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Geocaching Announcements Forum

The Hornet

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Could I put in a polite request for more use to be made of the Announcements forum by TPTB.


Having had problems with accessing the site, slow response times and non-replies to support e-mails I've discovered that other people have had the same problems and I understand now what's happening behind the scenes.


To do this I've had to trawl through numberous other topics. It seems to me that a lot of 'hot air' could be saved if a brief announcement was made from time to time. I notice that the last time this forum was used was back in March.


I'm not criticising what's going on, I'm sure we'll all be delighted when the changes are implemented, rather I'm just saying let us know what's happening.

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I've complained in the past that we need more feedback from GC too.


It's frustrating when there is a server problem and you can't get in. You end up finding out that it's NOT you through alt.rec.geocaching, not from an official source.


At work, we have sat down with feedback from users and now have very strict guidelines to inform users of outages, especially after the fact, so they know what was going on.


A simple note like.. "System slow, we are investigating" followed by .. "Rebooted server and everything is fine" would be sufficient.



Mobile Cache Command

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Well, the forums were still readable yesterday, even when the main part of the site was down. I couldn't log in to be able to post, but I could catch up on posts made earlier in the day. If TPTB could have made a post in the forums saying what was wrong, I'd have been able to read it. Even an after the fact "this is what happened, it's fixed now" would be nice.


Nothing to see here, move along.

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My IPS has a section for outages on their home page. It lets useres know when and why the service was down. Perhaps this web page could do the same.


When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.

Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by IV_Warrior:

Even an after the fact "this is what happened, it's fixed now" would be nice.

It was only 7:45am out there at the Groundspeak world headquarters building when you posted this. Give them some time. What ever the problem was, happened on a weekend, even they are entitled to take the weekend off and step away from the computer for a day or 2. Now it's just barely morning there. I'm sure we'll hear what happened eventually.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Originally posted by timpaula:

actually, i'd feel better if they took tuesdays & wednesdays off. Weekends are made for geocaching, you know? Prime time. Would be nice to know someone's minding the store.



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Just to clear up any unintentional misuderstandings.


I realise that if the system is down you can't log on to find out why! I realise that TPTB only have so many hours to work. I realise that there are time differences.


All I was suggesting was to use the existing announcement forum (after the event if necessary) to say this happened or that is going to happen or whatever. Even to find out a day or so later can be reassuring.


These guys do a great job and I for one appreciate it.

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Originally posted by timpaula:

actually, i'd feel better if they took tuesdays & wednesdays off. Weekends are made for geocaching, you know? Prime time. Would be nice to know someone's minding the store.




Its the weekend.... Would I be minding the store? ....No I'd be Geocaching.


For goodness sake give the guys a break its not life or death if you cant log on is it.

Go cut the grass or something.


Have boots and GPSr, will cache for fun!

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Obviously the server is running now so unless it fixed itself and they aren't aware of it, an after-action report would show some interest for the user community.


If geocaching.com / Groundspeak is (going to be) a "real" business, then acting like one and having someone on-site or on-call 24/7.


I don't mean to be harsh... I would just like some feedback and this is NOT the first time that there has been an outage and no word from above. It's more like the 50th time.



Mobile Cache Command

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