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Roll Up Roll Up! Guess correctly and win a Prize !


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Recently I was lucky enough to win a amazing XLE 1 of 20 Artist Edition Circle of Four geocoin! over on this thread thanks to the generosity of Jim.

So it is now my turn to repay in kind to these great forums, plus it has been a while since my last give away :anicute:


Simple game, simple rules. :yikes:


I have a few coins waiting to go into albums and some in a couple of draws for trades/gifts/cointests I wondered how many there were, so

I piled them up while I counted them...


Look at the picture below and try to imagine how many coins are there, then think of a number between 50 and 199 place your guess.:lostsignal:


If you like there is a spread sheet link so you may mark off your guess to help others and yourself make valid guesses. It is an open spread sheet

so just click the number you guessed and change the cell colour, should it be deleted or lost no biggie it is just there in case it helps.


  • 1 guess per 8 hours ( be sure 8 have passed or your guess will not be accepted and you need to wait another 8 hours from the wrong guess)
  • Cointest will end when it ends
  • The first valid correct guess wins a prize
  • Prize to be announced in a few days ( A coin from the pile)
  • Rules are made to be broken (by me) should I have forgotten something




Good Luck All! :P


Looking good people :anibad: lots of participants so far but the more the merrier as there will be a part two of this cointest once the correct number has been guessed :drama:

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