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NM logs!

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I think a lot of cachers are afraid to log a NM for fear of coming off as nitpicking, a noob, or maybe offending the CO. I am find ing I would much rather have a NM log instead of someone posting a by the way log is wet in their log.


I like to look down my cache list and see which caches I need to clean up, at a glance.


I went to a csche that did have a NM log and while there checked on my other caches. Yikes, another one really needed maintenance! No one had posted a NM on it.


Anyone finding the same?


So, for noobs and all...log a NM if you see it does. I don't mind a NM for any reason. Wet log, overgrown, etc. Thanks!

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I think a lot of cachers are afraid to log a NM for fear of coming off as nitpicking, a noob, or maybe offending the CO. I am find ing I would much rather have a NM log instead of someone posting a by the way log is wet in their log.


I like to look down my cache list and see which caches I need to clean up, at a glance.


I went to a csche that did have a NM log and while there checked on my other caches. Yikes, another one really needed maintenance! No one had posted a NM on it.


Anyone finding the same?


So, for noobs and all...log a NM if you see it does. I don't mind a NM for any reason. Wet log, overgrown, etc. Thanks!


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I'm in agreement. If the cache needs maintenance please post a NM log.


It certainly does make cache ownership easier when you can tell which caches have issues at a glance.


I think part of the problem is that some cache owners take a NM log personally and react negatively. That makes finders hesitant to log one. These cache owners need to lighten up and realize that a NM log is not a personal attack, it's simply the finder's assessment of the status of the cache.


If the log is unwarranted simply reset the NM flag. No harm, no foul.

Edited by briansnat
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Of course. Doing the maintenance is the hard part. Logging that it was done is fairly easy! :)


I always acknowledge when is NM log is posted with a statement about when I will get to it. Sometimes I know it will be week or so because I have a busy work schedule. But I post that.


I hate leaving wet or damp logs for cachers. Makes me :(


I agree, Brain. I really think cachers aren't using the NM log for that reason. I don't take a NM as an insult. I take it as my cache needs maintenance. Lol. It's expected. These containers sit outdoors, in the sun and rain and I've heard in the snow too.


They're bound to NM.

Edited by SeekerOfTheWay
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And remember not to post NM for stupid reasons: The TB is missing. The Rite-in-the-Rain log is wet. I couldn't find it.

I had someone post an NM because the area flooded. He didn't bother looking for it, and the cache is 25' above the river level. After that, he claims to have looked for it, so I took a maintenance run. Cache was right where I left it 4 years ago.

So, only log NM for valid reasons.

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Of course. Doing the maintenance is the hard part. Logging that it was done is fairly easy! :)


I've seen lots of instances where the CO does not know how to log "owner maintenance" or "update coordinates" logs.


It seems like it might be a good topic for the Groundspeak Weekly Newsletter to address. Both sides of the coin: seekers need to post NM logs and the reasons why and to tell CO's how to deal with NM logs without sending nasty emails to those who post the NM logs, and to teach CO's how to properly log owner maintenance and updating of coordinates.

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Of course. Doing the maintenance is the hard part. Logging that it was done is fairly easy! :)


I always acknowledge when is NM log is posted with a statement about when I will get to it. Sometimes I know it will be week or so because I have a busy work schedule. But I post that.


I hate leaving wet or damp logs for cachers. Makes me :(


Can we clone you?



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For the caches I own, I don't need NM logs. I read every cache log as they come in. If I see a Found It log that mentions an issue, I will correct it as soon as I am able. Because I opt for quality containers, in mostly muggle free locations, maintenance is seldom needed though. I do like to see NMs on caches I don't own, as they tell me to do a little digging in the past logs before putting boots on soil, giving me the opportunity to load up on stuff like extra logs, or whatever issue needs to be addressed.

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Great topic! I agree with everything that has been mentioned. As a CO, I love getting notification that something needs looking into. On the flip side, I think some COs are used to ignoring NM logs. There is one around me that I have never seen respond to a NM log, not once. I have moved on to the dreaded NA log on some of his! (where warranted)

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For the caches I own, I don't need NM logs. I read every cache log as they come in. If I see a Found It log that mentions an issue, I will correct it as soon as I am able. Because I opt for quality containers, in mostly muggle free locations, maintenance is seldom needed though. I do like to see NMs on caches I don't own, as they tell me to do a little digging in the past logs before putting boots on soil, giving me the opportunity to load up on stuff like extra logs, or whatever issue needs to be addressed.




Golly, what did people ever do before the 'Needs Maintenance' log type was created? :unsure:


I personally DO NOT appreciate them from the first person to notice a problem, unless it is a critical problem.

I DO appreciate finders who will tell me the log is ALMOST FULL, so I can do something before it is COMPLETELY FULL.


By the same token, I will mention any minor issues in my log and expect the owner to read what I write. If the previous two or three finders have mentioned the same issue and the owner hasn't taken action I would not hesitate to post an 'Needs Maintenance' log.

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I wish I had time to read every cache log that came in. But I don't. Sometimes, at the end of a week or two, I'll sign on and read all the logs posted. But by then any maintenance that needs to have been done may be too long overdue.


That's just a different style of play though. I don't cache everyday nor do I want to have to be involved everyday. For me, it's a hobby. So I don't check up on caches of mine, or others, every day.


I can go 2 or more weeks without signing in, or without reading logs. So I really do need the NM logs. If they didn't have those, I wouldst hide any caches because I wouldn't be able to properly maintain them.


So, I log in when I can, scan for the NM icons next to my caches, and deal with them. Seems the best way for those of us that don't cache every day.

Edited by SeekerOfTheWay
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Well, I guess I am thick-headed (actually I know I am!).

I still don't see how needing to scan all your caches is faster than reading one or two eMails a day...unless cachers are writing incredibly log logs for every find on every cache.


Perhaps a bit less time spent here in the forums could free-up a few minutes to read some eMail?


OOPS! P.S. I promise to post a NM for any issues I see with any of your caches I might find someday.

Edited by AZcachemeister
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Yeah. I guess I don't understand this problem. As of my last update, I've had 2549 finds in 2508 days on 79 hides (three now archived.) Wow! I average 1.02 finds per day on my caches! And I enjoy reading every log!

If I didn't enjoy reading the logs, or didn't have enough time to read them, then I'd be thinking that I'm doing something wrong.

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Very good topic! I think it is a very useful tool to look at a glance and see what you need to take care of. I am wondering if people adding "oh by the way..." to their log, are doing so because they are new and don't know you can log a NB and i Found log? I'm not sure, just a thought.

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I agree great topic. I am a newer cacher, but accept we all have a bit of responsibility to the game if we want to continue to enjoy it at a high level. I always carry spare logs (except nanos) and baggies. If a bag is ripped, or missing, log filled, then I replace it and make a note of it when I log. It helps out the CO, but more importantly keep the game flowing. Sorry to say, but probably half of the NM I have posted, have not resulted in any action to resolve the problem. On a few occasions, I have received a nice note from a CO offering thanks for the maintenance or notification. There really needs to be more on both ends, to keep the game flowing and enjoyable.

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I wish I had time to read every cache log that came in. But I don't. Sometimes, at the end of a week or two, I'll sign on and read all the logs posted.


Just to clarify: when the email shows up in your inbox that a cache you own has been logged you just delete it unread?

Edited by Joshism
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Yes, if I get a bunch of cache logs on a day and I cent read them, I'll let them sit in my inbox unopened. Sometimes I'll go back and read them. Most times, when I can, I'll log online and read all the caches that were recently found.


I know we have to, but I would really rather not get an email for every cache found. It's overwhelming to me at times. I love long logs and I get quite a few on my caches which I appreciate. But I prefer to choose when to read them.

Edited by SeekerOfTheWay
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I think a lot of cachers are afraid to log a NM for fear of coming off as nitpicking, a noob, or maybe offending the CO. I am find ing I would much rather have a NM log instead of someone posting a by the way log is wet in their log.


I like to look down my cache list and see which caches I need to clean up, at a glance.


I went to a csche that did have a NM log and while there checked on my other caches. Yikes, another one really needed maintenance! No one had posted a NM on it.


Anyone finding the same?


So, for noobs and all...log a NM if you see it does. I don't mind a NM for any reason. Wet log, overgrown, etc. Thanks!

If my cache has issues, NM. if you can't find it, NO.

i got a tricky cache that gets lots of NM and *never* is missing when i check on it.

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