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Budapest 2011 - MEGA HUNt


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Dear Friends,


Have you ever been to Hungary? I think this could be a great oportunity to visit us!

As a geocacher, you may be interested in a unique event held in Budapest on the weekend of September 10th, 2011.


More than 400 new geocaches will be published on September 10th. More than 400 opportunities for FTF!


Furthermore, the new hides will cover all 81 possible combinations of the Difficulty and Terrain matrix from 1/1 to 5/5.


Budapest 2011 - MEGA HUNt


Come and participate in this great FTF hunt! Mark your calendar and place a "Will Attend" log on the listing: http://coord.info/GC2WBKW

Also take a look at the event's own website: www.bpcachers.com


Budapest Cachers' Club members, the organizers of this event, have hidden more than 800 caches in Hungary, such as the Somogy Power Trail, GBGA and CAB series in Budapest, the letter series of Ujpest, the Hars-hegy and Janos-hegy trails and many other interesting hides.


Please, tell your friends about this fantastic event! We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Happy caching to all of you!



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