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Just thought I'd stop by here to throw out a teaser :)


I haven't done a teaser thread for a long time.


As usual, a shaped koin that has been in the works since 2010. There's actually a pencil drawing on Facebook ;)


I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.


Details soon.





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Hey, tsun. Any chance of you soonering some of those details and sketches to this thread for one faceless coiner? Please.


Wow, sounds heavy "faceless coiner" :lol: Like to see a picture of that.

But as I read the coments above I'm also very interested in seing the whole coin (I have a face, but no facebook ;) )

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Hey, tsun. Any chance of you soonering some of those details and sketches to this thread for one faceless coiner? Please.


Wow, sounds heavy "faceless coiner" :lol: Like to see a picture of that.

But as I read the coments above I'm also very interested in seing the whole coin (I have a face, but no facebook ;) )


:back: <--- See? lol When the mood stikes, that is how I write. I have a feeling cachers have limited understandling of the contents of my logs for some geocaches. Sometimes that is for the better. You understood the message of the post just fine, didn't you JackHoe? That post was very toned down. If you want more of a challenge, you can always check out my wordplay ---> GC1G5B9. :laughing: More difficult puzzles are sleeping unpublished, maybe forever.


(Honestly, that back emoticon has always looked more like a service bell to me.)

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I'm sorry, I've been so busy the past couple of weeks, I haven't been here checking up :) The full pencil drawing is on FB although I did make a couple of changes. I'm working on samples now, so in a couple of weeks you can see the coin itself.


I'm very exited to see how this baby will look.


There's a new drawing also of one other coin posted to my FB page called; Merlin's Falcon.




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Stop that :) I'm sorry but I added a new K9 family member and before you know it I was also pretty sick (bed-ridden), I'm still slowly recovering but doing much better. The most I have been able to do is bring wood to the house for the woodstove, so geocoins fell off the radar. I was burning the candle at both ends and now I'm paying the price :(


This will have to wait for a couple more months along with a couple other designs that are sitting at the mint. I'm starting to doubt I'll have the 2011 ET done this year also :( I gotta concentrate on getting healthy, then I'll do the coin stuff again.



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In the meantime, can we see the new K9 member? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


Here's a link to one I posted on FB not long after I got him home. He's grown quite a bit the past couple of months and I haven't taken any pics recently. His name is Paco and he's a border collie. Tristin and Sundance love their brother and have been great babysitters while I've been sick.


Paco on FB

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Just curious...saw your post about Earth turtle 2012, didn't know if this one was coming soon too or not :)


Yes, the ET and KOIN will be done about the same time as far as samples go but I will only release 1 coin at a time as far as sales go, too much work to sell 2 coins at the same time especially if I do reservations.


tsun :)

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Yes, the ET and KOIN will be done about the same time as far as samples go but I will only release 1 coin at a time as far as sales go, too much work to sell 2 coins at the same time especially if I do reservations.


tsun :)


Oh My I think my heart skipped a couple of beats, Reservations, YAY! Big time Yay! :grin::lol::P

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Took forever but here are a couple versions that I finally received sample pictures of. There are 2 of the 4 I had made. These will not go up for reservations/sale until the Earth Turtle 2012 orders have all been shipped, so we're looking at a good month from now.


So something to look forward too in the meantime. I really like how these turned out :)






Edited by tsunrisebey
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