problem with using electical boxes as geocaches.




There have been many good hides like electrical conduit or junction boxes. if you need a screwdriver and have not been told to bring one, THEN DO NOT UNSCREW THE JUNCTION BOX OR FACEPLATE.




Even if you're told to bring a screwdriver, you might not want to unscrew a junction box unless it is located in a place where 1) it's the only place the geocache could be located and 2) there is very little chance of electrical service existing at the location.


I love it when people type in all caps. I also love it when people yell in real life; and how opinionated everyone is. Speaking of which: I always thought these types of caches were clever and fun. I am going to say a little common sense is all that is needed when playing this game.


Hi Folks...


I have gone back and looked over the discussions from the past on this subject,and it seems it has been going on for a while.

It also seems a lot of people feel fine with it. I find that unbelievable, but you each certainly have a right to your opinion.I think it is the equivalent of hiding a cache in a mine field.... but there is a great many who feel it is no risk at all... so carry on. I will say no more about it. Have fun be safe!!!!!

I will say no more about it.

New to geocaching and the forums, STUNNED by something you found on the Internet, emotional opening post about a well known (to these forums) high-octane issue, quick stop-by-later-post to say you won't say more about it.


Got it! 98b62137-e41b-4b8e-9198-6229b4059d3f.gif


Hi Folks...


I have gone back and looked over the discussions from the past on this subject,and it seems it has been going on for a while.

It also seems a lot of people feel fine with it. I find that unbelievable, but you each certainly have a right to your opinion.I think it is the equivalent of hiding a cache in a mine field.... but there is a great many who feel it is no risk at all... so carry on. I will say no more about it. Have fun be safe!!!!!


We've got more fun for you, if you want it:




Posted (edited)

The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:

Edited by medoug

The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.

Yeah, well, he's a bit rouge anyway, from what I hear. Personally, I don't think that reviewers should be allowed that much personal lattitude. If the group agrees, then fine... ban it. But to ban just because it goes against the reviewer's personal opinions doesn't seem right to me.


The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.


The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.


I'm Sioneva, and I approve this post.


(but not of the general idea expressed in the OP)


The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.

Oh my, you are on the roll tonight, geobain.


The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.


They used to be called "approvers", as you can tell by the pinned Off-Topic thread by "Keystone Approver". Somebody probably pointed out that the word, "approver" gets a squiggly red underline when you type it into a forum post, so the term was changed to one that passed most spell-checkers.


The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.


They used to be called "approvers", as you can tell by the pinned Off-Topic thread by "Keystone Approver". Somebody probably pointed out that the word, "approver" gets a squiggly red underline when you type it into a forum post, so the term was changed to one that passed most spell-checkers.


I'm well aware of the history lesson behind approvers vs reviewers. I also know that the reviewers are very particular about pointing out that they do not approve caches. Keystone Approver himself has stated on a number of occasions that reviewers are issued clothes pins so that they can close their noses while hitting the publish button.


The change was made specifically to convey the fact that their job is strictly to ensure the guidelines are being followed. They are not the judge of what is good or bad.


So while the Iowa reviewer is apparently using a different set of rules for not publishing electrical caches, if those caches have proper permission and otherwise adhere to the guidelines, they should be published whether he approves of them or not. THAT is the distinction.


The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.

Yeah, well, he's a bit rouge anyway, from what I hear. Personally, I don't think that reviewers should be allowed that much personal lattitude. If the group agrees, then fine... ban it. But to ban just because it goes against the reviewer's personal opinions doesn't seem right to me.



Using a fake light switch or something seems kind of like using a fake log or a fake rock. If it's there for real, use a fake one as camoflage.


I agree people can do some pretty dumb things and that having certain people poking around live wires and such is asking for it. I do agree with previous posters that we need to take repsonsibility for our actions and those around us or with us. Common sense.


If it's straight forward and I'm not likely to screw something up (blow off my arm or shut power off to half the city) then yeah, that sounds like a fun cache. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother.


Check out the cache overseas where the guy is climbing around under a pedestrian bridge. Not my kind of thing, but whatever. He went for it and I think he had some style. Should a small child try that? Probably not, but someone's going to want something more daring and adventurous and they'll come up with something


I am totally digging the lightswitch on a tree, by the way. Suspicious, but awesome ;)

I will say no more about it.

New to geocaching and the forums, STUNNED by something you found on the Internet, emotional opening post about a well known (to these forums) high-octane issue, quick stop-by-later-post to say you won't say more about it.


Got it! 98b62137-e41b-4b8e-9198-6229b4059d3f.gif


Drew you out of OT for 2 posts, didn't it? :P

I think it is the equivalent of hiding a cache in a mine field....
That kind of hyperbole doesn't help your case. The "electrical components" people encounter in daily life are not designed to explode if someone touches them. The "electrical components" people encounter in daily life are designed to be safe. The "electrical components" placed in public outdoor locations are especially designed to be safe.

The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.


They used to be called "approvers", as you can tell by the pinned Off-Topic thread by "Keystone Approver". Somebody probably pointed out that the word, "approver" gets a squiggly red underline when you type it into a forum post, so the term was changed to one that passed most spell-checkers.


I'm well aware of the history lesson behind approvers vs reviewers. I also know that the reviewers are very particular about pointing out that they do not approve caches. Keystone Approver himself has stated on a number of occasions that reviewers are issued clothes pins so that they can close their noses while hitting the publish button.


The change was made specifically to convey the fact that their job is strictly to ensure the guidelines are being followed. They are not the judge of what is good or bad.


So while the Iowa reviewer is apparently using a different set of rules for not publishing electrical caches, if those caches have proper permission and otherwise adhere to the guidelines, they should be published whether he approves of them or not. THAT is the distinction.


Did you check your humor bag at the door tonight?

Posted (edited)

The Iowa geocache approver will not knowingly approve any cache made to look like electrical equipment. If it is already approved and brought to their attention, it is promptly archived.


For some reason, lamp post skirt caches seem to be exempt from this policy. Arrrg! :mad:


I didn't think we had approvers. Well, I'm sure the reviewers do approve of a great many of the caches they review. But their job is to review, not approve, caches.


They used to be called "approvers", as you can tell by the pinned Off-Topic thread by "Keystone Approver". Somebody probably pointed out that the word, "approver" gets a squiggly red underline when you type it into a forum post, so the term was changed to one that passed most spell-checkers.


I'm well aware of the history lesson behind approvers vs reviewers. I also know that the reviewers are very particular about pointing out that they do not approve caches. Keystone Approver himself has stated on a number of occasions that reviewers are issued clothes pins so that they can close their noses while hitting the publish button.


The change was made specifically to convey the fact that their job is strictly to ensure the guidelines are being followed. They are not the judge of what is good or bad.


So while the Iowa reviewer is apparently using a different set of rules for not publishing electrical caches, if those caches have proper permission and otherwise adhere to the guidelines, they should be published whether he approves of them or not. THAT is the distinction.


Did you check your humor bag at the door tonight?


It was taken from me by the some guy in a recently locked thread. Guess he lost his and figured no one else should have one.


Be sure to tell him to keep it safe. I'd like it back. <_<

Edited by GeoBain

Let's stick to the original topic of caches involving electrical equipment. If you want to discuss the difference between "review" and "approve," you can do so in a separate thread. Thanks.


Hi everybody...


I am new to this game but I must say I was STUNNED a few days back while looking at differant Geocache containers for sale. I could not beleive my eyes when I saw fake electrical switches/boxes/electrical plates etc. being marketed as Geocache containers. This is absolutly insane!! I have not personaly seen a Geocache like this but I am brand new to this game.I did send my concern to Groundspeak.. who recommend I bring it here. No one should be hiding a Geocache any were near electrical equipment and most assuradly there should never be a hide disguised as an electrical component!! PERIOD!!!! This is a death sentence for somebody and most likely an innocent child who will see this and think it is ok to go poking around electrical equipment looking for a hiding place.If this is going on it needs to stop IMMEDIATLY.... it is not worth killing someone to create a clever hide. It should also be considered negligent homicide if someone is killed while searching for a hide that is placed around electrical equipment. Electricity is invisible and an outside box that is sealed could still have a short and could kill any one touching it thinking it might be a Geocache hide. It simply is not worth it folks there are to many other ways to place a hide. I saw these things for sale so I know they are out there, the entire Geocaching community should make these TABOO never to be used or even considered. I would really like to know how others feel about this. I think it is absolutly wreckless and dangerous.

I saw a cache a few years ago that was inside an active light pole ntuck in with the live wires. I think I found another one it in also in Folsom Ca. by a large craft store. I did not open the plate to look,. As far as the first one I found I post a photo of it in these Forums with the GC number, it was archived in a matter of hours.

But as you go caching you will find many caches that are place on electrical transformers and on the outside of lamp post etc.


Hi everybody...


I am new to this game but I must say I was STUNNED a few days back while looking at differant Geocache containers for sale. I could not beleive my eyes when I saw fake electrical switches/boxes/electrical plates etc. being marketed as Geocache containers. This is absolutly insane!! I have not personaly seen a Geocache like this but I am brand new to this game.I did send my concern to Groundspeak.. who recommend I bring it here. No one should be hiding a Geocache any were near electrical equipment and most assuradly there should never be a hide disguised as an electrical component!! PERIOD!!!! This is a death sentence for somebody and most likely an innocent child who will see this and think it is ok to go poking around electrical equipment looking for a hiding place.If this is going on it needs to stop IMMEDIATLY.... it is not worth killing someone to create a clever hide. It should also be considered negligent homicide if someone is killed while searching for a hide that is placed around electrical equipment. Electricity is invisible and an outside box that is sealed could still have a short and could kill any one touching it thinking it might be a Geocache hide. It simply is not worth it folks there are to many other ways to place a hide. I saw these things for sale so I know they are out there, the entire Geocaching community should make these TABOO never to be used or even considered. I would really like to know how others feel about this. I think it is absolutly wreckless and dangerous.


I'm gonna go out on a limb, and guess that you are not now, nor have you ever been an electrician.


Hi Folks...


I have gone back and looked over the discussions from the past on this subject,and it seems it has been going on for a while.

It also seems a lot of people feel fine with it. I find that unbelievable, but you each certainly have a right to your opinion.I think it is the equivalent of hiding a cache in a mine field.... but there is a great many who feel it is no risk at all... so carry on. I will say no more about it. Have fun be safe!!!!!

[sarcasm] I agree, totally. In fact, anytime I'm walking along a sidewalk and see an electrical box on the corner, I cross the street just to avoid being electrocuted by stray electricity. You'd think after the thousands of deaths, engineers would come up with some way to make those electrical boxes safe.[/sarcasm]


Snark aside, I don't think caches should be hidden on electrical boxes because even if the CO has permission to hide it there, there are many watchful eyes in public who wouldn't blink at calling the authorities when they see you running your hands all over it. Electrical boxes are safe enough to hide a cache on...they're just too visible to people who might think you're trying to vandalize it.


Danger aside this is like saying No to buried caches, No to screws in trees, No to Sprinkler Head .......... We talk about them but they still get put out there.


Danger aside this is like saying No to buried caches, No to screws in trees, No to Sprinkler Head .......... We talk about them but they still get put out there.


Buried caches and screws in trees actually violate the guidelines.


Sprinkler heads and electrical boxes CAN be violations like many other types, but the container themselves are not inherently in violation of any guideline.


There are no guidelines that address danger, so for an electrical box to be in violation it would need to be placed without permission or some other guideline violation in order for it to be in violation itself.


Not going to address sprinkler heads lest I be admonished for off topic discussion.


Danger aside this is like saying No to buried caches, No to screws in trees, No to Sprinkler Head .......... We talk about them but they still get put out there.

You forgot the VDOT banned guardrail hides. :anicute: Just check Ebay for cache containers, you may be suprised what you can find. :anibad:

How about take responsibility for your children. Don't you think if you are taking them out geocaching, you should be watching them. I take my kids. If they have any questions about an area, I reach in. NOT THEM. They also have common sense not to open things without out asking. But I guess in today's society it is easier to throw blame on someone else, then own up for your own mistakes




Look every cache has the potential to be dangerous. We went caching yesterday in the woods it was a high of 35F with a 5 year old and slick conditions. NEVER once was the child endangered. AS responsible adults we made sure that at least 1 adult was next to her the entire time and someone stood on safe ground while the others went for the cache. (3-5stars) Just use your head and nobody gets hurt.


One of my favorite caches is GC1VNAF if you didn't know what you were looking for you would never know a cache was there but as a responsible person I could see that NO wires were running to the cache. Just use your head.


Hmm. Most of my near-misses with electric were around home, not out in the field.


wrapped my hand around the bottom of that 350v capacitor and it shot my elbow back so fast it nearly dislocated my shoulder.


I'm an electrician that works for a major power company. Over the years (before I became active in the game), I've found probably half a dozen caches around electrical equipment I was working on. I normally just threw them away as trash. Geocaches have no business around electrical equipment, especially any that would be disguised as equipment themselves. If you want to set one up on your own property and willing to accept the liability (especially since your insurance probably won't cover it), then go for it, but keep it off privately owned equipment without permission.


Now that I'm in the game, if I find them around the equipment, I will remove them, and either turn it over to Lost Property or the Business Owner and email the cache owner where to pick it up. This would also go for any lamp post caches I find that are hidden inside the equipment.


I'd say 1 in every five, I find in the urban enviroment is hidden on electrical equipment. Those, I don't do with my kids. The ones that're really fun are the magnetic tape hidden under a flange or other piece of a transformer and people start prying the covers open looking for stuff. I post my disapproval in the log and leave it at that. I figure most people caching will do as they please any way and not heed my cocerns on the matter.


I've often wondered if I made a cache look like it was hooked up to live wires on purpose, how many people would go for it? I'm willing to bet, a lot would.


I'm an electrician that works for a major power company. Over the years (before I became active in the game), I've found probably half a dozen caches around electrical equipment I was working on. I normally just threw them away as trash. Geocaches have no business around electrical equipment, especially any that would be disguised as equipment themselves. If you want to set one up on your own property and willing to accept the liability (especially since your insurance probably won't cover it), then go for it, but keep it off privately owned equipment without permission.


Now that I'm in the game, if I find them around the equipment, I will remove them, and either turn it over to Lost Property or the Business Owner and email the cache owner where to pick it up. This would also go for any lamp post caches I find that are hidden inside the equipment.

Nice to find a hidden gem among all the sneering and insults. Thanks for posting this.


I say pay attention to the surroundings. If you don't think its safe, don't keep searching for it and mark it as ignored. If you happen to find it and its REALLY not safe, then alert GS or a reviewer by posting the appropriate log type or sending an email. Just because YOU don't think its safe doesn't mean others share YOUR opinion. Yes, this is a family friendly game, but if you're letting your kids open any kind of electrical box willy-nilly, that's YOUR problem.

an outside box that is sealed could still have a short and could kill any one touching it thinking it might be a Geocache hide.


Seems everytime this subject comes up, someone makes a statement simular to this.


While I don't disagree with the general theme of your complaint, this one really gets me.


Long before Geocaching was even a thought, I have leaned on, touched, sat on, and been around outside electrical boxes.


Whether it was to find an errant baseball, or to tie my shoes, or maybe to sit a minute on a shorter box. I have never felt any risk in doing so.


There might be some danger of such a box having a short, and killing someone who touches it. However, I think such an accident would be rare to the point of dismissing it.


I don't live my life in fear of earthquakes, shark attacks, lightning strikes, or shorted electrical boxes.

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