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Schrödinger's Geocoin


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Woohoo! Email sent!


Another picture of a cat!


Correct! Please send me your address and which version(Antique Copper, Antique Gold, or Antique Silver) that you would prefer.


Here is the stereo-gram for the AE version





******* COINTEST #3 *********


You may answer every 4 hours until the contest is over. This will be for one of the AE editions of the coin.


In literature, a name was given Schrodinger's cat. What was that name?


I realize that there may be several correct answers to this question so all correct answers will be submitted for a random draw for the winner. Contest will cease when the specific name I have in mind is posted.


Good Luck!

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Sorry about the contest guys! I'm currently at a science fiction convention in Atlanta but I will determine a winner when I get back!


can you confirm if you got the message i sent you with my address? :D


Yes I received the address but I am still awaiting my shipment of coins. They may have arrived today but I am out of town until Tuesday. ;)

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Sorry about the contest guys! I'm currently at a science fiction convention in Atlanta but I will determine a winner when I get back!


can you confirm if you got the message i sent you with my address? :D


Yes I received the address but I am still awaiting my shipment of coins. They may have arrived today but I am out of town until Tuesday. ;)


thanks, there is no rush :D

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If it was to be an ammo can, perhaps a stylised version combining the experiment with geocaching - a can marked with appropriate symbols like the nuclear warning sign, an atom design, or even the cat (printed on the side, climbing out the can, etc...)


To refine my previous thought on the cat, I would be tempted to reuse the earlier cat image, just play with it a wee bit in reference to the experiment - so by either having only one side of the cat drawn and the other entirely missing, or to have it split down the middle, half in a positive image as normal, the other half coloured negative for the two states.

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