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Free Geocoins Cointest


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I have a friend headed south for the winter, and will be sending some coins free. and will be releasing 10 of them 9 will be adopted out.

To get one of these coins adopted to you just reply to this thread as to why you should get one of these coins. I will randomly select 9 names and send out adoption notices to the new owners.

The coins adopted will be My Plumbrokeacres personal coin minted in 2007 and some of my new PGCacher 2011 Group coins.

Cointest closes Nov. 19 midnight PST.


only one entry per cacher please

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Why..... well Last October I took a new job in Florida and moved from Kentucky for Florida I left my family in Kentucky so my kids could finish school in KY. I was all alone and sending most of my money home so I did almost nothing that cost $$$ no movies (red box only) no cable and no Internet other than the free one at the apartment complex pool and no eating out not that I wanted to eat alone. I was interested in Geo-caching and found a handheld GPS a Gamin Personal 12 for $25.00 off Craig's list in January . I started caching and riding my bike around town while caching I even did a CITGO. I loved it!!! Gave me something to do and I didn't feel so alone I really missed my family. Well in June of this year my family moved down with me and we rented a house while still trying to sell the house in Kentucky. My 5 year old loves to go caching with me and now my older son wants to go as well as a neighbor. For my birthday I got Amazon Gift cards and used them to get a new Delorme PN-60 with a case. I hope to give the Personal 12 to someone in the future. I don't really want the coin for me but to let my daughter have it so she can watch it travel. Now you know my story and how caching helped keep me out of the nut house. Tim2akaT2


PS why am I Tim2akaT2 well my boss is Tim and he and I went to a meeting he introduced himself as Tim and I said I am Tim Too. They signed a contract and now call me Tim2 and sometimes T2.

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A cointest, a possibility of a coin, I could get a coin? Oh Mom you just have to write out a reason we should get it.

That as my 11 year old reads over my shoulder. She is a little over obsessive about collecting things.


Our very first coin was adopted out to us in July. And it disappeared from the very first cache it was placed in to continue traveling. :-((


I then bought the two kids a traveller buddy, entered them in our local club race in August and they have since disappeared. No race was ever started and no one knows were they went.



At 11 DD loves the coins and unique travelers but doesn't want to sent any out any more.


My DH works out of town on 12/2 schedule, 12 work 2 off. While he is gone I am the one keeping the family going, keeping the kids from missing dad too much, often cutting me in two, in order to get all things done. Geocaching is our way to de-strain and bond.


For you guys in the hotels in away from your families, HUGS from the other side.

Edited by Team Pixos
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Adoptions are the great, I love watching them move about the map. Why I should win this coin? Simple I am so attached to the coins I get, as I have so few, that I cannot bring myself to letting them loose :P So by adopting I get to have a coin traveling without the pain of choosing one from my collection :)

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thank you for the cointest and please thenk your friend too!


Hmm... why I should get one of these beauties?

I have some reasons....


1) because I love geocoins!! I became a geocacher because of a geocoin! while I was searching for real coins I fell on an auction with the first greek geocoin and I fell in love with it! I tried to find more info and here I am! :)


2) I am unemployed for 2 years... and I have no idea when I will get a job with all this crisis here in Greece! we do not even know if in 2012 we will havwe Drachmas or Euros.... huh!


3)one of the first coin I won in a cointest (I do not remember if it was the first or the second) was your cointest with your 2007 coin! It was released and travelled in USA, passed the Atlantic, came to europe but it was stollen in an event in Italy! :cry: it was so close to meet me.... :(

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I should have one of these coins adopted to me because I only have a very few coins that I own and I would like to have one traveling of my own but my says that I shouldn't let any of these that I have go for a trip. I really enjoy collecting these coins and want to have a large collection but being unemployed makes it hard to get more coins for my collection.


Thank You very much for considering me for adopting one of these coins.



Cacher and Coin Collector from Arkansas.

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Great idea! I'm new to geocaching and it seems like a lot of fun to me. I'm trying to get my daughter interested so we can do something together that doesn't involve video games or sitting on the couch. I'd like to adopt a coin for her as a way to cultivate her interest and encourage her to get out and be active.

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I should get one of these coins because:


1. We are moving to Lexington the monday after thanksgiving so I can go to Grad school.

2. I turned in my two weeks notice to my job last week.... and now they are trying to find an excuse to get rid of me sooner.

3. My wife has an interview today!

4. You like me.... right?


Thanks for the cointest!

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I am a veteran who wound up unemployed for 6 months when the current administration took office. After a long job hunt that took me out of GCing for awhile, I have a great job supporting the network for the Dept of VA; a veteran supporting veterans :P


I had to move and have been unable to sell or rent the former home so things are a bit tight and I have only recently been able to return to my GC love. I went to the local 11-11-11 event and met many local GCers and am excited about getting more involved again. When flying jets, I collected military patches as part of the love, now my GC love virtually requires me to collect coins (they're so purty, u kno'). So far I have taken pics of others' coins as I move them from cache to cache, but a friend gave me a personal coin and I bought one at the 11-11-11 event. I'm hooked on collecting my own now!! PICK ME, PICK ME!!!

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Why?.... I'm using Geocaching as a technique to home-school and we don't have a coin yet! This would be a great way to help teach my child not only about geocaching and all the amazing things that in itself entail. But it would nice to do little history assignments on the places the coin visits! I would make its goal to travel to places with historical value and then teach that to my kids. I'm kind of excited just thinking about the lesson plans! :D

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As one of the newest collectors on the forum (maybe the newest), providing me with one of my first coins would insure the coin would be held and treasured for years to come. I would look at it and remember the generousity of you, the forum and the hobby which I love. The story would likely be retold countless times, providing enthusisam for others that would ripple throughout time.

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Wow thank you so much for this opportunity.

I only have one coin at the moment and since it is my first I have a hard time letting go of it. At the same time one of my dreams is to own a coin that travels around in the big beautiful world.


It would mean a lot to me to adopt one of the coins, so if you want a coin to Denmark I would love to accept it! :-)

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I have far too many coins already, so am not applying...

but want to say thanks to you for getting more coins out there in such a generous manner.

I see new cachers applying, and encourage them to participate.

Caching is a great activity, having trackables add value to the experience.

Fun, international interest, going beyond borders, opening up new ideas, and maybe some disappointment (10% usually go missing in the first year)


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My toe broke today. Now, some things are supposed to break, like fevers and wishbones, but my toe is not a fever or a wishbone.


It was hit by a falling metal chair. Now, I'm sure some things are supposed to be hit by metal chairs, though for the life of me, I can't think what, but I'm pretty sure my toe isn't one of those things.


Why should I get this coin? I think metal owes me one, and the coin is decidely metal. But I promise to be nicer to it than it was to me. I won't make a chair out of it.

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Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter I have decided to make a coin race out of the coins and will be doing random draws of cachers that help move the coins and will will adopt out a few more that way. and without further ado the winners are:


Team Pixos


Laval K-9




djds clan



Congratulations! Please send me the GC# of a cache you would like it to go to (can be near your home or a place you'd love to visit).

I will post TB#'s as they are adopted out and look forward to seeing their travels.


If you would like one of these coins as your own, I do have some available for sale.

Edited by plumbrokeacres
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I was so busy with all kind of stuff that I just found out that was are one of the lucky winners :grin: Thanks a lot for giving us the opportunity to adopt a coin. I will send you the GC# of a cache we own which is not very far from our home. Hopefully it will make it's way there ;)


Thanks a lot for the cointest!!!! :D

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