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Bubble soap and other leakables


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Well, I just got a note that one of my caches was damaged by water. Since I had just replaced this cache container about 2 weeks ago, this was not good to hear. I just got back from replacing the container and all the contents...seems it had not leaked due to container failure, but to a bottle of bubble soap! Suggestion: bubble soap or anything else, which I am not sure what that would be, should be placed in a "zip lock" to avoid accidental leakage. We still need to leave items like this for the kids.

I salvaged a key chain and a cassete and started this with new log book, Indigo sports watch, walkman speakers etc..


de mortuis nil nisi bonum

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I agree...


Although bubbles are pretty cool... I've found at least one cache that was wet with bubble soap from a leaky can.


I think they have some bubble kits wrapped in blister packs. They wouldn't leak.



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