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Hurricane Irene Auction Ancient One Anasazi Edition 1 of 11


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Taking a lead from Stephanie, (Tsun), I have placed my Ancient One Anasazi Geocoin on ebay with all proceeds going to the Red Cross of American to help with the Hurricane Irene Disaster.

For health reasons I have been selling off my coin collection the past few months but have been bothered about what to do with my mystery, gifted, and coins won in contests that I have been lucky enought to have gotten over the past few years because I don't feel comfortable in selling those.

So this is the perfect situation for my little kokopelli to be set "free", doesn't hurt as bad this way. lol

I have no idea how to do links to be able to put it in this post so you'll just have to do a search for anasazi geocoin if you are interested in my little guy.



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