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Spoilers for movies in cache description.


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Okay, i've never had an issue with this. But there is quite a few local caches based about the Horcrux's in Harry Potter. Now honestly... It is a great idea! The issue I have, is that is uses the names actual Horcrux's in the movies. To top it off, even if you didn't know what a Horcrux was, it explains exactly what they were! To make matters worse, it does not do this vaguely. It tells you how they found the Horcrux, the troubles the had to go through to receive it, how they destroyed it. It really goes beyond any movie spoiler i've seen in a cache.


I've only seen up to the Half Blood Prince, so this really kind of ruins the last two movies for me... I was waiting for HBO, or Cinemax to put them on...


Is there any rules against this? Is this even a common event?

Posted (edited)

This isn't something I've come across before and I doubt there are any rules regarding it.

If it were me I would probably send the CO a very nice friendly email explaining my concerns. You can explain your position - that you haven't seen all the films and that this has been a spoiler for you - and then kindly ask if they could put at the top of their description that it contains a spoiler for the film. I wouldn't ask them to change it, but just to make sure that people know what they're going to get before they read on. That way if people haven't seen all the films but want to in the future, they can leave the caches for after they've seen the films.

Edited by Hawkins2

i once went out caching during the day and man, the sun was SO BRIGHT, i decided i better try caching at night. so i went out and turns out it was SO dark! man i wish there was something i could do about it.


Playing devil's advocate here, but even if they do provide spoilers for the films, the books are VERY old news and that is probably where the information about the horcruxes comes from. It's unfortunate that you feel it has spoiled the last two films for you, but I think for most Harry Potter fans this is going to be information they're already well aware of and they will see these themed caches an an entertaining tie-in.

Is there any rules against this?

Without checking, I'm going to guess no.


The books have been out for over four years and are a pretty big part of pop culture; I think the grace period on discussing what happened expired a while back.


I can understand how you might have been unintentionally spoiled when you ran across the first Horcrux cache description, but I would gently suggest you probably should have refrained from reading all of the rest of the cache pages from start to finish.


Okay, i've never had an issue with this. But there is quite a few local caches based about the Horcrux's in Harry Potter. Now honestly... It is a great idea! The issue I have, is that is uses the names actual Horcrux's in the movies. To top it off, even if you didn't know what a Horcrux was, it explains exactly what they were! To make matters worse, it does not do this vaguely. It tells you how they found the Horcrux, the troubles the had to go through to receive it, how they destroyed it. It really goes beyond any movie spoiler i've seen in a cache.


I've only seen up to the Half Blood Prince, so this really kind of ruins the last two movies for me... I was waiting for HBO, or Cinemax to put them on...


Is there any rules against this? Is this even a common event?


If I were concerned about spoilers in those movies, I would go out and watch the movies. Otherwise I might risk having heard it at work, gym, news, some other pop culture medium etc. I say watch the movies ASAP and stop waiting!


Btw at the end of the original planet of the apes, you see the statue of liberty and find out it WAS earth all along!


I always figure after something has been out for a few months all discussion is fair game. I have had situations where a group starts to talk about a movie that had been put for months and one person says stop I haven't seen it. We generally ignore that request.


I think my favorite part of this is that you went and got this cache. 1st. You did not have to do the cache. 2. Once you noticed it was talking about the story and the parts you had not seen, you did not have to continue reading. 3rd what about the majority of cachers who don't care about harry potter and need the information if it pertains to the cache. 4th what about the cachers who love harry potter so they already have seen it so it was not a spoiler to them. it sounds like you were in a very small minority and I don't believe it is up to the owner to try to please everyone. Heck it might even be that after reading about the horcruxs that some cachers might want to end up seeing the movie.


I would say let it go. .


In The Wizard of Oz Dorothy was dreaming the whole thing. :ph34r:


The HP books have been out for years so you don't need a spoiler alert when you reference them. It's going to be a while before the newest movies are available on cable TV so I suggest you start reading if you can't afford a movie ticket.


Some people have a pretty selfish attitude towards this. I'm not suggesting the CO change their page, but it wouldn't hurt in this situation to just let people know straight away what to expect. It really bugged me when someone told me the ending to Sixth Sense before I'd seen it. People should have the choice to avoid it if they wish. The final HP movie has only just come out so it's not a few months and not everyone likes reading.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

This one is easy. The egg came first.


Dinosaurs were being hatched from eggs long before chickens existed, so the egg came way before the chicken.


Chicken eggs, however, also came before the first chicken. As chickens evolved from whatever they were before, the previous animals were laying eggs and the animal that came out was slightly more chicken-like.


Eventually an egg was laid by a non-chicken that produced a chicken. Again, the egg came first.


Spoiler Alert!!!


The shark dies at the end of Jaws, and Rocky wins the fight at the end of Rocky II.

THANKS FOR SPOILING THESE FOR ME. I have been waiting for these films to come out on DVD at the dollar store! :laughing:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

This one is easy. The egg came first.


Dinosaurs were being hatched from eggs long before chickens existed, so the egg came way before the chicken.


Chicken eggs, however, also came before the first chicken. As chickens evolved from whatever they were before, the previous animals were laying eggs and the animal that came out was slightly more chicken-like.


Eventually an egg was laid by a non-chicken that produced a chicken. Again, the egg came first.


If the animal came out slightly more chicken like, wasn't that the first chicken? So the chicken came before the egg!


I don't think your supposed to answer that question btw...

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
This one is easy. The egg came first.


Dinosaurs were being hatched from eggs long before chickens existed, so the egg came way before the chicken.


Chicken eggs, however, also came before the first chicken. As chickens evolved from whatever they were before, the previous animals were laying eggs and the animal that came out was slightly more chicken-like.


Eventually an egg was laid by a non-chicken that produced a chicken. Again, the egg came first.

If the animal came out slightly more chicken like, wasn't that the first chicken? So the chicken came before the egg!


I don't think your supposed to answer that question btw...

Slighly more chicken like = all the way a chicken???


No, I meant that if chickens evolved from some sort of lizard, and one day a lizard was hatched with little buds that would eventually become feathers on down the evolution line, those buds would make him slightly more chicken like than his mother which didn't have them. But, that doesn't mean the lizard is a chicken.


Eventually an egg was laid by a non-chicken that produced a chicken. Again, the egg came first.


addisonbr gave a great response in post #5. I would say that any cache based on a book or movie is going to have spoiler information. If you don't want the book/movie to be spoiled, it's probably best that you not read those cache pages.

Posted (edited)

This is ridicules. I ask a legitimate question and you treat it like off-topic.


Wow, people on here are brutal.


*Mrs H quietly retreats back to friendlier forums* Sorry Coldgears, you're on your own!


PS. Mushtang, if you're going to do something like that you should at least make sure you spell it right.

Edited by Hawkins2

This is ridicules. I ask a legitimate question and you treat it like off-topic.


Wow, people on here are brutal.


*Mrs H quietly retreats back to friendlier forums* Sorry Coldgears, you're on your own!

Just towards ColdGears today.


Hang around for a while and see what you think.


Spoiler Alert!!!


The shark dies at the end of Jaws, and Rocky wins the fight at the end of Rocky II.

THANKS FOR SPOILING THESE FOR ME. I have been waiting for these films to come out on DVD at the dollar store! :laughing:

Guess you already know you and the Nautilus survive into the Mysterious Island film. Right? Since you were in it.


Doug 7rxc


This is ridicules. I ask a legitimate question and you treat it like off-topic.


Wow, people on here are brutal.


*Mrs H quietly retreats back to friendlier forums* Sorry Coldgears, you're on your own!


PS. Mushtang, if you're going to do something like that you should at least make sure you spell it right.


I don't know, take a look at all the other threads, especially in the Getting Started forum. People on this forum are very helpful, when it comes to legitimate requests for help.


The OP is a forum regular, and hangs out in the OT forum. He's got a bit of history with the other members, so it's not like he's a newbie to the forums. It's not "brutal" at all what has been posted. It's more like poking, nose tweaking, etc.


This is ridicules. I ask a legitimate question and you treat it like off-topic.


Wow, people on here are brutal.


*Mrs H quietly retreats back to friendlier forums* Sorry Coldgears, you're on your own!


PS. Mushtang, if you're going to do something like that you should at least make sure you spell it right.

Mrs H... this is just friendly ribbing of our friend. Not as mean as it might seem to you. Coldgears has been around the block a few times and can handle this teasing.


The cowboys defeat the aliens.


Awww, MAN!!! I haven't seen that one yet!! :mad:


Sorry bout that. But you know the cowboys are always gonna win. Unless they are playing the Saints.


Darth Vader is Luke's father.

Awww, MAN!!! I haven't seen that one yet!! :mad:


Well, you're going to be really creeped out when you find out about Luke and Princess Leia.




No! You don't say!!


After all the years growing up of getting all those American films a year late, now at last, a generation later, I finally hear of an American kid who hasn't seen a movie that my kids have seen! At last! I am savouring this moment.


Now just imagine this was the story with almost every film that came out for the duration of your childhood, teens and young adult life. That was me growing up, Think yourself lucky! :P:laughing:


Warner Bros. Studios

Burbank, CA


To: Groundspeak, Inc.


It has come to our attention that the Geocaching.com website is publishing spoilers to some of our summer blockbusters. This is resulting in the loss of potential audience (particularly for DVD and VOD sales) as viewers who find these geocaches are not likely to watch something if they already know how it turns out.


We ask you to cease and desist from the publication of spoilers without first obtaining written permission from our legal department.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Jeff Robinov


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