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Accidental find!


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My 9 year old son's day was made! I am an artist and was working in Niceville Florda. My son came running up with a container saying he found it. I knocked it out of his hands scolding him.10 years as a police officer/investigator brought horrible images to mind of what the contents of that box could be. When it hit the concrete it busted open spilling its innards in the process. The girl I had working with me said it looked like a time capsule of some type but then it hit me what it was. I had put this site on my desk top a few monthes back thinking I would get my boy's involved. I'm telling you, that youngun was beside himself. He got a couple of erasers,can top, change, and a book mark.We put in an eraser I had in my art bag,short pencil,bandaid, and money.Seems like there was something else but not really sure. All little boys like to find hidden treasures! Now both boy's are bugging me to go hunting.....

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Hey! Yea, We filled it back up. The paper was full of names so we put our name on a seperate paper. The container it's self was questionable. It was wrapped so thickly in electicle tape though that I am still not sure what it's original purpose was. At any rate, I was working at the Old Mexico Mexican restaurant. There is a bank in front of it. My son was playing on the stairs where the elevater is. He said the floor was spray painted " name's hiding spot" I think the name was Jeff. Was it you? I'll ask him tomorrow after school.

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That would be it. I work for 2 of them and am not familar with another... I didn't take the time to check this site out very well and now am busy with work.I did notice there are a few right here in our town. How important is gps in this? We don't have one.


Well there are a few people that have found them using Google Maps and hints. Others have used a compass and maps. But a GPSr is the easiest way. You can find used handhelds for under $100. You can get a new Magellan eXplorist GC off Amazon for $130. If you have a smartphone there are apps that you can install that will let you use it.

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I've used my car satnav to successfully find geocaches, but they are not the most accurate. Still, better than using google earth alone...

Oh brother!(face palm)I will be visiting the beginners section.I don't know anything about google earth or satnav but I am pretty sure my old truck doesn't have either one. It does have two gas tanks though :lol: This should get pretty interesting.

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Well, thats not so bad as far as price goes.I guess I can be looking while I'm out this week. Thanks for your time and help.One last question,are there any gps you would say not to get?


If you stick with Garmin, Magellan, or Delorme you can't go wrong. There were some Bushnells out there that were pretty bad units. Also try to stay away from car units if you want it for geocaching. As sshipway stated they can be used but they are harder to use since they are setup for road navigation. The only car unit with geocaching capabilities that I'm aware of is the Garmin Nuvi 500.

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My 9 year old son's day was made! I am an artist and was working in Niceville Florda. My son came running up with a container saying he found it. I knocked it out of his hands scolding him.10 years as a police officer/investigator brought horrible images to mind of what the contents of that box could be. When it hit the concrete it busted open spilling its innards in the process. The girl I had working with me said it looked like a time capsule of some type but then it hit me what it was. I had put this site on my desk top a few monthes back thinking I would get my boy's involved. I'm telling you, that youngun was beside himself. He got a couple of erasers,can top, change, and a book mark.We put in an eraser I had in my art bag,short pencil,bandaid, and money.Seems like there was something else but not really sure. All little boys like to find hidden treasures! Now both boy's are bugging me to go hunting.....

Neat story... but as you were a 10-yr police officer... that bomb you just knocked out of your kid's hand blew you all to smithereens!


Kidding aside, it's a moment in time that you get to cherish, when your kid makes a new 'discovery'.


Now... as far as your bomb-handling techniques go....

Edited by Gitchee-Gummee
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I now have to clean the coffe I just spewed off of the keyboard and the left half of my computer. That was an unexpected laugh!I am embarrassed to admit, but I never thought of a bomb untill you mentioned it. The shape of the container..... It was....interesting.So my kid's toting a rocket shaped container wrapped in electricle tape that rattles.It was for sure a memory made. I think we are mugglers? It's funny I had this site on my desk top for several monthes and had read just enough to know what it was and to put equal back in AND to return it. If I hadn't of ran across this site I might have let him keep it or something. So, I think we are ment to hunt.Thanks for the good laugh gitchee-gummee.

RUSSNBUNNY, Thanks I'm glad you liked it. The one who found it has a brother a year older that didn't go with us and he's SOOO jealous.

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